Saturday, December 6, 2014

Adventure story 166. Close relationship

                                                           Close relationship
Roshani was opening her window. When she heard that noise, there was some sort of loud voice. That was so strange on every point.She started opening window.When she tried hard still that window didn't give up.She decided to that she should ignore that window. After all she didn't want to open that window.She just decided from her heart that it was a lot better if it was closed.Then she began to heard more noises. This new house was really scary for her. First it was too old and she didn't even like neighborhood that much.Every neighbor was looking at Roshani in strange way as if they were some people from alien planet. She just hated that look.She just wished from heart that only if Paresh could understood that how much she hated this flat. But then she couldn't blame him.He was transferred here.His job in bank was such good.He had to come here. He managed to get this flat in reasonable price while prices of other flat were so large. She knew that this flat was so old and even Paresh just hated it. That flat was so much inconvenient for even Paresh. When Paresh looked so much upset due to that flat,she could see that there was disappointment in her eyes.She had to adjust in that house. It was worst house. She knew but still she had to say that it was nice. Then she heard small cries of her son.Ravi was hungry and upset. She ran back to Ravi. Ravi"Mommy..Mommy..".He was making different type of voices. He wanted to eat food. There was pleasant smile on his face as soon as he saw Roshani.It was his habit as soon as he woke up,he wanted his Mom stood before him. Roshani could see that even Ravi was upset.But then she sensed that it must be due to her attitude that Ravi was upset. Small toddlers mostly get affected due to elder's reactions in life. She could clearly felt one thing from mind. That she was getting upset and on every point it was affecting Ravi.She decided that she must control herself. So she just smiled and took Ravi near that window. That window was still closed. Ravi was so upset to see that he started banging on it with his small hands. Roshani also started to try to open it.But it was not working. Then suddenly she felt some one was opening it from outside. Finally that window was opened and Ravi started clapping happily.It was such a relief for Roshani. Then she looked out. A young boy with glasses was standing outside. He was giving cute smile. When Roshani saw him,she was felt as if he could be her younger brother. He seemed like young and scholar. Roshini"Thanks who are you?""I stay in your neighborhood.""Neighborhood? But I thought that there was just one old couple stays there.""Yes. They are my grandparents.""Ohh so you are on vacation." There was suddenly clouds of sadness in his eyes. Roshani wanted to ask him reason of his getting upset.But she was too new in that society to ask him anything.He might had some big personal problem. Then she thought one idea. She was so happy with it. Roshani "Do you like to have tea with us?" He smiled."Sure."Then Roshani opened her door and took that boy inside her house.
       When that boy entered inside,he looked around. That boy "hi I am Chetan. My god your house is mess. Do you shifted just now?""Yes.Actually I have shifted few days ago.But you can see Ravi is so small. I just couldn't manage to unpack things without Paresh's help. Ravi just always managed to do some thing when my attention shift to unpacking. He never stays on one place." Chetan started smiling. Chetan"Small kids are like that only."Then he took out Ravi from Roshani's arms and started playing with him. Chetan"Auntie you can relax.I will take care of this angel."Ravi immediately took liking towards Chetan. Chetan seemed to have perfect skill of handling kids. He just managed Ravi in such a good way that Roshani felt sure that he would handle things.She started unpacking things. After coming in this building it was first time when she saw some one who acted friendly with her.It was so great. She just managed to unpack things. It was so nice to have some one like Chetan at neighborhood. Suddenly she began to feel that  idea of shifting was not that bad. She began to feel it was just perfect thought. She never had some one so nice even in her old neighborhood. Chetan was helpful. She decided that she must invite him for lunch. Chetan" Sorry I can't stop. My grandmother must be waiting for me." Then he took out his mobile. Chetan" I will give you one miss call. Store my number. I will come take care of this angel any time." " Thanks." Ravi was just screaming for Chetan now. Roshani knew that it was going to hard task to separate Ravi from Chetan. But she slowly took Ravi to window and Chetan ran from behind.When Ravi noticed that Chetan was gone,he cried for some time. But then slowly he got hungry so when Roshani gave him food of his choice. His crying became artificial. In her heart Roshani was thanking Chetan was his great help. Then she patted Ravi who finally slept. She now had some time to relax. She was so happy to get helper like Chetan. She was so excited. She knew that she should sleep but she just wanted to share this with Paresh. She knew that he was so concerned about her. She wanted to reduce his tension.She looked at watch. She decided that she would call him in lunch hour. She kept looking at watch. On every minute seemed to her like centuries.She was excited to talk to him. Finally when she called him. Roshani" Hallo Paresh..""Roshani every thing is fine? Are you all right?..""Relax every thing is perfect."Paresh laughed. "I was so scared when you phoned. I feel as if I am getting nervous every time about you and Ravi. Since I left you in that unknown building without any helpful neighbor and with such a small kid. I feel so guilty.""Now just relax. Now I am no more without help.""What?"Then she told every thing about Chetan. Paresh started sounding so much happy on phone" Wow great.!! Now I can work properly. I was getting so much nervous on every step due to tension.I just can't able to work.""But in morning you told me that you are relax.Hi Hi.""Now don't laugh on me. You know fully that I am scared. That's why you phoned so now don't pretend as if you don't know."Okay..Okay..just relax. This your lunch hour.You have to eat. I must end my call.""Now no need of that. I like to chat with you for all time. I can eat with one hand while talking on phone. Due to our son we hardly get time to talk.""Come on."Then Roshani kept chatting with Paresh for some time. It was first time. They were so much relaxed. She felt that it was Chetan's favor. She blessed him from whole heart.
