Saturday, March 28, 2015

Adventure story 182. Saket's Rati

                                                           Saket's Rati
Every friend of Saket always called himself expert in computer. He was not expert in computers but he was expert in chatting. He was always used to go various sites and used to check out different things. He was also expert in making friendships as well as showing each person himself in different forms. He was on computer. When he once again noticed one girl, now he would began to chat with her. He felt that he could chat with her as he did with other girls. He pretended as if he was some middle age man. It was funny that girl excepted it and began chatting. He thought such a lying would be funny on every point. After all he never meant to harm any one. He always told his every friend truth after some point. He never looked at how many friends he had created. He had already lost his count of chat friends. Until now he was perfect for them all. When he gave his true age, they all laughed and their chatting continued. He just kept enjoying it. He had set different time for each friend. He was typing when his father entered in room "Saket why don't you go to cinema today? " Saket was so confused. "Cinema?!!" "Don't you know meaning of cinema? Have you lost your mind in that computer so much that you forgot cinema?" There was sarcasm in his father's voice. But it was totally lost on him. He felt his father was asking him a question. Saket " I can see many sort of cinema on computer. Computer have that facility also I need to order just CDs. Then I can see them but of course I can't see latest but it's okay Dad. No need to worry about it. I will adjust it. " He gave kind of smile which told his father eveything. He genuinely think that he was adjusting. His father sat near him and told him "Come on. I will arrange some tickets. Select some interesting film. We will go in same way as we use to go out when you were just kid." On that moment Saket kept just looking at computer. But his father forced him to look at face. His father " Remember last movie on which we went."" Yes, that adventure movie. It was so nice.I have enjoyed each and every moment. There are many chapters in that movie which will have so many parts. In that movie there was so much fun. We have eaten lot of pop corns which were so tasty and spicy." Saket managed to look away from that computer for some moment. He looked around his room. It seemed as if he had forgotten all other things of that room. His father was glad. His father gave him paper so that he could check out films. He began to all advertisements of films. He looked for long time and in details when his father's mobile rang. His father " I will take this call. You just go ahead and decide that film then we can go to that movie." Saket smiled happily and started selecting the film. Finally he chose and on that moment his father came and said "Sorry I have to go we will go next time." Saket was so angry. His father always did that. He was about to scream when voice came which told him that his chat friend was sending message. He once again turned to chatting and forgot all about other things.
        Every day Saket started enjoying chatting. He began to enjoying company of chat friends. They were always perfect for him. While doing that sort of searching he found new friend. He looked for all sort of friend which he made. They all looked just perfect. He felt that he had created a perfect world. Then he looked at wall clock. He saw that it was time for his college. He started going away from computer when he noticed his new friend. It was a pretty innocent face. Just that kind of face for which he was hoping every day. That photo was perfect just like a innocent girl which look so much great and kind of heart in look. He felt so much sure that this girl was nice. In that photo he saw that he must needed to help her. He once again sat on computer. That girl started telling him about her problems. Some were heart touching. She was from poor family. She was studying. When he began to discuss further, his Mom called him. His Mom told him that he was getting late for college. He had to go. But that girl was still in his mind. He decided that he would discuss about her in his group of college friends. After all he always discussed his chat friends with them. Even most of his college friends were once upon a time his chat friends. They all were chatting in school then they found common college and made their group in college. It was so perfect. Computer was their best friend. It helped them. Their all life was dependent only on that computer. They found their friendship there and then made it confirmed by meeting in college. In case of Saket and his friends it worked out like wonder. So Saket was sure that this girl would be also great for their group. He was new comer so she would be junior in this group. But he was sure that his friends would not mind it. When she would come in their group, soon they all would make friendship with her. When Saket went in his classroom, he immediately sat on his seat which was reserved by his friends. His friend Dev " So today whom did you met?" Pritam "Any one worth joining our group? " "A girl?" Rakesh "Now that is interesting. Our group needed a girl. We are just six boys. No girl. We need one." Dev "Shut up. We have to chat with her first to understand if she was real nice girl and remember one thing. You are not going to approach her for flirting. " "But? .." Saket "He is right. She is our friend. We must not treat her like that. We all will be just her good friend. Let us take promise that we will all will treat her with full respect. As we treat our friend. Promise me." Then they all put their hands together and promised. Saket smiled. It seemed to work perfectly. Saket was happy. He was so sure that this girl was perfect for his group. Only she was junior so they had to adjust. But Saket already planned that how did they would settle timing. A girl was joining their group that was really great. He was sure that it would make things great.
