Monday, December 1, 2014

Poem 1819. Stream of life

                                                             Stream of life
Those thoughts which will have some reaction on mind will always have some side so then I just
Feel one thing from inside that water which fall from stream will look just like my thought on every
Moment and point those moment of water will look so great in life we just feel one thing that those
Thoughts which are coming out in life which same power of some stream they just never stop on
Any moment and point they all seem like some thing which are hold on some point when those
Thoughts gathered on some point I feel just one thought from inside that when thoughts are leading
To that point when those thoughts are holed in just one point after all those thoughts which are just
Stopped on our point so those thoughts which are moving fast again and again inside our life so
Then I feel one thought from inside when one point those thoughts are moving ahead with all those
Strength but we can never guess from where they start to move and from where they stop in life
We just never know where those thoughts began we never know on what part of life on which
Those thoughts which comes out of that ground in life we feel that we know from where that water
Come out of on every point we feel just one thing from inside that water can come from any point
Inside life when water will move I feel just that cool touch of life I feel those thoughts are not just
Stored on any point we can't able to guess where we can move ahead in life we want to know that
Basic of life which will lead to some thought on every angle of life we never know from when
Those thought will have some sort of reaction inside life after all those thoughts will have some
Effect in life when thoughts are coming from every angle of life from which point those thoughts
Began to move ahead in life because those thoughts which are leading to that point after all those
Thoughts which are hidden on every angle of life I feel just one thought on every point because
Then on every point I feel new concepts will look so great on every point then I start to move ahead
On every point I just never know from which point we find that thoughts which are getting to that
Angle and life where we just never know on what point thoughts are hidden in life I just have one
Thinking from inside that basic thoughts are hidden to that point where they never lead to that
Thinking where we can see true positive thinking inside life should be on those points where we
Feel one thought from inside that those angles and those thoughts which will have some effect on
Our future and life seem like something which will have some power to create thoughts from inside
We never able to guess any thing from inside because those thoughts which are touching our mind
Are those angles which will have some reaction on every point we just never understand what we
Feel from inside after all those thoughts are hidden on those basic concepts of life on every thought
We feel some angle of life where there are some interesting concepts which will form new circle
Of our thinking from inside I feel one thought from inside that life is not moving ahead as per our
Wishes on any point those thoughts which capture my thinking and my mind will seem like some
Thought from inside that comes out of life stream and never feel ready to come out on any point
I just have one feeling from inside these thoughts which are hidden in my heart on every point
Will look so much great inside life when they come out on every point because those thoughts
Which are having reaction inside life I feel one thought from my mind how can we store so many
Thought inside that ground which call mind when we move ahead on every point in life after all
That ground will look so wrong on every angle of life then thoughts are hidden inside that strong
Sort of ground on every point after all those ground which are something hard cover which will
Lead to that point in life so then on every point these solid will look as if that mind which will
Have strong cover on every feeling from our mind then mind will look so great on every point
I feel one thing from my mind when solid ground will look best example of mind which have
Many things hidden inside but we never feel how many things are hidden inside we never able
To guess when our need of that ground on every angle of life we feel just one thought from inside
That some things are hidden on every point we feel just one thought from inside that our life will
Move ahead on every point with just one thought from inside that every feeling which are hidden
Inside life but then when we move ahead on every angle of life those thoughts are hidden inside
That ground that our mind we feel they will not come ahead they will come out after some time
Inside life because like stream those thoughts will come out and look so great on every point in life
When thoughts come out with power like stream we can't stop them in life so always remember
One thing from inside that those thoughts will can't be control on any point of our future and life.

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