Monday, March 9, 2015

Poem 1987. Good quality

                                          Good quality
Good quality will have power on our life we feel one power from inside
 That this quality will just manage to show us that power world that
This quality will have power which will manage to create disaster for
 Enemy on every point but then in this world will have double effect
 On our life at one point it will look great on some section in life then
 I feel one thought from inside good features will have good effect
 On our life that good thought will lead to good side in our mind that
 Good feel show nice thought from inside then good side will show
 Nice thought from inside in our mind but good quality will have some
 Effect on our mind but sometimes we feel one thought from inside
 But sometimes good feel from inside those good quality will show us
 Good point but sometimes it will create pleased effect on mind on every
Point at every time life we feel just one thought from inside then even one
Positive thought will turn wrong due to excitement in life when we move
With too much emotions from inside positive thought are just leading to
 Good side when we use it with care on every point since good is so precious
 But it have that power inside that sometimes good will turn in to evil on just
 Sometimes those feeling of nice will hurt our thought and our mind those
 Positive thought Will show problems in life when we use them in wrong
 Way in life we feel just one thought from inside after all those power will
Have some positive effect on mind but it is just one power of truth from
 Our heart and mind but it can lead to any side of life on any point
Sometimes good will turn in to wrong when wrong thoughts just
 Confuse our mind then positive thought will manage to have impact
 On every point but then power will show us many sides of life at some
 Point we start as good and then turn to wrong side that power which
 Will be alive in mind show us that world which will be good but in
Thirst of it we do mistake on some point when thought  will turn in
Hope for happiness in mind we just forgot sometimes what is
Truth and what is wrong and right it is up to us and our mind that
How did we decide to move ahead in life but our heart sometimes
 Just want good on every point still we just turn in wrong way for our
Future and life need of every moment is one thought that if we use
Our power strongly on that point we can get everything in right way
 In our life we just feel one thing that power of good is something
 Which we need from inside but still sometimes wrong emotions took
Hold of right mind that is worst moment of life when right turn in just
 Wrong way in life disaster will enter in mind when right mind start
To move wrong way in life on every moment and on every point I just
 Feel thought from inside we can't be sure about our side until it don't
 Turn in right way of life when it get obsessed with one thought that
 Evil must learn lesson in life evil will lose after some time and it is
Some rule on every point and it will applied to all evil as well as to our
 Good side just since you are nice you can't expect yourself to be
Some one over the rules of life life will treat everyone in same way in life
 Even evil one get chance to improve in life we need to just understand
 Our mind we need to tell we will not get chance on every point just because
 We are good one in life we need to prove it again and again to world
Every time that we are good one on every point so never feel one thought
 From inside once positive means positive for whole time we need to understand
 One point we can be positive only if we keep it alive so be positive act that
 Way always in life because just one wrong move and your life will
 Come on that point where you once again start from beginning of life.

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