Monday, March 23, 2015

Poem 2013. Thinking of inner mind

                                                              Thinking of inner mind
When I look for person who will help me in life I just notice one thing every one is kind of busy
For their own motive on every time I just have one feel from my mind that may be expecting it
Is totally wrong in life people have their dream and motives on every point they will never have
One thing that is time when it comes to understanding others heart they never understood it in life
Because we all are so busy in understanding our own heart on every time we just never understood
How can other person change so easily on every point I just have one feel from my mind that
I want  world to understand me but I am hardly understanding world on any point and trying to
Understand your own heart is perfect thought it is never crime so we spend hours in just one thing
Understanding our mind at every moment we just feel one thing that understanding is so hard work
We need to do it on every step of life at each step we just feel one thing we will understand other
Person after some point but it will not happen because our first task is to understand ourselves
And that never complete in life at every step we just feel one thought from inside those thinking
Which will tell us our need are hiding on some point we need to first touch and understand our
Heart at every point we need to work hard on our mind but still we never understand what we are
From inside because somewhere in heart we have hidden our own feeling in far corner of mind
Since they are so hurt by every day in life but they just can't stay there always they need to come
One day outside only if we can convince our mind that it can't just hide from crisis on every time
But it never happen it just feel so scared and that part keep us hidden on every point we have just
One feel from inside that every person will have some part of mind which is not ready face on
Every point I have one feel from mind what we truly need is just one thought from inside that
At every step we need to understand our mind those minds which will show our world new thought
Will create our world in such way on every point that my mind will began to show our world
Some sort of thought which will show us that concept that we are not understanding our own
Thoughts from inside they are hidden since they are not ready to face this world at every corner
Of our life I just have one thinking from inside that world will have so many wrong concepts
In life those feelings which touching our mind I feel just one thought that even my that mind
Must understand one concept will create effect on life we feel just one thought from inside that
Concepts have so many effect on mind we have one thought from inside heart will have some
Effect on our mind but then that part of mind will hurt us from inside so then at every point
We just feel one thinking from inside that on those corner we hate our mind not because it will
Show us positive side but then negative thought will look so wrong for our life but still I feel
Even that hidden heart must accept defeat from point to point we need to understand our thinking
And our mind because that part is hidden to our life since it will so much hurt but that same
Part we are searching whole time and instead of understanding others we just mange to get our
Thoughts hurt on every point we need to understand our mind we need to tell our heart what
We feel from inside just one thought that we want our mind to give us that shine which will
Show this world that concepts from inside they are hidden on some point of life we need to
Just understand our thought and mind when we understand our heart then only we can feel
Or understand others in life we are so busy to understand that part of mind which will show
This world that side which will have effect in our entire life because that inner part which
Will look so nice have great response in our life so I feel one thought from my mind that those
Hidden thought will show us that side which will look so much better when we understand
Our thoughts and mind we understand other only when we understand our mind so people
Can't understand that point at any point until we don't understand our thinking from inside
Our thoughts will make miracles for our mind when we understand them in positive way of
Our future and life we first need to face that thoughts which are hidden on every point since
Those thoughts are that mystery which we need in life we need to change them in some sort
Of positive style we can understand others and their mind only when we work on our mind
Only when we move with our mind then only we can understand our mind with our positive
Thought and side we will have one thought from inside we will capture our life so we feel
One thing that we can find that thought which will look great to our life then only we can
Able to console others mind or may be we can console others mind and they can console
Our mind we feel from inside just one want that we want to move ahead in life at every point.

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