Monday, December 8, 2014

Poem 1832. Loud noise of forecast

                                                       Loud noise of forecast
When those roads which make so much noise will seem like something which will have effect on
Our mind that noise is needed on every angle of life that noise will have some reaction inside life
That loud and big sort of noise will tell us on every moment and on every time we feel just one in
Our life that noise which will create some impact on every point those impact which show effect
On our life will surely lead to positive side when we learn to move  ahead with nice hope in life
On every moment I just feel one thought from inside that this noise which hurt me on every point
Is something which will harm me on each day of life I just have one feeling from inside that I want
To move ahead on every point of life but those noises which disturb me on every point are just
Managing to hurt me on every day of life I just never understand what will happen due to that sound
Or that loud noise in life I just keep thinking one thing that those roads will create that effect on
Our future and our minds that when we walk we just never understand one thought from inside that
How much it will hurt us if we don't understand how did we suppose to ignore those noise which
Are managing to take us ahead on every point we just never understand when that noise will hurt
Our thinking and our mind that noise which is hidden inside never like some thing which will hurt
Our mind not because that noise is not loud enough inside life we feel just one thought that those
Loud noises are creating impact on our mind we just heard them with loud voice which will create
Effect on our mind we never understand that this noise is nothing but echo of what world is outside
Just by sitting inside we can't save ourselves from that noise since one day that noise will manage
To enter in our world with one way or another way at some point some noises are that truth of
World and our life we just never understand how did we manage to move ahead in life when that
Noise enter suddenly world become some thing so pleasant from inside those noises which hurt us
On every moment are never telling us false things inside life we need to move ahead slowly and
Step by step inside life on every moment that noise seem like some thing which hurt us on every
Moment and point we just never understand when that noise will become some need of our life
And we start to move ahead step by step with just one hope to ignore that noise which is required
Inside our life we need to understand that noise because it tell us many truths which we just dislike
Those noises which are needed for us become one thought of our life when we move ahead on
Each and every point we just feel one thing that from outside we heard those noises from time to time
Inside our life those noises which help us on every moment are creating effect on our life they are
Not with good cause or sometimes they are about winning of evil still we want to hear them in life
When we know we can win on some moment and some point then any one can come ahead and
Just manage to fight that war in life but when winning is far away and that is told us by that noise
On that moment we need to go out and hear that noise we need to start on every point to understand
That we are losing and that is part of our life when noise will enter in our life then we know that
Truth of life on every point I feel just one thing noises which are creating effect on our future will
Not look that much nice because those noises are no more pleasant but another truth is that we just
Can't ignore them in life we need to understand that we are lost and accept it in life then only
We can know how to take ahead our fight because being loser doesn't mean we can quit in life
It means that it is about time that our enemy should know what is our power from inside after all
When you choose enemy you must took one care at first that finding a person with whom it is so
Impossible to make compromise when we move ahead I just feel one thought from inside that
When we start moving ahead then we must understand our mind on every moment we need to
Understand that outside noises are just useless things inside life we have to learn to move ahead
Step by step in life we need to understand that we can never get what we like so easily in life since
When you ask something pure then failure is first step of our life those failures which will make us
So much great seem like totally wrong thing on first time just learn to fail on first moment then
Slowly you will become winner of entire life because life is never that easy to move ahead on each
And every point we just feel one thing that we need to move ahead step by step in life on every
Point we need to understand that noises are something we must understand but not get too much
Attached and they are not truth of life they may tell us that you are fail on that moment but then
They can't predict your future after some point because those noises can never tell us when and
How will people stand inside life they just tell you one thing that what is happening on that moment
Or on that point they will never tell your future and if they are telling then just don't trust them
They are just lying when they create false image then you will feel scared on every point so on
Every moment I just feel one thought from inside that noises are those feelings which we heard
On each and every time when we just manage to move ahead on some point of our future and life
But just learn to present from them never trust their forecast because it is just in hand of god on each
And every point and god never tell destiny to any one so easily  specially those who scream it so loudly
That every one can hear that forecast on each moment and on each and every time inside our life.

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