Friday, December 26, 2014

Poem 1864. Sun of human world

                                                      Sun of human world
Can you tell for me to this world one thing that I want to be normal human being in life and
Just never want what they have wanted for me in life I want just my laughs and my happiness
In life I never want to win whole world and keep it under my thumb on any point I know you will
Ask me that why I am not telling them by myself this in life but problem is that I have just told
This to them all on many times but still they just never manage to understand thing on any point
They just want me to win on every point of life can you tell them that I never understand
What I want from inside on every point I feel just one thought from my mind that those moment
Which I spend it explaining in life are just wasted on every point because when I move ahead
And tried to tell them on every point they just felt that I am lying because I am scared to start that
Fight because it is so useless they are just never ready to listen on any point what they wish is just
Their ambition but they never accept it in life on every point they just feel one thought from inside
That I am trying to pretend because I don't get that thing in life they just never accept that it was
Never want of my mind on every point I feel just one need for inside that I need to explain those
People just one thing from inside that when I will move ahead I want things as per my likes but
When it never happen on every point people just keep telling me what I suppose to do to get that
Thing in life there are lot of people who can easily say in life that they don't want that thing then
Why they force that thing on my mind when I will decide to move ahead slowly on every point
I just have one thought from inside that you have one power which can convince them in
Their mind that my wants are so different than their in life but they just have one thought from
Inside they never understand ambition on any point since it doesn't demand things in life which
Will give power on every point so then I feel from my mind power and strength in life
I feel one thing from inside mind that I wanted peace and happiness in life so then I feel just
One thought from my mind that I want to move lightly with my dreams in life that power and
That strength which seem to create pressure on my wings so much in life when those selfish
Motives enter in life when some hard work enter in our life we just feel one thought from inside
That this hard work shall be okay when it is done by simple heart and mind when it is done with
Good heart I just feel one thought from inside that hard work will be perfect and good on every
Point inside life so then when we start to work again and again we can win in life that way seem
So better to me many times hard work is okay but selfish want seem too much for my wings in life
But people just never understand that thought from inside they just feel that I am too stupid to
Understand this life but if that selfish is truly our life then how can we move ahead with one
Thought from inside that we are free to move as we like because on that moment and on that
Point I feel just one thing from inside that I want to fly on every point with just one thinking from
My thoughts and my mind that I want to free from those selfish thinking of life it feel as if they
Are managing to burn my wings like harsh rays of sun on every point but sun at least have some
Sort of positive things when it is far away in life but selfishness is that harsh sun ray which just
Always burn us on every time that sun which will form with selfish motive never keep shining
For whole life but one thing is so sure that there is honest sun is also there in sky on some point
We need to fly for it in sky in search of it on every point that thought which tell us that it is not
There in sky is always wrong for us in life after all that sun which is true and honest one will not
Shine on every time it will just vanish after some time in life that night sun will have some effect
On our life that sun will lead to that night so honest sun will goes down always after some time
That is one truth of life honest sun will not shine on every time sometimes it just fall and that
Is sunset of life which happen with that honest sun every time so may be we need to see one thing
In life that if some one fail may be there is honesty inside but when some one doesn't fail in life
That does mean that one is not telling truth in life because every one fail and that is rule of life
But when honest one fail then whole world will see it fully and clearly in life we just feel one thing
That failing is that part of nature which always happen in life just honest people don't hide and
Dishonest manage to hide it on every time we just never understand when that sun will vanish
In our life I feel that vanishing is just problem for some time if we keep faith on that sun in life
Because it must be shining on some different angle of earth on that point only that sun which is
Human just never understand it in life but sun of nature never care while honest sun in our human
World just always cry on every time when it will set on some part where it wanted to shine in life.

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