Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Poem 1836. Fully read book

                                                           Fully read book
When we start to understand some book in life how different ways are there which will show them
Many ways of life some just book by cover some by beginning reading some pages which will just
Manage to tell us need of understanding books on every point when we read some book we just feel
One thought from inside that understanding that book is so great on every point we need to just
Come ahead and understand it some people understand it just understanding on every point so then
I feel one thing from inside because some people just don't understand those few pages will look
So much great on every point then few pages will have some direction on every point when we read
Few pages it seem as if whole book will be understood by those pages while understanding book
On every point since we all feel just one thing from inside that we can't understand book just by
Reading it on some times in life while others sometimes guess what is just by reading few pages
In life at beginning I use to believe those people in life but then slowly I have understood that
Those thinking will have effect on every point we are just feeling one thought from inside so
Then those things will look great when someone claim and said that this person have understood
Each and every point I feel just one thing from inside those books will have some meaning in
Our life because book will have some effect on every point so inside book we have different
Sort of meaning on every point we just feel one thought from inside book will have many thoughts
And meaning inside those books which can be understood in first few pages is something just said
With full confidence inside life but they have never understand any point of our life so then that
Concept of thoughts in life which tell us many points seem like some thing which never have that
Positive effect on life which is just image of beginning and those people have created out of it
There whole world in life on every point we feel just feel they are right because they are saying it
With such a confidence inside life on every point I feel one thought from inside that those ways
Which say inside life seem like some thing which will reduce confidence on every point and we just
Began to believe one thought from inside they knew book on every angle of life when we start to
Read that book which will have different theories inside but then those people just read that sort of
Beginning of book on some point so then we feel just one thing from inside those beginning will
Have some thing which will look so nice on every point so beginning will look so nice and then
When we need to understand that those people are not understanding things on every point so
I just have one feeling from inside that book is not some thing which will have some effect in life
After all when that person told me on something with so much confidence I feel sometimes I just
Believe it in life so then when I see one fact from my eyes that it is not question of truth but it is
Just question of confidence in life even liar seem like something which will have some effect on
Our mind confidence seem like some thought which will manage to harm us on every point and
Those thinking which are hurting us will manage to hurt us on every angle of life we just never
Understand what we feel from inside but we feel just one thing that we need to move ahead with
Just one thought that we need to understand that book which will have different angle of life
When we read it in detail on every point we need to understand that book is having different
Concepts which can be understood only when we read it fully inside our life those books which
Have so many pages needed to be understood only when we understand them in life those pages
Are telling many concepts in life but still on every point I just feel one thing from inside that
We are understanding truths on many point just trusting confidence of one will become play of life
We will never understand that how bigger are turning problems of our life when we just trust
Confidence and not other things in life we need to move ahead step by step with hope to win
In life our life is moving slowly and step by step inside life we need to understand just one
Thought or concept of life that book needed to be read page by page not by just summary in life
But some people say things with such confidence that we fall in one trap of life we just began
To feel that they are telling truth on every point but when we move ahead we feel one thought
From inside that confidence is proof of truth in life but that is not truth at all on any point because
Confidence is not truth of life it just one quality but not truthfulness of life confident person can
Say lie with same power as truth in life just try to understand truth by reading a book by yourself
Never just trust some one and that one's view in life we need to understand that truth is one power
Which is hidden on pages of our life so we need to read that pages carefully sometimes we can
Locate and find truth on some moment and on some point which will please us from inside
So try to fully read a book which we get in our hand and precious to us inside our life never just
Go ahead on summaries at each and every point because they will just confuse us inside our life.

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