Friday, December 5, 2014

Poem 1828. Anger in fight

                                                            Anger in fight
Many types of sweet and tender things are part of our life we just feel that we are same way in life
We just never understand that harsh and sharpness is also part of our life but we can understand it
Only when our enemy enter in that game which we call life when life went ahead we feel just one
Thought from inside that life is something which will have many types of part which touch our
Thinking and mind on every point I feel just one thought from inside that on our horizon that enemy
Comes just to show us inside life how can we start move ahead with your thought on every point
And then those sweet thing always slowly on every point because sweetness is that thought which
Will touch my mind on every point because those sweet thoughts will vanish on every point since
That sweet thought vanish on that point may be because that sweetness will create some effect on
Our mind on every point since that sweetness is not as necessary inside life when enemy will just
Manage to think from inside that enemy will show one thing from inside that on every moment
I just feel one thing from inside sweet things look so nice on every angle of life but then those
Sort of feeling from inside that when enemy will enter inside our life we just have one thought
On every point that those sweet and tender feeling will vanish on every angle of life so then we
Have just one thought from inside that sweetness just vanish on every point when enemies will
Enter on one side of life I just have one thought from inside that when our enemies enter I just
Feel one harsh point on every angle of life that is which lead to difficult thoughts on every point
Those difficult things will lead to that side which will lead to some harsh side but then those things
Which are sweetness will look so nice on every point seem to kept on far away side where we start
To move ahead in life we feel just one thought from inside that sweet and tender feeling which
Will be part of our life will look so great on every point we feel that anger which will arise when
We want to move ahead in life those thoughts which will have some anger inside will lead to that
Moment and point where sweetness will remain part of our life if we keep in control that anger
On every point when we walk ahead step by step in life I just feel one thought from inside that
Anger which that enemy create will give some effect to our mind we feel one thought from inside
That sweet and tender feelings are that part of life which will have some positive side but then
When we move ahead inside life so then sweet and nice sort of pure thought from inside so then
Anger will look so great on every point those anger which will have some sort feeling which will
Lead to that problem in life that harshness and anger which will have some effect on our life so
Then that sweet feeling will look so great on every point but when enemy will enter on some
Point inside life that harsh thought will lead to some sort of hard thing in life I feel one thought
From inside that sweetness will harm us when enemy enter in life it is not that we don't want it
But like sand those feeling vanish from hand on every point I just feel one thing from inside
That those positive thoughts which will have reaction on every point when we let those harsh
Feeling to enter in our life I have just one feeling from inside that those thoughts which are so
Positive will turn negative on some point but how can we keep ourselves positive when enemy
Just manage to hurt us from inside those thoughts which look so much good just manage to look
So hard for us on every point I just want to keep sweet feeling but I can't when I see some one
Which is worst person for us in life but that moment is that point when our thinking will manage
To confuse us in life we just feel one thing from inside that sweetness will lead to some thing
So friendly that we want it to be kept with us on some point I feel just one thing from inside that
Enemy is one thing on every point which just encourage anger and destroy nice and sweetness
On every point I just have one feel from inside when we fight with our enemy then those things
Which will have impact on our life those thinking will lead to confusing thing from inside life
We want to teach lesson to enemy but things don't turn as we thought from inside because then
Enemy will show many types of fights which just tell us sweetness is not needed in life so then
Those feeling will lead to complicate on every point I just feel one thought from inside that when
Sweetness is our treasure we just waste it on wrong things in life because those sweet feelings
Are that part of life which will lead to positive angle on every point but when we see enemy then
We need to create balance inside our life when we move ahead we just feel one thought from
Inside sweetness is not required when we fight but that is not truth of life we need to manage
That truth on every point in life so then harshness is that thought which will please inside life
These anger will look so great on every point at beginning inside fight but we need it only in
Most limited way or not at all in life that anger will manage to come without invitation inside life
Because those things which are leading anger on every point never needed anger in life we got it
But we need to control on every point because anger never help us it is just burden on us what
Help us just one confidence which enter with it many times so just keep that confidence and try
To ignore anger again and again on many times inside our future and our life from inside of life.

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