Thursday, December 18, 2014

Poem 1850. Injustice and our rights

                                                    Injustice and our rights
Sometimes we fly just with one hope from inside that every one will stand with us in our life
And sometimes we try with one hope in life that for injustice people will scream again  in life
But sometimes even justice seem to be hidden like some treasure in life but question is that do
We need that justice which we plan in life sometimes luck moves in different way in life and
Sometimes our happiness is there in darkest day of life or may just due to that darkness comes
That light like sun manage to destroy darkness of life when we see something which seem like
Light I feel that it's shine will be some thing so much hard to understand in mind that darkness
Which capture every angle of life that this dark look will have some effect on inside which just
Manage to tell us on every point then darkness will have some effect in life but we need to just
Understand injustice is so precious to teach us importance of justice in life when some one shows
Us and treat us unequal we manage to feel pain of inequality in life then only we understand that
We need to fight never just keep hoping for sun to shine on every point never let your thoughts
To hurt us on every point just convince them that injustice is nothing but small part of life and
Then you will understand it showed you that spirit which tell you that you must fight for right
We never understand what is right until we enjoy our freedom in life but some people just talk
So much about wrong and right but forget what others right we need to move ahead slowly step
By step inside life we need to understand that our need of life is that we have to move ahead
Just with one thought that we deserve our rights those rights are that rules which will tell us that
We need to move ahead on every point with our choice but some people just never understand
Those rights on any point they just keep telling us that we never deserve our right but you must
Not believe those thoughts which tell us that our rights are not for us on any point because we
All in this world deserve our right and we need to understand what are they first from inside since
Someone else can give us but can't teach us value our right it's just up to us how much from our
Thoughts and heart we give importance to our rights some just treat them as dust and ignore them
And some just gift them like some small thing in life we all have rights but we just never understand
They are precious thing for us not something which can just gifted to any body in life those rights
On which we never feel proud are something which are given us after so many fights but what is
Use of those fights if we just don't understand our right we just feel that they are nothing or we just
Never like to use our own thoughts while using them in life these are our mistakes which will create
Effect on our future at every time those rights which needed so many fights are something which
We sometimes get due to someone's kindness in life and when this happen I have noticed many
Times people just forget to value that right and says so easily why are you valuing so much your
Right which you got without much effort so nothing important in life never value things by just
Your hard work and never say those things which you easily get are not important in life since
It is possible that once in while our destiny just give us such pleasant sort of smile that we get that
Thing which deserve so long fight without much efforts in life we need to understand one thing
From inside that our life will move ahead step by step with help of that right we need to guard on
Every moment that sort of right which will give our life that shine which will have effect on our
Thinking at every point those rights which we get like soft flowers on that tree which just manage
To grow in our garden are not that much easy to get every time they are just like those soft flowers
Which can be easily get destroyed by harsh movements in life when that rights are not like gold
Ornaments which are made after long hard work will have some shining effect on life and then
Those golden ornaments just manage to create delicate effects and strength on every point but
Those rights which we get easily seem like some flowers which will get destroyed on every point
Just due to harshness on some part of atmosphere in life we need to move ahead step by step on
Each and every point but getting things easily will just manage to making to delicate things in life
Some person when just get things without much effort in life they just manage to treat them as
Something so useless on every point we feel one thing from inside that right will look so nice
In life because right will have so much important in life that mind will have some effect when
We get things in hard way in life they will so good on every point because those rights are those
Which we get after fight so just remember when injustice happen god is teaching us to fight for
Our future and our right since then only we get better sort of meaning of those right because when
We work hard for days to get those right so they will look so important inside our life every point.
When in easy way we get right we just never understand they are important in life so we must have
To work hard to value them in life may be that's why injustice become part of life we need to take
Clue from god on that point and start fighting for our right which is so important inside our life. 

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