      That whole day went away easily for Roshani. Just talking with Paresh always managed to relax her. She was so lucky to have such wonderful husband. She was so relaxed. She started making dinner which was special sort of dinner for family. But then Ravi started crying and every plan was failed. It happened on every time. She felt so guilty that she had never able to do anything special for Paresh. It was so wrong. She wanted to cook some thing nice for him.But Ravi was so small.He just could not understood such things.Even if she able to cook something nice.She was sure that Ravi would also get some thing interesting to eat. But Ravi wanted just one thing that his Mom should stay with him. Then suddenly on that moment her door bell rang. She ran to open door and Ravi was in tow behind her. She was scared when Ravi did that. If some one fall due to suddenly coming of Ravi.She just took Ravi in her arms and opened door. Chetan was standing outside. Chetan gave Ravi his sweet smile and Ravi ran in his arms. Roshani was so glad to see Chetan.She knew that using Chetan like that was so wrong.She decided to reject that idea today. Roshani "I am fine. There is no need. I will manage. I didn't need to you every day." Roshani wanted to say it right but she could hear feel that it all had came out in wrong way. Chetan looked so much depressed. Then Roshani smiled and said "Okay I need help. I accept it. I accept my defeat."She said it in playful way and Chetan smiled.Once again Chetan took Ravi in his hands. Chetan managed to take hold of Ravi once again and Roshani managed to cook food of her choice. At each and every point Chetan was so helpful. It was first time when she felt so relaxed. Even when Paresh came back, Chetan was still there playing with Ravi. Then Paresh was introduced to Chetan by Roshani. He began to chat with him. It looked so great on every point. Paresh was liked Chetan on every point. Chetan was  acting so perfectly. Paresh felt that he was so great on every point. He wanted Chetan to remain with his son.He looked as perfect influence on Ravi, He felt just one thing from inside Chetan. He was so nice on every point. Chetan was teaching Ravi nice things. Now Ravi had even began to speak "Papa" just with help of Chetan. Chetan was explaining many things to those people. Then Chetan was doing every thing so greatly, That Paresh felt that Chetan was greatest. Chetan even chatted with Paresh for long time. But then suddenly he looked at watch and said that he must go to home. He just ran away.When Roshani came out with snacks,Chetan had already left. Roshani " Where is Chetan?""He just ran away to his home.""That boy is so strange.He came whenever wish and then just vanish."Paresh"May be he turn into frog after some time?"After hearing this Roshani started smiling with Paresh and little Ravi joined their laugh. Ravi didn't understood any thing but he understood just one thing since his Mom and Dad were smiling something must be funny. Ravi just started his innocent laughter which made Roshani and Paresh so happy.
