Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Poem 1834. A face in life

                                                             A face in life
Out of darkness comes a face which gives us hope in life and then we always make one mistake of
Our life we just try to hold that face as anchor of our ship which is floating in problems of our life
That is our mistake and our biggest crime that face is just like us a human which will make some
Stupid mistake and does what normally people does in life we just expect that face to become that
Great thing which never give us a chance of winning on every point  we never expect it to be human
Since it comes from those clouds of darkness which are introducing us some troubles on every point
We feel since it have entered before us as solution it will just absorb problem of life some just fall
In love with that face and some just hate it from inside one thing we never does that is to walk with
That face and act with that face as human in life when that face is on rise we just appreciate it on
Every end of life but when it fail we just delete away as useless thing in life but we just forget that
This face is not god but god is one who is watching every thing we are doing in life that god will
Look so much great on every point when god stood with us in life but when you just start abusing
Because just we thought that face is great and it is not that great as per our thinking in life then
We start insulting that face on point so just tell me one thing whose mistake is it that we forced
Some normal person to turn into god to please us in life when we know that god is not easy thing
To get in life why don't we give our fellow walks fair chance to walk in their life why didn't we
Let them move ahead as we move in life why don't we help them to walk by walking with them
Side by side why each face we like and say it is special need to be something which we never
Dream in life why do we always blame every face when it disappoint us in life so when we walk
Ahead on every point I just feel one thought from inside that darkness is that thought which tell
Our mind on thing from inside that it will go away but not when we just pick a face but when
We walk with that face but always while keeping our morals as priority of life those moment that
We learn on every step of life seem like something which will be so good and perfect on every
Moment and point I just feel one thing on that face we have faith in life but we just say faith with
Our lips but when that face just guess something and it turn wrong in life our faith just vanish
And we have doubt inside but I just have one thing doubt is also understandable in life but
Worst thing is that after doubt we just keep them to us and when that face fail we start blaming
That face on every step of life and even if we say those doubts inside I just have one question
Are we really sure that this face should be blamed not us inside life when we move ahead on just
Every point we feel just one thing from our mind that this face is responsible just because we
Manage to give too much respect to that face in life on every second our hope of getting things
As per our choice seem to vanish in far away corner of our thoughts and life we just never have
One thought from our mind that failures are some part of our life how can we just be sure that
This face is responsible for all wrongs inside life how can we be so much pleased on every point
Of our life just by blaming some one inside life I just feel that some face is our helper and not
Our god on any point when we move ahead I just have one thought from inside those thinking
Which are hurting us on every point seem like some thing which will harm our mind when we
Just feel one thing that we need to move ahead in life we never understand our thinking will
Manage to harm us on every point those thoughts which will give us success are something
Which we think from inside that face is just our captain but alone captain can't win or lose in life
When we win then we all win and when we lose we all lose in life but every time we just give
Too much importance to captain and team suffer due to it in life we need to move under leadership
Of that face but that doesn't we can just move without thinking what is wrong or right but first
We need to think of morals but mostly people think just about money and power on every point
Those things which are valuable are our morals in life but if we keep thinking of just as some
Useless thing then we are going ahead in totally wrong in life what ever seem on this moment
But finally morals are greatest need of our life when we move ahead then we feel one thought
From inside that morals can be avoided on any point but those morals will be some thing which
Will hunt us down on some point those morals can teach us those lessons of life which tell us on
Every moment we are standing on totally wrong front of our future and life we just never understand
What we feel from inside our thinking will be creating worst effect on our mind we need to just
Understand one thing that this face is for keeping morals and morals are not for just convenience
Of this face inside our life we feel just one thing morals are so important while face is not that
Much important if that face would start to forget morals for some personal benefit or greed in life. 

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