Monday, March 23, 2015

Poem 2014. Cherishing hope in mind

                                                           Cherishing hope in mind
When we start something we wish it to be nice on every moment we want it to look so perfect
And nice never once we thought what it will do to us in life we just feel one thing that it will
Be some thing good on every point while some where planning good thing from mind we just
Feel one thought from inside good as well as bad thought will show us many things in life so
At every point we feel one thought from inside of our mind when we move with good hope
But when on sometimes we think just good thing from inside is something which will be just
Needful on every point we want those things to look good on every time but when they don't
Turn that way we crush hope such a way in life but then at every point we have one hope from
Our thought and mind that some day we can see nice thing in life on every point we just feel
One thought from our mind one thought that we want happiness from inside but sometimes
That don't happen on every point but just because it doesn't happen on some point we just then
Began to feel good thing will never happen to us on any way of life we just crush our hopes
In that anger or depression of our life we just let those hope vanish out of our life we just never
Understand what we feel from inside we just see one thing that when that hope is broken it
Hurt us from inside we no longer care for hope on any point each hope will manage to create
Some effect on mind we need to understand our thought from inside hopes will show this world
Nice and perfect thing in life but it will not matter that much on any point when good will just
Manage to destroy us by not entering on time it will show this world that we have trouble in life
At some point we are great and on some point when we hope that good and good hope becomes
Our crime we just never understand why we hope for good on any point our thought will just
Manage to show us that side where world will show us new concept from inside and we just
Feel that hoping for good is our crime we never understand when we did that crime and when
We turn things in wrong way for us on every point we need to understand one thought from
Mind that by hoping we are not creating wrong things for life at every point we need that
Sort of goodness but we just feel so hurt so on every point we began to feel evil on every point
Because we never want to feel hurt from inside at each step we feel one thought from inside
At every point we need to forget our wish but it is wrong on every point because that wish
Never hurt us what hurt us is just one feel that this wish is not completed just because we lose
Patience so soon in life we feel one thing from inside that at every point we need to understand
Hoping is not something we should do for limited time when we hope it should be for long
Moment and time it should not be for us for few seconds of life we feel just one thought from
Inside hope should be something for limited time our thoughts are managing to lead us to
That thing only when we achieve that thing in limited way in life we need things to turn in
Positive way in life we want to manage to get that things in right way for life but what will
Happen is something which will look so much better on every point positive thought will
Turn our life in that way which will show us that point when hope will show our world one
Thought from inside hopes are turning into good only when we want to understand it in life
We just have one feel from inside good hopes are turning in positive way when we keep on
Working it on every point so those thoughts which will look so much great in life then it will
Show this world new world at every point because hopes will show us that world which will
Look so much great when we move ahead in life at every hope we feel freshness of our mind
We feel just one thought from our mind sometimes our efforts of turning things into positive
It will have effect to our life but then in life we need some good things then we need to think
Again and again about that positive thought on every point we need to just keep hoping for
That good at every point that is hope which never vanish in our life we want that hope to be
Something truthful for our life we never understand our mind good thoughts are not moving
Ahead in good direction in our life because then at every point we feel good hope which will
Show us new side we need to pursue that hope into something great on every point we feel
One thing from our mind that hope will show this world good side but when we lose our hope
Just one hope one thought from inside hope will needed to turn things in good way in life so
When we leave that hope world will turn into wrong way for life we need to understand just
One thing in mind hope is that need which we must pursue in life when we never needed to
Leave that hope then only we can win in life because hope is not for limited time it should be
Some thing which we will cherish always and on each point of life at every time in mind.

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