Thursday, December 25, 2014

Poem 1861. Supporter in life

                                                               Supporter in life
We need one thing we always need support in life on every moment we feel just support on every
Part of our life those supports which manage to take us ahead are always need on every point but
Then these support which we need in our life that support which we get on every angle of life but
Then support is that thinking which will have some effect on our mind we need to move ahead on
Every angle of life because support is that thinking which will lead to create some impact on our
Thoughts of mind we started to finding supports which are so much great on every point I just have
One thought from inside that those supports which we need in our mind are something which we
Feel required in life because once we get support it become one habit of mind we just never feel
That we can walk on our own ways inside life those moments which will show us many sort of
Support on every point we just feel one thought from inside that those support which will have
Some impact on our mind we feel that we just can't walk without support in life that walking will
Have some effect on our mind because when we walk then on every moment we need just one
Thing support like our breath on every time that breath which will have some impact to our mind
It become as necessary thing as breathing for our mind we will never understand on which point
We can see that thing which tell us right way of life so we just keep wondering on every point
How can  we find support on some point but then on some point I feel one thing from inside that
Those moment which we have wasted in searching for support could have helped us in life and
Instead of waiting for support we need to find some thing nice and we have to get things with our Own efforts then when we want to move ahead in life we need to do it with our tries just searching For support will not help us in life then those things which will help us on every point in our life
Helping us but they are making us weak on same point because helper is one who care for us in life
And that one will come ahead when we fall on every time that help and love is great every point
It will just manage to hurt us in life so then I feel one thought from my mind that when people love
Us and took our care they just never let us chance to face world sometimes I know I need help on
Some point but on some point I wish too much care make me weak before some people in life
Who never care for us come before us on some point we just feel one thing from inside so then
I feel one thing from inside that in world there are some people who just never care for us in life
They are our rival and ruthless enough in life who want to watch us falling and then want to just
Walk on us at that time I know it may be cruel but then we have to face even those people inside
Our life on every point we feel one thought from inside but then what I feel one thought from life
That some people are having that spirit in life that we will call it evil while other say it is just
Competitions in life so then I feel one thing from inside that we never like those competition in
Our life so those thoughts which will touch our mind that when we are living our safe life that
One day we will face that tide so may be support become our enemy on that time but never just
Go ahead and blame that one who support you in life so then I feel one thing from inside that
If we tell people those who support inside life are not to be blamed we need to learn to stop them
Nicely on time I know it is hard one since every one loves help in life but still we need to just
Understand help is not always get us what we want from inside it will remain so much confuse
Us on every point our thinking will differ on every point those things which will create some
Impact on our mind but one thing is sure we need supporter in life but when we have them then
We must use them in proper way of life because supporter are those people who are our friends
And helping us with good thoughts from inside those thoughts which touch us on every point
Will seem like something which will look so great on every point our thinking will not help us
That much in life when we start to move ahead with our thinking from inside we just feel that
Supporter are those people who move ahead with us to help us in life but we need to stop them
From helping us sometimes then only we will learn to move ahead in life with our mind so those
Thoughts which will have some impact from inside we feel one thing that we are just managing
To create problems on every point since those thinking which are so great on every point no more
Seem like that easy in life when things are suppose to be hard supporters on every thought in life
After all those things which are leading to that section in life but then some people feel just one
Thought from inside my mind that supporter are not our enemy but they are that treasure will
Look great in life but we must learn to use them in limit every time step by step if we use that
Treasure will look so great from inside supporter will help us on every point because those
Supporters are true helper but we need to use them slowly and carefully inside our future and life.

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