Friday, March 13, 2015

Poem 1995. Due to experience of mind

                                                   Due to experience of mind
Weather will have effect on our mind at every point we feel one thought from inside that
May weather will change our mind at every moment we feel one thinking from inside can
We move ahead on every point with weathers advice from every angle of life do we walk
With weather and do we stay at home when we have that weather which we dislike do we
Really feel one thought from our mind that such thing will have any impact on our mind
So on every point of life different wish have totally different effect on mind it have so many
Impact on mind then every time inside our life many factor will have many types of reaction in
Our life those weather will not tell us how we move ahead in life it is just nature which is
So important in life so I feel we just act we wish from inside but we find excuse on every
Point in life we find many reasons in life which will have effect on every point we act just
According to mind and thought on every point when weather will look so much great on
Just every point after all many thoughts which we have inside are creation of mind at just
Each and every point we just feel one thought from inside that we don't want to understand
At any point then we start creating many point which will create so many effect on mind
In life we have so many steps in life so we feel one thought from inside at every step in
Our future and life even at each weather we see different effect on life not due to those weather
But due to those experience which tell us many things in life those experience will have
Some impact on our mind when we find different concepts in life some interesting effect
Inside life in those thoughts will manage to create effect on life that future will at every
Point and step I feel one point at every time that world will show so many different sides
In our life at every point we feel one thought from mind life will show many sides on just
Each and every point I will have one feel from inside that my life will have so many types
Reaction in life when we move ahead on every time we feel one thinking from inside so
I feel life will show many effect in life when thought will move us to that point where we
Will see different sides of life which will show our world new thought from inside so those
Thoughts will create new effect in life it will show us that new light which will tell us how
Did we move in life so those concepts are creating new world in life only created by
Our every day experience in life so then incidence will form many effect on our life so
Then incidence will show many reaction on our life because at every point life will have
Effect at every angle we feel one thinking from inside when world will move ahead on
Every point it will show this world on every time results will show any effect on every
Impact and in life then life will show so many effect which will show many types of effect
At every point because life will create effect on our life then when life will show us on
Every point different effect on life because we are not same person we have different
World on every time our life will show us that thought from inside we need to understand
Just one thought from our mind that when we move ahead with our own experience on
Each and every time we need to understand one thought from inside that life which we live
Show us different section of life because life will show us different lessons on every point
It will show us that thought which will built our life we feel one thought from inside that
Life is teaching us new concepts of life so those thoughts which will show us that life
Are different because our life is not same on any point it will show us different world
And it's different concepts on every point we just never understand our mind because
We are so busy in our thought that we feel need of understanding life and our life is so
Complicated that we just keep understanding it on every point we just feel one thought
From inside life will show different thought for our mind but after some time we just
Don't want to be responsible for those decisions in life so we blame all those factors
Which we see in our life we need to move ahead with one thought from our mind that
All things which take us ahead will move ahead on every step of life we need to just
Understand our mind at every step we feel one thought from our mind that we must not
Stop our concept just by our thoughts in life at every angle we feel one thought from
Mind we need to understand we must be responsible in life for each concept and thought
Of mind we need to form our mind after thinking in details we need to move ahead in life.

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