Sunday, March 22, 2015

Poem 2011. Not stopping by negative

                                                       Not stopping by negative
When some one began to speak some positive point people just manage to stop it with
Those negative thought which are hidden inside those concept which are turning world in
Such wrong way in life just managing to hurt us from time to time but still some people will just
Keep trying to move them on front seat of life those thoughts which hurt us every time
I just have one feel from inside that I need to move ahead with just positive thought of mind
But some people just feel that negative thought will have impact on our mind so we want to
Keep them away in life at every moment we just feel positive thought should continue on
Every point because it will show our world in different light we just have one feel from inside
We need to move ahead with good thoughts of mind but people just understand need of those
Thoughts on any point people just feel one thing that they must tell what they feel in life but
Sometimes our words turn wrong way in life and they create so many enemies for us that
Even plenty of friends can't make us winner in life because god is watching us on every
Moment and point we need to understand cutting positive and turning it in negative never show
This world in positive color on any point we need to understand from our mind that positive
Thinking is that thought which will manage to take us to that new world which will show us
Our new front of life positive thoughts are those concepts which will give our world on shine
They will show this world we are something worthy on each point we need to understand
Our thinking and mind we must not stop our positive thoughts because negative cut us from time to time
We need to understand value of positive on every point we need to understand that negative
Will be never correct or right for our life those negative facts which will have effect on our
Thinking and mind never look that much great when we manage to turn them into some thing
So profitable in life but they are not moving in positive thought of our life we need to understand
Our thought and mind that positive is needful and most positive on every point negative it just
One thought which may look temporarily great but will look so much great but it will kill our
Thoughts and mind from inside we never understood what was it in life because mind will
Have different part on every point it will tell different things from point to point but one thing
Totally true that it will take us to that world which will give our world good and positive
Sort of shine we never understood what we feel from inside when positive thought just stopped
From point to point at each point it will show us world in so different way in life at every point
We just feel one thought from inside we can become positive in life when negative will just
No longer remain so important in life unless we decide to just win is our motive of our life
But when we move ahead in life I feel just like me you feel same thing from inside that just
Winning will not give you smile until you can see whole world around you is good and pure
From mind what we need from inside since we are child that is caring for us on every point
We needed inside our life we need affection for our mind it will take us to that point we feel
One thought from our mind that new wonderful thought of caring for others manage to cure
Us our mind we never understand just success of negative thought will not help us in life
We need to understand our mind we want wonderful things in life then we need dream on
Each point after all negative thoughts will tell us that we need them to get things in life but
Just getting things is not enough but it is distributing to others on every point we need to
Understand giving things to all is not sacrifice but it seem sitting with others and sharing with
Them and that is true pleasure of mind we are human who want togetherness on every point
So then at every point we feel one thought from inside negative thought should be changed
In some positive thought in life it will change our world in some good world in life we need others
But not for that we can turn positive into negative in life such change will manage to damage
Our thoughts and mind at every point we will began to think we need some thing nice but
That thing will show us that side where every thing stood against us in our mind just things
Are not enough we need true success in life it is with positive lines will be more complete
In our life and it will be not in just our mind it should be in world we want to complete those
Positive sentence in life we need to complete then by not stopping due to negative one in life.

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