Sunday, December 7, 2014

Poem 1829. Thoughts of our mind

                                                       Thoughts of our mind
Those thoughts which are alive in life seem so far away when we move ahead in life those
Thinking which touch me on every point seem like some thing which is hidden on each point
When some thoughts will become alive we just began to feel one thing from inside that those
Thoughts which will have some thing from inside that when thoughts will manage to bring
Out our life then life will have some reaction inside life as days manage to create impact in
Thinking and life I feel one thought from inside that as days went ahead on every point that
When new things will have some thing important inside life but then will enter only on that
Point new things have some impact inside life but those new things which change our life
Will look inside life then on every moment I feel just one thought from inside that when we
Move ahead on every point but then step by step we move ahead in life just carefully on every
Moment and point so then those movements which will lead to that section of life because
Those movement are leading to that point where we can see moving fast is need from inside
We feel just one thought on every point that new things will move us ahead step by step in life
Those things which will create just effect on our mind seem to have some reaction on every
Point of life then I feel one thing from inside that alive are my those thoughts which tell us that
On every moment we need to move ahead while making our thoughts alive on every point those
Thinking and those thoughts which touch us every time seem like some thing which will lead
Ahead our life on every point we feel one thought from inside that alive thoughts will create
Some impact on every point after all those thoughts which will have effect on our life when we
Move ahead on every angle of life then when we start to move ahead in life when we become
Active on every point these thinking will have some thing alive on every point so then when
We start to move ahead in life we just feel one thought from inside that alive is one feeling which
We have from inside on every moment we feel one thought from inside that alive thing is that
Thing which will move ahead on every point is that thought which touch us on every point
When we move ahead on every angle of life we just feel that thought which is alive on every
Angle of life when some sort of things become alive it will look so great on every point in life
But then when our thinking will take us ahead then we feel that we can move ahead in life and
On every point we feel need of moving ahead inside life because those thoughts which will
Just manage to move us ahead step by step inside life when movement will take us ahead in life
When we move fast on every point so these thoughts will look so alive inside life when those
Thoughts will have some effect on our life I feel one thought from inside that when life will
Just turn alive on every point because when we move ahead in life then I have one thought
From inside that when we start to move ahead with thought which will pure inside life because
These thoughts will become alive on every point when we start to act properly inside life so
Then I feel that some thoughts are formed inside life which will take us ahead on every point
We feel just one thing from inside that when thoughts will give some reaction on our life we
Just feel one thing from inside that alive thoughts are something which are truly living our life
But one thing we never sensed is another truth of life we just feel one thing that our true thought
Will manage to hurt us on every point those thoughts which will have some effect on our life
Will seem not pleased as we thought from inside they just move slowly step by step in life and
Are not those thoughts which are alive in life but then when we move ahead in life we just
Never understand one concept of our life that thoughts are that part of life which will never
Show us clearly in life they are those which are hidden inside that fog which always capture
Our thinking and our mind we feel just one thing that thoughts are something which will help
Our mind slowly and step by step in life those thoughts which are hidden in subconscious mind
We feel just one thought from inside that we can see clear thought but what we see finally inside
That area of life which will take us ahead in life we need to move ahead step by step in life so
We just keep one thought from inside that clear thoughts will dominate our life since they are
So much alive on every point but that is not truth of life those thoughts which capture our feeling
Are not those which seem so much alive they are true part of our mind never just think those
Thoughts which are before us can make easy our life those thoughts which will look so nice
But still we need another thoughts of life which tell us on every point that we need to move
Ahead slowly in life which are hard one and hidden but still ruler of our life and our mind on
Each and every time so those thoughts are one who manage to hurt us on every point but still
Those thoughts are those best friends of our future and our life which will take us ahead on
Each and every point then manage to make us true winner of our future as well as our entire life. 

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