Sunday, April 27, 2014

Poem 1446. Justice to be done

                                                             Justice to be done
Once I use to stand in one point when I use to see some fight I wanted to stop people in life
But I feel one thing from inside that I just can't go ahead and stop them in life because I just feel
That if I done it then losses will be just to me inside life on many point I just never understand
When I change in life but now a days I feel one thing that those losses which I suffer are not
Harming me that much inside life I just keep thinking on every point that why should I care
For those others who just never let me stand for truth inside life after all truth is just one thought
And one idea of life which will keep coming inside our mind on every point when that truth enter
You just don't understand those lies which tell you that if you want to win then you must learn
To stand for all those moments of fight but if I tell you truth then I just feel one thing from inside
That no longer I will manage to think just to protect some one my hand began to rise I never
Think twice what other will feel or say in life on that moment I feel that injustice is one thing that
Cut inside my heart and manage to hurt my mind those things which I suffer will manage to come
Ahead as per my thoughts in life but I will never win on any moment and on any point of life
Because when I went ahead I just feel one thing from inside that I don't want to hurt people who
Surround me inside life in just this thinking I have spend my whole future and whole life but
Then I just feel one thing from my mind that on every point I need to understand one thing
From my heart that I just speak any thing from my heart since if I want to please each and
Every thought and heart then keeping quiet on every injustice seems like truth of our thought
And our heart when I went ahead inside every part I just feel one thought from my heart that
Every thinking which take me ahead on every part manage to destroy our thinking and heart
But after some point I just feel that I can't went ahead inside my life on every point because
Those thoughts are just keeping me in one corner and I just use to be quiet but still people just
Manage to hurt me on point to point inside life sometimes when you think too much about
Others in life slowly things turn into wrong way for our thinking and our mind so then I just
Feel one thing from my mind inside our thoughts and our life after all those thoughts which
Enter inside our future on every point I feel just one thing from inside that those thinking which
Make us perfect and alive inside my life I feel one thing from thoughts and our mind I feel just
One thing from inside life that I must learn to fight for right because finally not people but justice
Will stand with me when days of problem enter inside my life on every moment and on every fight
I just keep thinking that justice will not help me but I need people in life because that injustice
Is not on me so it will not matter much to me in life and it will hurt me on every moment and
On every point that those things which happen in our future are not that much part inside life
When I start to move ahead on every moment and on every point I feel that how can ignore
Them inside my life because I just remember those moments and those times when those
People who stood with me don't fight for me because it is not problem of my life when I went
Ahead on every point I just feel one thing from inside that those things which happen to us
In life are not going ahead as per our wish inside life I need to understand that injustice mean
That injustice which will take backward on every moment and on every point I just feel one
Thought from inside that how can any one stop injustice on one person inside life because
When injustice start mostly it will visit you after sometime but people never understand that
In their life people just feel one thing that they are all standing on wrong front of our life
When I went ahead I just feel one thought from inside those thinking which help me and
Tell me that I should not stop for my number in life and even if my number will don't come
Still I feel those tears which will give sleepless night for that mistake in life so when I went
Ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that I don't want people to come ahead as per
My thoughts and my thinking inside life but I just don't want them to insult others because
They are not ready to follow their advice but some times those people do too much in life
And then I just began to feel my anger is rises inside mind I just never understand one thought
From inside that when my hand comes before in form of word to stop that abuser inside
Life it is like lightening just happen inside life I never think twice before stopping that hand in life
May be when you start your fight I just feel your act happen even before you know what are
You doing inside life because when you want justice to be done you never think twice in life. 

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