Friday, March 20, 2015

Poem 2008. Truly asking for justice

                                                      Truly asking for justice
Some person are made in such a way in life we feel just one thought from inside that at every
Moment and point we feel one thought from our mind then person will have effect to our mind
In mind some people have one thought that they must act properly in life while some people
Have different wish inside some want money and power and never think about how they act
In life to some people they suit perfectly while to some people feel one thought from their mind
They will look so much great on every point because thought will have many reaction on mind
Some people will have effect on us at every point these people will create some effect to our
Thoughts and mind but then person will have some quality which look great to us in life I feel
Just one thinking from mind some qualities will show us life in different angle of life so we just
Feel one thought from inside that we need that our nature will have so many impact on our life
Since those quality will have so many effect on our mind because those quality will show this
World at every point person will have good quality inside but I have some people who want just
Money and power not proper act in life some never understand our mind they never feel that
Those nature will matter more than our mind we feel just one thought from inside at every point
We feel good act is necessary for life at every point we move with one thought from inside that
Every act will have effect on us as well as on our mind at every point we feel one thinking from
Inside that some people have wrong quality but still people just like them from inside so we just
Can't expect every one to act properly since every one don't have thirst for proper act in life and
Every one don't want to judge for all in life may every one claim same thing but then at every point
We have just one thinking from our mind that if they are saying it then at each point they want
Justice but truth is not inside it on every point so those thoughts will look so much great on every
Act will have one effect on our mind but mostly talk seem to get more important inside life so
Act just manage to get ignore may be because people feel one thinking from inside and they will
Just show so much effect on our mind we feel just one feel from inside then thoughts  have
Some impact on our life we feel that when people are talking us one thought from inside
Then we feel from our mind so then at every point we feel just one thinking from inside that
Talking will be truth on every point because people will feel one thing from mind that those
Thoughts which will take us to that point where world will say different and act in different way
In life on every point we feel one thinking from inside we need to understand every concept
In our life those effect will have so much effect on our mind some quality will lead to just that
Honest effect on our mind so we want to understand dishonest thoughts at every point so then
Thoughts will be positive inside life then at every point honest thought will touch us at every
Area of life we need to move ahead with honest thought from inside positive things will look
So much better in life but honest thoughts are never cheaper in life just like jewels they come
With their price and some people are not ready to pay that price but neither they are ready to say
It on every point so they just say they want justice for all when they want it just for themselves
In their life we feel one thought from inside that every one will care for justice but they just
Want money and power for themselves and call it justice in life so we feel one thinking from
Inside mind so those thoughts will have some impact on life because then we feel one thing
From inside they have wrong desire we will feel one thought from inside that wrong and right
Thoughts are two part of our life because justice will giving effect on our mind justice which
They want is not for all just for their benefit in life we need to understand we also find some
People in life who care for good thought on every point some people will just manage
To understand our mind but some will never understand that in life what we need from inside
I feel that we need to find some people who will have pure thought from our mind then at
Every point we feel that justice will have some effect on our mind so then justice will look
Great when we do it with one thought from which we need justice for all but first we need to find
Those who want truly to act properly with justice in life that justice will have new light when
We need it in life we must not just keep faith on talking in life we need to move ahead with
One thought from inside we can give justice to every one at every point only when we need
To understand who are just saying and who really want justice for all in life then only we
Can find justice at every point when we need to find people who really care for justice for all
Not for just themselves inside life so we can find justice on every point we truly need in life.

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