Sunday, March 8, 2015

Poem 1985. Right things in life

                                                         Right things in life
How hard may I try to get thing right I just have one feel from inside so
On every point I feel just one thought from inside how did we need to just
 Have things right they will turn wrong way on many point I just feel one
Thought or thinking from inside right thing will never enter that easily
 In life but trouble is that we never value them so much in life so those
 Right thought will turn in wrong way in life those.right things never
Look that much great on any point right way is that thought from
 Inside then right way is perfect thing in life but they will not always
Look great when they are right we just feel their importance when
They went out of life only if we learn to value right things on time
How great will be our values of our life but we never do it on time and
 That is true sorrows of life I just feel one thing from inside how
Easily we forget to value right all that remain are just sorrows on
 Sometimes because right will vanish after some point it will not matter
That much in life when we will have it like breath with every time and
 When it is with us we just never realised that pain which we subject to
Our life when it goes out of life we just keep counting it,'s fault with one
 Thought in mind it will never vanish it is our friend for entire life just
 Never once we thought what will happen in life if that right one just
 Goes out of life never once we thought one day that evil sun will rise
Which will support wrong one in life how casually I use to blame that
 Right because I have one thought from inside that right one will just
 Show  us that light which will help us on every point I just thought
 That pointing right one's fault will make it perfect for life never once
 I thought I am doing thing wrong when I have found fault in that one
That right never seem so much great on every point at every point
 I thought improvements in life will be done by turning thing right
 Totally in right side and then it will do miracles for our life but never
Once I thought from my mind that it will turn in wrong way for
 My life on many moment and on any point it will just let evil rule
And it will throw away what is right at every direction of our mind
 Things will turn right when we understood what is wrong on some
Moment and point never once I thought right one will need my
Help or support to survive how much we just assume in life how
Many times things just don't move as per our thought in life we need
 To understand that we are here to support in life not.just point out
What is wrong every time if we keep moving this way in life we need
 To understand we will not survive at every step of our life we need to
 Understand our mind which will tell us again and again to fight for
 Justice in life but that means finding solutions not just screaming on
Every point I just feel one thought from my mind that surviving on each
 Point is based on right I just feel one thought from inside that I can just
 Manage to survive on every point with one thought from inside that
Those thinking which tell us right one will survive without our help is
Wrong for life we need to move ahead with just one view we need all
Right thought in life to take us to that point where in this world we can
 See many sides of life I just feel right will need help to survive and
We just feel explaining will enough in life we just felt that scholar never
Need help to survive but time prove it wrong in life stupid seem to manage
Take side of mean in life and easily manage to prove scholar stupid in life
 So this moment and point when explaining and complaining  no more enough in life
So we need to move ahead in life with view to help that one who is right on each point.

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