Sunday, April 6, 2014

Poem 1409. Dreams inside mind

                                                         Dreams inside mind
When some thoughts turn wrong inside life I just feel that thoughts are stuck inside mind and
Inside our life I feel just a thought which stuck inside life so then I feel one thing fromMy thoughts and from our mind after all those thoughts which are just remain stuck inside
Our life after all those thoughts are something so interesting inside life that we try to ignore
That thought from my mind I feel just one thing from inside life that thought which stuck
In wrong way inside life because that thought turn in wrong way when we just keep telling
It don't exist in mind I know some thoughts are wrong but some thoughts are totally nice
In life but we have to just left them behind because we want them to go behind because they
Don't adjust with things which are around us in life on every moment and on every point
We just feel one thing from our mind that those thoughts are totally wrong on many thoughts
And on many point I just feel one thing from my mind that we just ignore thoughts for
Some selfish benefit of life like on some points we want world to accept inside life because
Those things are something which will not easily accepted by world inside life so then I just
Feel one thing from my mind that on every moment I feel that those things are totally wrong
Just because those things are something so wrong inside life I feel just one thing from one
Thought inside life I have to put aside that thought just because it doesn't suit other people
And inside their lifestyle in my heart I just feel that I must adjust with that lifestyle but then
I just feel one thing from my mind do I really need to forget my things  in that lifestyle
Which is suggested by those people inside life because when I went ahead with my lifestyle
I just feel one thing from my mind that those things which are important inside life are just
Gave away because I feel one thought from my mind that if I want to adjust with them I need
To understand their thoughts and accept their lifestyle but on every mind I just never feel
One thought from inside of my life that I am stopping my thoughts for unnecessary things
Inside life I just always kept going ahead on every point I never feel one thought from my
Thinking and from my mind that on every moment I feel just one thing from my thinking
And from my mind that my lifestyle never goes ahead just as I wish inside our future and
Inside our life I never let them think how wrong can things go inside our life and how wrong
Can many thoughts turn from time to time in our life I feel one thing from my mind that
On every point I feel one thinking in my life those thoughts keep going ahead inside life
I just have one thought from my mind  which enter inside life look totally wrong
On every point I feel one thing due to those people I have to change my lifestyle and on
Every moment I need to feel one thing from my mind that those things which happen inside
Our life are something so wrong in my life when I start to go ahead inside our life I feel
One thing from my mind those things which happen in our life are just those which we
Accepted from time to time I feel one thing from inside life those resources are something
Which are precious in mind I feel one thought from my mind lifestyle is something so
Important on every spot and on every point but then suddenly I feel one thing from my
Thinking and my mind that on every point I feel those thoughts are totally wrong on
Every moment and on every point I just wish one thing inside my life that those resources
Which are important to us are perfect and nice inside our life but then on every moment
And on every point I feel one thing inside life after all those things are something important
Inside life on every point we just feel that we can win when every one will appreciate
In our life those things which happen on every point of our life I just feel one thing from
Inside those dreams that I want them to take us ahead on every point I just keep one thought
From my mind that those dream are stopped by wrong logic in life when we went ahead
On every point I just feel those things are so perfect inside life I have those dreams are
Totally alive inside but then as days went ahead on every point I just have one feeling from
Inside those dreams are not stopping me inside life they are just creating problems to all
On every point I feel those dreams are just sitting in corner so upset by our behaviour in life
They just never quit on us they are still waiting for that day when we will understand those
People who are forcing us with lifestyles are those person who never cared for us in life
We just have to return to our dreams and true friends will come with us on every point of life.

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