Sunday, December 14, 2014

Poem 1842. Hard work of bird

                                                          Hard work of bird
When bird start to walk on every point slowly and with steady moment it seem so nice I just
Feel some times I can walk like that bird on some point and my slow and cute steps will please
People inside life no one want from each other to become winner of this world on any point
And no one mind if I want to walk on those branches slowly in life but then I just feel one thing
From inside it is not about being a bird it is about enjoying life each creature in nature seem so
Satisfied with what they got in life but human being will have problem with each thing in life
Human want to move ahead and rule the world in life but I just feel that for me just small piece
Is enough inside life that small piece which bird need seem so enough for bird whole time and
It seem as if whole world is not needed by bird for them their nest is enough in life but in this
World on each step and on each point we just feel small bite of food are enough in life those
Concepts which are part of our world are not moving ahead as per our thoughts on any point
Those thinking which we have in life will look so much perfect on each day of our life when
I move ahead I want to walk like that small little bird but people just never understand that thought
From my mind I like to walk slowly like bird because it seem sometimes they enjoy more of life
When we just jump from one ambition to another and manage to hurt many people while just
Moving ahead in life they seem to be creating so wonderful world with their own efforts in life
But some just never understand how precious is that hard work of life on every moment I just
Have one feeling from inside that hard work is important key it create beautiful nest in which
We need in life but people just never understand they want some thing more like ruling on just
Whole world from inside but when we start to show them their wrong way they just tell we don't know
This world and life that's why sometimes I just feel I want to watch that bird and think how wise
Is that bird on every point it move ahead on each day and gather things just for that day and then
Return every time this bird never think of next day it just know that life is searching for food and
Then returning to nest in life it never have any thoughts of future because bird love to live peacefully
In it's small way in life it may save something of need but bird's nest never fill with needless things
Which bird never want in life whatever bird may do but it does with full faith of life it seem so nice
To see that birds who just love to live happily their life when bird move ahead on each movement
And on each point bird need one thought which will show our world something positive from
Our world and how can our world be positive in life when we see those birds again and again
We just feel one pure thought from inside on every moment it feel as if whole world is just
Captured by thoughts of success on every point those hopes which we keep in our mind just
Seem like something which will look so much great in life when  we move ahead in our small
And innocent way we just feel one thought from inside that when movement will take us ahead
We just feel one thinking from inside those words which will touch our future will something
Like twittering of small birds in life sometimes when I heard songs of famous singer and then
I heard twittering of birds in life I just wish that only if that singer could sing same innocent way
In life but there is strange touch of ego which enter in our mind which those birds never have
When they live innocently in nature which will have some effect on our mind we just never
Understand that nature is something which made us same way like those birds but we just forget
That innocence which is hidden inside sometimes I feel may be we can still search for that thought
Of innocence inside our life we can move step by step in our life but we just never understand
That bird which will manage to innocently live on each day of our life we never feel one thought
From our thinking and mind that small steps of bird are innocent and true need of life when I will
Move ahead I just feel one thinking from inside that those small steps which I need on each day
Will not have much effect on my life those moments which I will do on every point seem like
Some thing which I need to move ahead on each moment from my mind I just want to become
That bird from my mind and when I imagine it suddenly how simple began to look my life that
Thought or that thinking which tell me I need to keep world in my control seem like just stupid
Demand of toy which I use to have as child and suddenly every thing become so perfect when
I feel I can just walk with happiness if I decide since birds can do it because it just never pay
Attention to other things except when some one tried trap it in life and that innocent bird also
Manage to fly away from risk so I feel it is wise enough in life those words which use to touch
My heart become that twittering of birds in life but not recorded one but that one which I see
With my eyes it never matter which is that bird but each one have beauty inside even those bats
Which hang out in nights seem so nice when we watch them with perfect feeling of mystery from
Inside of our mind we just never miss a bird if we start to look at them as our idol in life after all
Those birds are most hard working creature no human can compete with them in case of working
In life we just say tall things and make tall claims that is nature of human on every time but we
Just never work as hard as bird because our pleasures come between our work on every time
So whenever you want to see some hard worker look at bird then you will understand one thing
Inside life birds work most hard and human being never manage to work that much hard in life
But still we feel birds walk so slow with their so small steps that is human nature's worst part in life.

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