Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Poem 1869. Honesty differs

                                                         Honesty differs
How funny are some concepts of life which will seem so great and perfect on every point we just
Need to understand one thought inside that one concept honesty seem to differ on every point some
People say honesty is acting as you say in life but if you say some one in anger that you will kill
That person do you feel killing that one will be so wise honesty is one thought which we need in
Our life but such honesty which take us on wrong point sometimes seem like crime so honesty will
Differ from every point on every angle I feel just need of that honesty but it should be in proper way
Of our future and life when we move ahead on every point we feel that we need to be honest on each
Angle and on each point that need of honesty which will lead to that area of life where we can see
Many types of things on every point they will look so great on our life we feel one thought from
Inside that pure thinking of honesty will help us but we need to understand it on every angle and
On every point we just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts of honesty will just manage
To touch us in life but when honesty will differ we feel so strange from inside we feel that honesty
Is not that much required on any point of life we just never understand how to be honest on some
Moment and point people will have just one feeling from inside that honest is one thought which
Will same and right but it seem to differ on many concepts and point how shocking it seem when
That honesty change in life and honesty seem like something so different on every angle of our life
Honesty is that thought which we need on every point but it should be always in right way of our
Future and life honesty is that thinking which will give our world so different shine and honesty
Is that thought which will help us on many point but since honesty is not same in every one's angle
It seem so different on every angle of life so we just feel one thing that honesty is that thought on
Every point which will look so great to world in our life we want to move ahead on every point I just
Never understand that honesty is that pure part of my mind which shows me that wonderful thought
From inside that this world can be beautiful on every angle of life I just never understand what I feel
From my mind but I want honesty but if it differ from one person to another then how can I find
Proper honesty in life I know that water vanishes and turns into cloud but I never thought that honesty
Will vanish like that on some point but then another truth will also happen on some point of life
That like that cloud which once again form of rain turns into water and enter in our life may be
Honesty will do same game with us in life but we just can't forget that lightening if that thing manage
To happen on some point I just feel one thought from inside that honesty is one perfect thought for
Our thinking and mind we just feel that honesty is that side of life which will show us many colors
That take us ahead on every point we just never understand that honesty will look good on some
Moment and some point I just feel one pure thought from inside that honesty will have just one
Thinking from inside that it will give our life that positive tide on every point when I will move
Ahead I just feel one thought from inside that rain will not come alone with it comes that lightening
Which can burn many points of our life so when honesty comes that way it manage to destroy
Many parts of our life we are looking so much great when honesty will manage to create some
Sort of impact on every point I want my honesty to be that truth but how can I manage to keep
This honesty intact on every point of life when honesty will take us ahead I want it to be some
Thought which will give our life that honesty will have some shine on every point of life so those
Honest thought will have some impact on our mind we feel just one thing that honesty is that
Thinking or thought for our mind we have just one thinking that honesty will be that quality
Which will give our life shining honesty will have that appeal for thought which will give our
World and thinking that shine but when honesty will not remain that way on every time since
Honesty will give our life strange kind of shine on every point because that quality which will
Have good effect on our mind honesty will be perfect on every angle of life if we keep that feel
Of honesty in straight way of life we just feel one thing that honesty is that need of heart which
We have on every point because it will take us to that heaven which we need inside mind but
I just never understand why can't honesty be simple in our life but it seem to be confusing on
Each and every point honesty is that thought or that need or that shine which we need to move
Ahead in right way of life but we can't understand honesty then why should we need that honesty
In our life but still on every point we need honesty in life may be to understand it we need to
Spend our one entire life still it is most important thing on every moment and point in our life.

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