Monday, March 16, 2015

Poem 2000. Both sides of game

                                                               Both sides of game
When we start some game we must remember one thing it is not just who is playing that game
On every day there are many people on each moment and point I just feel one thing from inside
Some people just forget other one will also come one day to play that game we can't alone just
Play game may people feel that they own both sides of game but it will not happen on any day
Destiny will find other side person to play that game never just assume you are alone on any
Thought and way at every point we feel just one need from mind that is thought we can't play
That game but destiny have right to decide which player is best for game when destiny choose
You in life never show back to that game because destiny never take it kindly when you disobey
Destiny never understand our thinking because we are the one who suppose to understand that
Thinking of destiny on every day we need to understand our thoughts about game are so wrong
When we feel that we just can't play that game since we dislike that game but when we do it
Other player run before us and have one thought on every point and every moment that this
Game will have different parts on every point in this game we see many concepts of our mind
At every point we feel on two sides on every moment we feel as if we made mistake by letting
That player take lead before few moment we feel that may be we have to become little bit brave
We need to move ahead at every moment we feel just one thought in our mind at every moment
That bravery will have help us on every moment but then bravery is one thing on every point
Which sometimes we lack on every moment so may be instead of pretending we have become
Brave we need to look better and brave we can say clearly that we are coward even on this moment
But we need to understand our destiny will rule us at every point with each point and sense we
Need to understand importance of every moment in life we feel one thought at each moment
That bravery of our mind in life at that moment if destiny decide we must need to move slowly
Instead of moving ahead then it will good and perfect because some time other person will have
Some chance to get confidence then we need to accept may other person on opposite side will
Get some better points and some gains never blame yourself for what happen on every point
So then at every step we feel one thought from our mind that game will have two sides on each
And every side game seem to be part of our life that game will lead to have some point at each
Point to some way that our life will differ from that moment but it's up to us how we take that
Sort of game they are having two side on every point but we just never accept these thoughts
Will show us different side which are having two different concepts I just feel one thought that
We can also learn to enjoy this game only if we play it with full faith we will not feel fear of just
Getting defeated in game when game will have so many different effect on our mind we feel
Just one thought from our mind at every moment game will form two side which will have just
Some effect at every point there are two sides but sometimes people feel on that moment that
On just one side will that person and there will no one on other side but I feel it is just wrong
Thought on every moment I feel one thought from mind that side will have some rules and
Some effect they will look on our life so much better and great we never understand from
Inside on every moment that how can other side be considered empty this way but people
Always make this mistake they assume like as one chess which will be played on both sides
By same person like some time pass of life but life is not that much easy game you can't just
Keep thinking on every point that one person can rule this life's game two people will be just
Always part of this game they will create new look in our life on every moment but in this life
We feel one thought on every moment life will have effect of game at every point we feel just
One thought from inside we know this game but we never understood truly rules of this game
Which will manage to capture our mind and thoughts and every point and confused us by just
Showing one player of game but just you need to wait for few days before you will see other
Player of game may that one will not win because other one have gained and ran ahead but
That doesn't mean we just can't find competition inside that game because when some one is
Force to run late that one will have given some strength god never forget to distribute power
On two sides on every moment game will show this world two sides are showing reaction
On our life at every point some effect we just feel one thing on every moment we need to just
Understand there will be people on both sides and time will prove it on each and every moment.

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