Sunday, December 7, 2014

Poem 1830. Different reason

                                                           Different reason
Different area will show so different reason in life after all those reason which we need on every
Point inside life those area of life which will have reason into some thing that is so important in
Our life then that reason which will lead to one point where reason will look so interesting in life
Because those reason will have some effect on our life these reasons which will cause those things
Will have some effect on our life but reason seem to create so many effect on every time I feel
Just one thought from inside that reason will show something which will give different section
Inside our life so those thoughts which will have reason will look so great on every point so then
These reason will look so nice in life because those reason will look so interesting inside our life
When we start some thing new factor of life so then I feel one thing from inside that those sort
Of reason which are created due to some chapter inside life when then in life reason will have
Some impact from inside because that area will look so great on every point but then these things
Will look great when we start to lead that kind of life one thing which will have good area of life
So these reason which lead to that area of mind that will tell us on every point that there is so
Different reason for each person inside life we always feel that there are some reason on each
Concepts of life but people will just change and with them will be change reaction of people on
Every moment and point we just feel one thought from inside that reasons which are so precious
To us on every point doesn't seem like something which will have some effect on our mind but
When we move ahead we need to understand one thing from inside that those reason which we
Have inside life will look in life we feel just one thought from inside one thought from inside
That those reason which will be so great on every point will look so nice on every point so those
Reason will turn to right area of life because those reason which will look so much great on every
Point inside our life after all those reason will create some effect on our mind those reason will
Have some effect on every point of our life then reason will have some effect on every point but
Then those reason which will give us that light which have so much great effect on our life when
We move ahead on every point I just feel one thought from inside that reason are those area which
Will show us that area of life where we can see many reason on every point of our life we feel just
One thought from inside that reason will be same but same thing from inside but then those sort
Of thought will have some reaction on our life but then we feel just one thought from inside then
I feel that reason are those thoughts which will look so wrong from inside when we start to think in our
Ways and life on every point we just see those things which seem so right for our life because
Those things will have some reaction in life we feel they will repeat on next time but that is not
Truth of our life reaction will change from each and every point we just feel one thought from
Our mind that those reason will remain same when they will change on each and every point just
Those reasons which are so important for our life will not be always same on any point those sort
Of reasons which will create impact on our life seem like something which will have some effect
On our mind reasons are those facts which will have some effect on our mind those reason will
Seem like some thing on every angle of life when season will change with it how easily reason
Will change on every point I just feel one thought from inside life that reason will lead to that
Angle of life on each and every point I feel just one thought from our mind that reason will be
Differ on every point so then those thought which will have some effect on our mind those sort
Of reason created from them on every point we just feel one thing from inside that our thoughts
Will different on every angle of life we need some reasons on every point but we can't find them
On every angle of life true reason and it is so hard to find it on every time because reasons will
Change from time to time and they will create effect on our mind we feel just one thing from inside
But those reason will create impact on our life they will lead to that position on which we are just
Suppose to stand inside life on every point I just feel one thought from inside that when my reason
Will become truth only then I will understand different reason on different circumstances of life
I just feel one thing from inside that reason will differ on every point so we have to find those
Reasons which are so nice for our life they will differ so each point so it will be our hard task
That is to search for reason inside life we need to search for those reason on every moment and
On every time since we have need of reason on every point of our life because reason is that thing
Which will be always needed to found with lot of effects inside our future and on each point.

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