Monday, March 30, 2015

Poem 2026. Castle created by me

                                                           Castle created by me
Just remember peace is always best thinking how much may other person insult you on other
Point and your thinking peace is just one thought you need as human being in life at every point
At on each moment of our life we feel that we can move ahead with other thoughts but they will
Not include that way in life in that way where peace can capture our mind we need to understand
One thing on every point when one sand castle breaks with tide may be it is not done for breaking
But it is done to give chance to next one in life may be it is done because god want next child to
Create new castle in life if tide doesn't break first one we need to break it in life but I just feel
One thing a sweet new innocent kid hardly want to break something so nice and some castles
Are great while next one can't be that great when it stood on that point but that one also deserve
That chance god have understood it but it never understood by human mind they want their things
To be just great on every point giving chance to learn it never their job in life we all need to just
Understand one concept of mind that every one deserve chance and we are ready to give them
In life we feel just we are giving them but that is just one feel of mind in truth we are not ready
To break first castle because it is so beautiful on every point we just never want to change it in life
But that will never look good on any point if we understand one fact from our mind just sticking
One beautiful castle means not giving to chance to next child and that will be never just and that
Will be never right on any point what we need is just one thought from inside that we need to
Just create new castle on every point it is just up to us if we like it or dislike but one thing is so
Sure that building new castle is need of our life at every point we need to understand our mind
And our thoughts needed to capture our positive thinking  from inside we need to just understand
What we feel from our mind old castle can't be enough because life is not just giving chance to
One talent and that's it in life every one will make one castle some will do best and some will do
Bad one in life but we need to understand that every one have right to make their one castle on
Each and every point we have to understand our thoughts with positive angle of life we need to
Just understand that making castle is more important in life if you don't like some castle then
You can ignore it in life or you can even create your better one near by some point but just never
Tell others that their castle is worst or never say they can't build it on that point because both
Things are finally same thing in life but people just never understand that criticizing will have
Same effect as restricting in life no one will understand that stopping and insulting will become
Same thing after some point so we need to understand one thought from inside that we can't
Just say some one you are building worst and taunt then say I have permitted that one to build
And I have never stop them in life because sometimes your mouth does task of breaking castle
With legs and hurt people so much in life that sometimes castle of creativity stop and then on
Their place destruction began in life we must understand this but we just never feel it from mind
Just giving opinion just never seem to us that much crime but when it lead to bigger trouble
It really hurt in life so since god want every child to create castle so may god have created those
Tides which will form many effect on our life at every point we feel just one thing that those
Tides are creating many sorts of reaction in life so those tides are destructing castles but we
Just see destruction on every time we never once thought how many troubles we face if they
Remain on that point we are all always fighting even for those castles of sand and those place
New one want place and old one will be ready to break it on any point so at those fights are
Stop due to tide human nature is such that it just get attach to every thing whichever we create
In our life tide will do the job of breaking it and take all blame for us in life and new one can
Just jump with joy and come and create it in life how big favor I feel done on us by those tides
They are taking blame and giving new one chance in life I just always remember those castle
Which I have created with joy on every point but they are never beautiful but they have with
True dreams of life for world they are nothing but for me they are those dream world which
I want in my life it never matter what world will see but for me they are dreams of life so may be
World see nothing but just peak of sand but for me it is castle in my mind so I just thank god
For many times for sending those tides which drown away all those expert castles and let me
Have my chance to make my peak in life because every one deserve to have their chance and
It never said that expert will just deserve chance on every point immature like me deserve it
Also in life to just help them and just to give them chance god have create tides so that in old
Place new castle will stood with pride may other world hate it but owner love it from inside.  

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