Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Poem 1990. Shadows in sun rays

                                                               Shadows in sun rays
When I see that sunshine on every point I see just different things in it every point but with it just
One thing is so sure that I see shadows in life when I see sun light I just feel those different
Shadows on every point they are those shapes which will make movement and seem like alive
So with every sunshine we see shadows in life but we never thought one thing from our mind
That with every shadow we see that sunshine we always see bad and negative in life but we just
Never feel one thing that with sunshine we have shadows but why can't we see other way in life
Since sunshine is bright it feel important in life but then why can't we  ignore just shadows
Out of our life we just want to see them as part of our life we feel one thing that sorrows are
Just managing to capture our mind we no more want shadows on every point but still we just
Keep describing them at every angle of life we feel they are so important even on one hand we
All know that sunshine is more powerful on every point we need to understand on every point
Just one thought that we need bright things then we need to just mention them in life I know
We need to accept shadows but that doesn't mean they should become more important than that
Bright and fresh sunshine they will look so much great on every point those sun rays which will
Have many rainbow colors inside will not look so much great when I will decide not to give so that
Much importance to it on any point in life I just have many sun rays will have so much nice
Look on every point I just feel one thing from inside that in every sun ray we will see that many
Sort of colors which will have fresh colors and they  give life on every point in that sunshine which will
 Look so much great on every point when we have one thinking from mind that we have
So much respect to life which will have purity inside on every point good concept will get
More important in life but still after sometimes discussing about sunshine that will have just
 Good effect in life that pure thought which will give our life pleasant look on every point
 But then after a moment in life we start to discuss shadow in our life that shadow will look
 Dark but we start to move towards them with one hope from inside that when we move
 Ahead to that point we just never realized that darkness have manage to capture our
Thoughts and mind darkness become truth of mind but then at every point we know
 How great is that light then at every point that dark feel will have effect on our mind
 In that sun rays we see happiness from inside we feel one thought which will tell
 Our mind we need to be aware of shadows on every point those thoughts which capture
Mind will show darkness from heart and inside when we move ahead we feel pleasant
 Sort of feel from inside we should create effect on every point we can see beauty from
 Inside shadow will look so much dark feel from inside when with sun rays we see
That dark feel from inside which will look so much great on every point because that
 Golden feel on every point then in dark shadow will give effect on every point of life
 Which will have company of shadows on every point that dark feel will manage to just
 Capture our mind so we just feel one thought from mind we can do things properly in
 Our future and life when we think just things positively in life when in life we see those
 Sunshine will have some effect on life in life under that sun rays they are having darkest type
Of shadows on every point they will show us that world for which we are scared on every point
In that sun rays shadows are showing wrong effect on every time we feel when we see those
Shadows we need to be careful about them on every point there is some sort of darkness in
Our life sorrows will become part of life when we see them we feel one thought from inside
Because we feel that we need to understand sorrows so that we can keep away on every angle
Of our life then we feel from our mind just one thought from inside that we need to find
Sorrows which have some effect on our mind that sorrows will have impact our life but then
Those shadows will have darkness that will have effect on our life there are many sort of
Look on every point shadows will lead to lot of problems in life those shadows are just
Something totally nominal in life they are having limited effect on our mind at every point
We just one thought from inside shadows should be ignored on sometimes so we feel just
One thought from inside shadows will show some thing just limited in life we need to learn
To ignore them on sometimes then only one day we will see true meaning of our future and life.

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