Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Poem 1870. Feeling in life

                                                              Feeling in life
Every feeling which will be included in life will have just one thought from inside those thinking
Which will create impact on mind will be that feeling which I will try on every point but some
Thought and feeling just never enter in life they will stay away in one corner that feeling will have
Just one impact from inside they will tell us that we never understand world without them in life
But still some feeling seem so better when they are far away from life I need to move ahead just
Slowly on every point with one feeling that I need some thing interesting in life that should include
Hard work not just feeling which enter at random on some time when we start to move ahead then
We must not let feeling just move us we need to move ahead with thinking and mind I just need
One thought on every angle of life that I can move ahead with positive point but hard work is more
Precious and important in my life other feeling will just vanish after some time we never understand
Importance of hard work on every time it seem that hard work is that act which will have impact
On our world at every point I need to move ahead with my one thought that hard work needed in life
But some times feeling will become it's best companion on that point but some times feeling will
Just become wrong companion of mind they manage to keep us away from getting our goal of life
Feeling become just one obstacle in our life because feeling will manage to create such effect on
Our thinking and mind that feeling will lead to that place where we want to move step by step in
Our future and life feelings are that thought which take us ahead on every point they will just prove
One thing on every angle of life that we want to move ahead with feeling but that will not happen
Unless we work with hard work in life but when feeling are so strong and so powerful that they just
Manage to harm our work they become one hardest type of truth which is so hard to accept inside life
Our feelings are that thought which take us ahead on every point we just never understand that those
Feelings are not making us winner of our life they are just becoming something which will confuse
Our thinking on each target of our life on every point we feel one thought that our feeling must not
Just able to confuse our thought of mind when our feeling began to rule on each day of our life
We just keep running after them and never manage to make every thing perfect and right in life
Our need on every moment is not about just feeling but about keeping those feeling in positive way
In our life those thoughts which touch us on every point seem like full of those feeling which will
Look so great on every moment and point feeling which will give happiness to this world on every
Moment and life but that feeling which will manage our future and just creating worst sort of effect
On every point of our world and lead it to such confuse point where we can't see any goodness on
Any moment or point but those feeling will lead to that confused thought of our mind which will
Lead to that angle where feelings will take us totally wrong point on that point where we can see
Many parts of world at each angle of life those feeling that create some impact on our mind suppose
To be best for our future on every time those feelings will look so good on every angle of our life
When they are some thing which will take us on every point but then when those wrong feeling
Will enter in our life we need to move ahead with full speed but with just feel of right morals in
Our future and life since those feeling which will take us ahead are something so great on every
Moment and point since those feeling will just manage to hurt us from inside due to their wrong
Intention on every point feelings will always have to side on which side should we keep them is
Just one thought which we need on every point it may happen on some point of our life that we
All need one thing from inside that thought which will show us we can move ahead with one
Good angle of life feeling will rule our world on every thought of our mind we need to just keep
Control on our feelings on every point of life since feeling are that thought which will manage
To capture our thinking and our mind but one thing is so sure in life that feeling will stay in same
Way and angle for our life because they are just leading to that angle or that point where life will
Not be that much easy on any angle of our life it will just manage to confuse us on every point
We could have seen so many positive angles of life when feeling are having just one positive
Angle of life we just feel one thought from every angle of our life those feeling will no longer
Remain life saver on any point they just become something that will take me ahead on every point
Inside our life but it will happen only when we keep that feeling on positive side of our life and
On every point we just keep our feeling on that angle where every thing will look as if it can be
Done if we work hard that is one feeling needed to capture our thoughts as well as our mind on
Every angle and point since it is just one power from inside our mind on every point of our life.

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