      From that day Chetan started coming to Paresh and Roshani's house from time to time. Chetan was helping them. Slowly he became their family member. But one thing was so strange that he mostly went away suddenly after some time. They just felt that it was so wrong. One day when Chetan went away, they decided to go for walk. It was their dinner time. But they decided that they should eat dinner outside on that day.They took Ravi's dinner in small box and went away. They went to nice restaurant and every thing was perfect. Until they finally came out,they were careful to walk on footpath and little Ravi was in Roshani's arm. When suddenly one bike came from side in full fast speed, while walking Roshani must had turned little bit away from foot path. But she never accepted a bike to come in so much speed. But that bike came in such a way that she was pushed and Ravi was thrown out of her hand. She was so scared but Paresh caught him on time. Ravi was crying so loudly. Paresh screamed on that biker "Are you out of your mind?""Hey it was your mistake. She was walking in middle of road."Roshani looked around. She was little bit on road but not on middle. Roshani "You are lying.I am just little bit on road."Paresh "And you could had used horn." Then that boy looked at them. They were shocked to see face.It was Chetan. But he was looking so different as if he didn't care about any thing. He looked like some spoiled boy which never cared for any body. Roshani "Chetan?!!"Suddenly he shocked by this name. That boy"I am not Chetan. He was my brother. The nice one. He was totally perfect at every angle of life. He always acted in perfect way. But he was dead. So if you know him when he was alive then you are mistaking.""What??!!We have seen him just few hours ago."That boy looked shocked.Then he started laughing. He said"Chetan had died many years ago. I have killed him,""What?""He was sick.I was suppose to take care but I went for bike ride. After all it was duty of my parents not me. Then he had some trouble..some serious medical trouble and he died.So I never cared for others that is me. Kunal the evil. Not good one.I just never cared if you get killed.""Stop lying. Chetan is coming to our house on every day." Now Kunal looked shock. Kunal"Are you mad?""We are not mad.You are."Now Kunal was so much shocked. Kunal"You can't be such a ruthless.How can you act like that you are crossing your limits. If fact you are acting worst than me."Then Kunal started laughing. Now Paresh was angry.Paresh" We must go and talk with your parents.""I am staying with my grandparents. This thought was so touching on every point. But you can't see my parents."They were so shocked. Kunal was looking so much like Chetan but he was exactly opposite. But he didn't stop to visit to any of his elders. He just went away fast. But they decided to talk with his grandparents. When they went in their flat, those elder couple was nice. But they received worst sort of shock when they saw Chetan's photo which flowers on it. That Chetan was totally different looking boy.Roshani was first person to spoke. "I like to talk about your grandson.""Who? Kunal? If he acted in some insulting way we are sorry. He is like that only and since his brother..""Stop..Stop,Let us explain."
          Kunal's grandparents were shocked when they heard this."We just don't understand that why did Kunal act like that?Why did he pretend that?" Paresh"I feel that he is having some mental problem due to his brother's death.""But he never cared for his brother. In fact he never even cried for his brother's death. He just never cared.""May be he is hiding?""Hiding?"Roshani" You must take him to psychiatrist."That elderly couple looked confused. But after  convincing they seemed to be agreed.But then next problem came.They didn't know a psychiatrist and they didn't know way to convince Kunal.They discussed for long time. It was so hard with Ravi because he was making noises again and again.Finally Roshani and Paresh had to go home,Next day once again Kunal came to their home and acted helpful.He was once again acting like Chetan.But this time he was telling her that his grandparents wanted his brother Kunal to visit Doctor.But he was not agreeing. Roshani knew that he was pretending. Ravi was playing happily with him but Roshani was scared from inside. Then she suddenly got one idea. Kunal was not ready to go to Psychiatrist but Chentan would be. Roshani"Why don't you go to psychiatrist?""Me? But I am fine.""It help sometimes. Sometimes even if a relative visit psychiatrist. It will help the patient.""No. It is not possible."Chetan started playing again. Roshani was disappointed. But then after some time Chetan came again"You are right. I will visit that psychiatrist for Kunal.Chetan will always do that he is good one. I am good brother."He was speaking in strange way. But Roshani wanted just to grab opportunity. Roshani "Let's go.""But Ravi..""Ohh not with me.You can go with your grand parents.I will call them."Then she called them.Finally they took Kunal to psychiatrist. For few days Kunal didn't visited them. They wanted to inquire but they didn't want to do any interruption. Then one day once again Kunal came.This time he came with flowers and thanks card. Kunal "I went to psychiatrist. He helped me a lot.Actually I was missing my brother Chetan.But I don't want to accept it. I don't want to accept that I want to change my past. I want to be Chetan. Since I don't want accept that so I just pretend. But when Chetan died.I developed. Dissociative Identity Disorder due to posttraumatic stress do to death of my brother Chetan.Chetan was so nice to every one. I was the evil one."Then Kunal cried from his heart."My parents don't want to see my face because I have neglected Chetan. But I never done it with that thought.I just want to enjoy my life. I never thought it would kill him.Trust me."Roshani"Of course I trust you."Then Kunal cried after that every day Kunal kept coming to him.Kunal's parents never forgave him but Roshani and Paresh became like sister and brother-in-law for him.They did every thing for him and Kunal did every thing for Ravi. After all Ravi needed every training which Kunal could give him regarding life. Since Kunal knew every good and worst side of life so his experience and teaching were perfect for a child. So in that house where they hated to live gave them their closest relative. Life is always full of surprise only we need to learn to take it with proper tide.
                                                               The End

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