Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Poem 2027. Moving backward in life

                                                      Moving backward in life
Moving ahead is nice thought sometimes but mostly it scare us from inside we are never ready to
Try new things in life since we never feel that sunrise will be there after every sunset in life we just
Feel one thought from inside moving ahead is necessity of life we have to understand what is truth
Of our mind we have to move with just one thought from mind we feel one thing from inside that
Moving ahead is necessity of life we feel just one thought from inside movement is so much great
On every point but then when we move ahead on every point movement will have some effect on
Our mind that movement which will show us moving is not easy in life but then at some movement
Are nothing but just one dream of our mind on that point they look so great on every point we just
Feel one thought from inside moving ahead means moving in that way where life will began to show
Us good and perfect light but sometimes we move in wrong way in life our movements are not taking us
Ahead in same way in life they are taking us ahead in totally different way than what we thought
From inside moving ahead with one thought from our mind when one thing will take us ahead on
Each and every point since moving ahead means moving ahead in our life we are at every point
When we move ahead from one point to another point after all moving ahead is something which
Will have effect on our mind so in life when we want to move from one objective then to some
Interesting objective in life when we start to find goal which will show us new angle of life but
Then moving ahead is that thought which will have some effect on mind but then in life we will
Just find useful effect on our mind moving ahead is that section of life which we required on every
Moment and point moving ahead is that thought which will give freshness and new ambition in
Our future and life moving ahead which will show our world new concepts on every point but then
Moving ahead will show us new prospects in life at every point moving ahead will become some
Necessary impact on our mind so then moving ahead is running ahead on every point of life we feel
One thought from inside moving ahead at every point will show this world at every point to that side
On which we need world to be great in life moving ahead is some thought which will show us some
New and perfect sort of shine moving ahead is one thought which will create some effect on life
So at point world we feel one thought from inside moving ahead will be that route of life which will
Have some effect on our mind so then moving ahead with one thought from inside then we just feel
One thought from inside moving ahead at every step we feel moving ahead is one thing which we
Just need it in life moving is that routine of life which will show us in good way in life but then
I feel one thinking from inside moving is that effect on our life which will show us on every point
Moving ahead is making fresh and perfect our life but still some time people just claim they have
Strength inside to just claim but not to move ahead in life at every point they feel one thought from
Mind that strength is that thought which will manage to move us ahead in life we need to just
Manage and understand in mind that how can we feel one thought from inside moving is just one
Sort of thought which we just claim on some point but never do it in life because we can't move
Ahead with one thought from inside that moving ahead is not that much easy in life just claiming
Is so easy on every point one thought can take you to that point where life will form one thinking
From inside we are brave enough to forget and forgive some people in life at every point we just
Have one thought from inside moving ahead is that quality which we have some effect on our
Thinking and mind we need to move ahead with one thought from inside moving ahead is that
Thought which will show us to that angle of life moving ahead will be one thing which will
Show us need from inside moving is that concept which will have some impact on our life so
Then moving ahead must be down with care on every time because sometimes moving backward
Will be also risk of our life when we move backward we are destroying our life we feel just one
Thought from inside we are moving ahead but we need to move with one thought from inside
That we must have understanding from our mind so then moving ahead and we need not to go
Backward at our life since moving must be done with care in life we need to understand our thought
And our mind if we move in backward in life so then moving ahead forward on every point so
Going ahead is one thought which I have inside life but moving backward sometimes rule of destiny
In life when it happen we must expect it in life and move backward then move ahead with same
Speed which fast baller have in life until you can't able to get wicket inside life on that point.

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