Thursday, December 11, 2014

Poem 1837. Time

When I ask time why are you running ahead time told me that it just never run ahead
It told me with force it just move in normal way it seem to have proof when I lack in them
Time to have it's best case because it never force me to run ahead after all in this world on
Every point I just ahead either with my brain or with others choice I once thought I want to walk Which way I just always find those ways which look most easiest so time is never gone out of our Hand not yesterday or today and it's up to us how we choose our ways on every point and on
Every day time is in our hand whenever we wake up and see it that way when we feel we have lost Time we need  to understand that it's just like train first one is too crowded but we can always manage
To take next train traveling never stops just because we have just missed one train we can always Manage to next train we may feel just many times that we lost that game but it never happen
Because it is like train it will give next chance but just in different way at beginning you are
On one side now you are just on other side of game and once you are kids you are grown up on
After some moment but time is not running away in confused way in life when time will have time
It is just teach you same game but in different way in life once you will have give respect  to elder
On next moment you have to treat kids properly in life time never let you fall on any point it will
Just move with normal speed time do it to just to give us chance on every time when we move ahead
With our time we feel just one thing from our mind that those moments which are so wrong on some
Moment and point then we feel one thing from inside that when we move ahead in our life then
That time will began to capture our mind time never move fast but we move slow in life and time
Is never went out of our hand until we just decide to give up in life every moment we can change
Our ways of life we are moving fast but still we have our time even on those moments when we
Got some people in life when we ignore them in that time still time will give us another chance
In life because time will show many sort of problems in life at every moment time will show so
Many different issue on every point because time will have some effect on our mind so those
Thoughts will have some effect on our mind so then time will show us reaction on our life then
Time will show us different concept we never lost any thing only if we decide to learn in life
When we can't do justice to one time will give us once again chance by another point even if we
Start to improve that one on that point it will look so much great in life so I feel that time will
Have so much interesting in life because time will have many reason in life that reason will have
Some effect on mind then time will have some impact on mind time will show us many sort of
Effect on mind because time will show us many colors which will give different effect to our
Thoughts and mind those effect will create so many results on life time will move us to
That area or point I feel one thought from inside time will turn our life good on every point
Because time will have some results in life but then time will show us different concepts in life
Time is not that effect on every area of life but then time will have different effect in our life
Time will turn that circle which will have effect on our life when we turn them in that side which
Will show us on every point time will have some side of life because time will show that side
Which we want to learn in life only if we forget what we have done and then start some thing
New and right on next point then new things will look so much great on every point because
Time will have that skill on every point which move ahead like water but never stop just because
We try to create dam on some point time will move ahead will not stop in life but question is that
Why we want it to stop on any point if first chance is lost then it will give us next chance in life
Just two words of affection are something enough for our mind those kind words will show that
Side will have interesting in our life so those thoughts of time I feel one things will touch us
On every point I just have one thought that time is that thing which look so nice because then
Life will have some effect on our life time will have some results which will give impact to our
Future and life time will be that concept which will take us to that area in life because time will
Move smoothly in life so then time will give turn to good way in life I feel from inside that
One thought on every point that time will move in such a way in life that it will give us chance
To change our time we have never lost our time because time will move that means we will
Move with it so two moving things are always together they never lost each other on any point.

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