Monday, March 16, 2015

Poem 1999. Scared to complete

                                                          Scared to complete
When some picture show half on every point because from that picture we can guess many part
Of future on every point we just feel one thing from inside that in that picture we can see many
Concepts and things in life in that picture we see many things at every point in that picture I will
See many important things in life that picture will have so many concepts of life which are just
Told in half way in life we feel that in this picture something are easily told us those things of
Our future and life but then it will create so many things for our imagination on every point but one
Thing is surely in life because in that picture I see many angles of life because that picture will
Look so nice on every point because by imagination I will complete some picture in life so then
When I look at that picture which will have some images of mind that will show us some thought
Of our mind sometimes I feel that incomplete picture is better for my mind because I feel so scared
That people will lost interest when they see full picture in life it happen on many moment and on
Many points that picture will keep many things hidden which will be completed by just imagination
And it will make it better in life but sometimes I feel that it is wrong thinking of life some people
Like complete picture and cherish it for life it is up to a person how that one treat some thing in life
It is not our mistake that some times people just don't like our picture on any point in those picture
In which we see so good never look that much good in our life we feel just one thing from our mind
That why world just never understand what is good inside that picture on any point so we just move
Ahead on every point and see those picture which will show many good things about life we just
Never understand what we see from inside we never understood those pictures which look so much
Great on every point when there are many angle to that picture on every time we just never help
Our heart by just pretending we like that picture which world like on every concepts those picture
Will have some angle of life which will look great only when we see those picture with full attention
In our life we never understand those pictures which look so much great but still world hate them
In life I feel so scared that world will hate that picture on some point so I want to show that picture
Just half way in life but now a days I feel just one thought from my mind that some picture will
Look so good on every angle of life in that picture I see many items in life then in that picture there
Are so many concepts but one thing is so decided in life when people dislike something they just
Never like it on any point but just keeping that picture half complete will help us in life I feel one
Thought from inside since that picture will have so much art and so much knowledge inside and
On every point it seem that picture is not that much good for our life because in one picture there
Are many concepts of life and just keeping it incomplete will keep it away from criticizing in life
But when we do that thing then we are always from every thought of life those things will lead to
Create some effect on our mind then I feel just one thought from inside incomplete things are not
Just enough for our life they will create some impact on our mind that picture will have some effect
On our mind there are many meanings inside picture on every point I feel one thought from mind
Picture will differ on every angle of life because some picture needed to be completed to take us
Ahead in life those picture which will lead to that angle of life then picture will have many sort of
Effect in life after all those picture will have some concept and some thinking in life until we don't
Complete them how can we move ahead in life those picture which once use to show us many sort
Of angles of life seem to show us many concepts which will make us winner on every point so those
Things which will make us winner no more make us winner of life but those concepts which don't
Show us light are those thoughts which will confuse our mind needed to completed on some point
Because sometimes our guess prove wrong and same thought which never suppose to make us
Winner manage to show us that light we just feel with one thought that we need to become winner
On every point I feel one thing from my mind that our picture will create some impact on our mind
I feel just one thing from inside that incomplete work which will lead to that area where we can't
See work which is half complete in life because those work which will create some effect in life
So those work that will give us some effect on our life half complete work will not create enough
Effect on our life that half complete work needed to completed in life what ever people may say
But still it will needed to complete before we want to move ahead in life work should be just
Completed on time but then this work will give good feel to work on every point even if we feel
People will criticize just on every point we must complete our work on each and every point of life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

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