         Next day Saket once again chatted with that girl. She was looking so sad.She told him that she just couldn't join college which he had suggested. Now this was really depressing. He wanted her to make friendship with all his friends. But any way he thought he could still introduce her to them all. He told her about all his friends. She said that she would add their number. It took her few days. Then they all started chatting just about her in college. She was so great in skill of making friendship. When next day they came together, they started talking about her. Pritam" She is such nice and innocent girl. I just feel so sad for her." Dev "You are so right. She deserved to be princess but she had to stay like slave. I felt so bad for her." Rakesh " I just wish if only she could join this college then we all will help her. " Saket nodded. Saket "This is really great idea. But we can help her even when she is not in this college." "How did we help her?" Saket "By sending money. " Dev "I feel that it will not look that much good. She will hate it. It will hurt her self respect. She was working so hard in that hotel to get money." Saket was so confused. She never told him about that job. He felt so hurt. He felt that he was her most trustworthy friend. He felt feel of jealousy. But then he felt that he was getting it all wrong. He was getting involved in her. He never wanted to get that much attach to her. After all he had not seen her. He didn't know if she truly looked like that. Then he once again returned home. He was so tense on that day. Since after talking with friends they were reserved results of tests which were conducted by their sir. It was not examination but just practice of examinations. Those papers were helpful for them. But he had managed such a less marks in this examination. That he was really tense. His parents never tolerated less marks. He was so scared of their reaction. He knew that if he got less marks then in his house every one would act as if some one was dead. They never took it in nice way. They always managed to create drama out of it.He just never understand that he needed to relax and where should he go for it. But this time he had his chat friend. When Saket told her about his problem,she began to chat with him. He felt as if in summer when heat was burning him,he received touch of cold breeze. It was first time when he began to feel that he had break his promise because he was falling in love with that girl Rati. He knew that her look were not enough. But his family had enough money so he felt that he could take care of her. But then suddenly he felt that what was he thinking.They were just friend. He decided to ignore that thought. But then at every moment he began to just feel one thing that he was falling in love with her. Since on every day he was just thinking about her. He hated himself for doing after all he was leader of his group and he took oath that he would not get involved. But that girl was just perfect for him. He just found out a perfect life partner. She had understood him as well as his parents.She loved them all with their fault. He was sure that he no longer needed to find any life partner. He had just one need now. He had to study and find a job. Then when he would get settle then he could propose her. After all by that time his friends would be mature enough to understood their love. Saket smiled happily while thinking this. He had planned perfect future but he just needed one thing that was time to complete it. He needed to do hard work and prove himself so that his parents would agree that he would marry her. He was already sure regarding her feelings. He was so happy to find his love. On every day he was just living on top of world. After some days he no longer cared about that oath. He just knew one thing that he wanted that perfect girl in his life.
        On that impulse Saket took wrong decision. He sensed that he was doing wrong by breaking promise to his friends. But that girl, Rati was so perfect. She had all choices which were just like him. She was just perfect match. Then he slowly began to express his personal feelings. He felt that it should be clear. If she didn't want it that way but he was shocked. When he asked, she typed that she cared for him and scared to express. He was so glad that everything turned out so easy for him. Everyone told him that girls didn't say yes easily until you convinced them that you would not leave them behind in crisis. Every person who married or engaged had interesting stories regarding how did they convinced their girl. But here Saket felt that everything was easy. They both started expressing their love. Saket enjoyed every moment of it. He also started like pretending before world it was so funny. His every friend slowly began to sense that something was wrong. Then one day worst thing happened. She typed that her mother was sick and her father was not ready to give money. Saket typed how could he did that you have to force him. Rati typed I have tried but he was no longer interested in my mother. He got another woman. Saket was so shocked. He just didn't understand how could Rati's father act like that. He started convincing her that she must get money from her father. But she just kept typing that she couldn't. Finally she began to ask money from him. Saket felt so sad. He wanted to help her. But he knew that he could not manage that much money. She was asking for lot of money. Saket typed that he could not get that much money. He typed that he would slowly manage to earn money and then he could give it. She didn't type any thing for long time. Then she suddenly logged out. Saket was confused. He felt that her father must had came. He tried to convince himself that she was not angry. She asked for 80 lakhs. He couldn't give her that much amount. She had to understand. But from that day he started remaining depressed. He saved every rupee of his pocket money. One day he even thought that if he could stole money from his home. He knew that it was sin. He was stealing money from his parents. It would be never right. But then he felt just one thing that he was doing for good cause. He felt that he was doing right. That girl was poor and needy. When his parents went away, he slowly took out their cupboard keys and opened cupboard. He saw inside. He took out money but it was not that much. Then he turned to his mother's jewellery. He smiled. Then he suddenly felt that he was doing every thing wrong. Still he forced himself to took out jewellery in a bag. He forced himself to do it. He checked jewels then he remembered her Mom. He remembered how did his Mom used to dress with that jewelery. Then his Mom turned and told him that this was going to be for his wife. Saket smiled happily. He could take it after all it was for Rati only who was going to be wife. He smiled happily. He took out all jewelry. He put it all in his cupboard. He was so happy that he would help Rati. Then he started waiting for her.
