Thursday, March 19, 2015

Poem 2006. World in moonlight

                                                          World in moonlight
Those parts of world which will differ on every point will look great when we watch them
With care in life every part which is created will differ but it have different feel on every point
In every area of world we will see many nice things on every point so many sort of things which
Will show our world so many lovely and enchanting things in life they have many sort of
Things which will have peaceful silver look on every point that moon will have that shine
And it will show this world different sort of look on every point but then at every incidence
We feel one thought from inside so then in world we can see many interesting things in our life
Those parts will look so much great at every point world will have wonderful look on every
Moment and point so then world will have show us many sort of looks on every point so then
I feel one thing from inside  that world will look great on every point but then world
Will look so much great at every point but just beauty will not enough in life we need to just
Understand one thought from our mind after all world will have many look and views at just
Every point it's look so great then those beautiful looks which will please our mind will just
Look so much great on every point we just never understand some thing are hidden inside
That moon light because may many people say they are sunlight but still none of them is just
Showing truth of life so those things which will have beautiful things on every point but then
In this world we feel one thought from inside world will look so nice at every point since
On every point world will have so many wonderful things but it have also wrong side then
Just every moment we just see that beauty which will be limited inside life at every angle it seem
As if that thought is truthful for our mind but it will truthful for our life so then I have one feel
From inside because when we see world will look so much great at every point different sort
Of location will look so nice and wonderful in life at every point in this world there are many
Sort of location which will look so much great on every point even in limited light we can see
One thing that is beauty on every point because that look which will have some thing so good
On every point in limited look we feel one thought from inside that moon will have that look
Which please our mind we need to understand one thing from inside that world will have just
Many sides  world will have some good and evil on every point but we need to understand
We need to keep watch on many things in life many times on that evil  win on every
Moment and point we want good to win inside life we just never want that evil to stop on
Any point because those evil will manage to hurt us in life they will lead to that point where
Our world will look just ugly on every side we want to understand one thought from our mind
Then good will look so nice when that evil will be also part of our life we need to understand
That even our world will have negative side we are not seeing it in evil at every point so
Those thoughts will have so many effect on life when wrong things will have some effect on
Our life they are part of our life so those negative things will show us different part of life
We are not seeing fully any world on any point we are seeing just some part and get
Wrong confidence inside we feel that we just understood everything from mind we have
 Just one feel from inside we know but it is not truth of life we need to understand our thoughts
On every point that we have not seen truth of world at every point of life our life will just
Tell one thing from inside that we know this world but we never help our mind at every
Point we need to tell our world one thing from inside those concepts are so different on
Every point good as well as bad concepts in life world will have many parts which will
Show us on every point we don't understand world fully in life we will see different sort
Of concepts at each point they will differ because in this world we have two sort of concept
In every issue of life we feel one factor on every point world will have two concepts in
Our life those concepts which will have different issues on every point because in life we
Never understood any world since in that special light we just see limited things on every
Moment and point so whatever may this world mean to us at every point we feel just one
Thinking from inside that we need to understand good concepts in life so then when bad
Concept will have reaction on our mind so then at step we feel that one thought from inside
But then at every point I just feel one thing from inside that world is not what we think
From our mind we need to understand this world properly on each and every time by our
Thinking on every point because we need to learn about world in careful way on every point.

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