Monday, March 2, 2015

Poem 1976. Kindness inside

                                                               Kindness inside
There is just one crown we all know it but still we all feel that those who don't win it will be have
Some effect on our life crown will look perfect to every one in life but that doesn't mean we all 
Need to get it in life some people will get it but most don't get it in life life is not about getting 
Crown on every point those crown will have many designs on every point then that crown will 
Look so much great on every point that crown will look so great on every moment in life then 
That crown will have many types of colors on our point then crown will show many sort of things
In that crown on every point then crown will look so much great on every point those crown will
Make our eyes to sparkle every time that crown will look so much great on every point but then 
In that crown will have that beauty which will enchant our eyes but then crown will look so much
Beautiful in life when crown will have lovely type of shine in that crown we see many types of
Look on every point when crown have that look it will have so much perfect in our life when we
Move ahead on every point crown will have so much interesting type of look on every point so
At every moment crown will have thirst on every point but I just feel one thing just that crown is
Not that need of life which will show us this world and it's good feel but never tell us
Problems on any point so then crown will have nice sort of look on every point then crown will have
That perfect and delicate sort of look which will look so much great on every point in that crown
We see that beauty on every point that look will have excellent feel on every point crown is not 
Something which is so important inside life then I have one feel from inside that crown is just one
And many will not have it in life but it's up to us how we take it in life we can take it in nice way
And that is good nature for every one in life but if winner start to harassing us in life how can we
Show sportsmanship on any point we want to win on every point but when we start to move ahead
In life our thinking will hurt us from inside it tell us that if we keep on thinking this way then we
Will never remain happy in life because winner is not some one who just want to do his duties in
Our life but then those thoughts which will make us winner in life look so much great on every 
Moment and point those facts which are truth of our life tell us we must accept our defeat with smile
But if winner began to be abusive then we feel one thought from inside that when we start to win 
Then at every angle of life I feel one thought from inside that crown is that thing which will have 
That look which will be pretty on every point but then crown will have so many beautiful look on
Every point but then who have it is not that much good from inside of heart but then that crown
Will no longer have great look on any point because when winner start to hurt us then we need
To understand one thought from inside that our mind needed to adjust with winner but not with 
Dictator on any point but that doesn't mean we just start to argue and fight and we can win in just
Few moment in life because winning against dictator is so hard in life dictator is that person who
Have power over many mind those who want to make us winner from inside never seem to understand
What we feel from inside when we start to move ahead on every step I have just one thought from
Inside that winner is not that person which will be perfect to be winner on every point but no one 
Is perfect still every one want to understand on every point so then I feel one thought from inside 
That winner is not perfect but that doesn't mean winner can abuse us on every point we need to just
Understand one thought from inside that winner will have power from inside then winning is one thing
Which will have quality on every point winning will have some power from inside so that winning will
Show us different look on every point winning is just one quality on every point so then I feel just
One direction in our life that we feel one thought from inside but winning will lead just to one sort
Of thought from inside that winning will have that power which will look so great on every point so
That winner need to have kind heart on our mind but at least we win on every area we just never
Understand on every point that one thought from inside that winner seem to have many qualities
But kindness is never consider as good in them in life even when we need winner to be kind still
We just feel one thought on every point we need some one strong in life kindness is true need on
Every point but we just feel that kind will be soft in life but just strong talk don't make some one
That much strong in life that person who have kindness is true strong in life because keeping our
Kindness is hardest task of life so one who remain kind it is strong enough in life to understand on
Every thought and point we needed to act according to that point in life kindness is strength of life
Those who are kind are truly strong to keep that kindness from inside on every point of our life.

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