         Saket started sending messages to Rati immediately. He told her about jewelry. Then Rati typed I don't want jewelry. It is wrong. I can't sell it. I want just money. Saket typed but how can I send money. I don't earn anything. Rati typed then sell it and send money. First time Saket sensed that it was hard. Saket typed I will not do that. I don't know jeweller. Rati typed I can't manage either send money or this is over. Saket was so shocked. He had stolen his Mom's jewelry for Rati and she was blackmailing her like that. Saket typed I can't. Then Rati stopped typing. From that day she never came to chat with Saket. Saket kept trying. He didn't return that jewelry. Finally after some days he returned it. But he still kept hoping that Rati's Mom was fine. Then one day he gave up. Suddely one day when they were in college,Rakesh started talking about Rati. Rakesh "Do you still chatting with that Rati?" Dev "She was strange girl. I was just chatting with her in friendly way and she started proposing me." Pritam "My god she also told me that she love me. But thanks to Saket I said I couldn't say yes." Rakesh started laughing. Rakesh "She seemed to be proposing all." Pritam "I just feel that she might be not even girl." Dev "Now this is strange. Why did you feel that?" "I don't know but since she was hiding her face. "None of his friend doubted even for one moment that Saket would break his own pack. After all he was the leader and creator of pack. He would never did such a big mistake. He was so shocked from inside. He just couldn't say truth to his friends because it was so hard. He just kept quiet. He thought that it was over. But then he suddenly noticed one thing. It was so strange. He no longer wanted to type any thing on computer. In fact he felt as if computer could hurt him. When he sat before computer, he started feeling strange. He felt as if some one was trying to take his breathe away. He wanted to write but he started suffocating.He just decided to shut down this computer. He just decided to keep away from computer. He just went back to other things. He just never wanted to go near computer. He had strange sort of feel as if he just couldn't tolerate computer. He just stood up and went away from computer. He decided that he would keep computer away for few days. He started doing other things. He began to read books and started making notes. He started reading every thing from books. His friends started asking him that why didn't he came on computer. But he kept making excuses. He just kept one thing that after few days he forget about Rati and every thing would get normal. But then one day professor gave him an assignment which needed computer. Until now he stayed away from computer. But now he had to go near computer. It was needed. He just kept saying tomorrow and next day. But that day never managed to come. Finally professor gave him warning that he would not be given chance to sit in examination. If he avoid this time, he just sat before computer. He started sweating. He felt as if he was getting nauseous. He was going to faint. He just couldn't able to see screen. He just had to walk away from computer. His Mom saw it. She started consoling him. She wanted to know what happened. At beginning he avoided but finally he had to tell her. His parents tried hard to convince him but he just couldn't sit on computer.
       Saket was getting so nervous on each day. He just couldn't able to go college due to not submission of project. His parents gave his sick leave. After what happened they took him to family doctor who suggested that he should go to psychiatrist and then he gave them medical certificate. His education was suffering so they took appointment as soon as possible. When they reached there, there was long line of people. Finally they went inside. At beginning Saket was sitting with his parents, he was so nervous. He just kept lying about every thing. He tried to say that every thing was sudden. But then psychiatrist told his parents to went out. When his parents went out, he asked Saket "Now even your parents went away. Come on tell me every thing. " Saket was impressed. He never thought that psychiatrist would guess it all. He just wanted an advice from a wise person. Saket" You will not tell my parents. " "Of course not. Psychiatrist never tell it to others. " "Great.Then I will tell you." Step by step Saket started telling every thing to psychiatrist. He was so glad that psychiatrist didn't comment any thing about his stealing. Since confessing that crime was worst moment for him. He just said it all which was hidden in his mind. Psychiatrist " It happens sometimes. Since your parents are too busy. You got addicted towards computer. It is neither your mistake nor your parent's mistake. In this world many times we are forced to do things. Same way your parents are. But you needed to adjust with it. You have to create balance in life. You have to use computer in limit in life. Actually you are suffering from special phobia. You are scared of computers due to Rati. She lied to you. Actually she could any one. She could be man or woman. But it doesn't matter. You are dishonest with your parents and friends that is one thought which is killing you. I advise you to tell it to them. They may get angry but they will forgive you. Then only you can able to forgive yourself." Saket said immediately " I can't." He thought that psychiatrist would insist. But psychiatrist left that subject behind. Then Saket started visiting psychiatrist on decided appointments. He started slowly using computer. At beginning he just sat to complete project then slowly he started going on internet too. He was careful this time. He didn't get attach to unknown person. He started to careful regarding how long he sat on computer. Now even his normal schedules began. He started going to movies and other places with his family or friends. But every thing was not normal. Until he confessed, finally he confessed one day. His parents scold him. His pocket money was stopped for some days. For some days they didn't speak to him normally .His friends also got angry but not that much. His friends had suspected something was wrong. They suggested his ways to convince his parents. When he acted  in perfect way, he started getting good grade. His parents convinced that he should be forgiven. After that finally he felt that he was relaxed and at peace. He no longer required psychiatrist but still he went to thank psychiatrist who was happy to see his success.
                                                                   The End

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