Sunday, December 14, 2014

Poem 1841. Dreams with open eyes

                                                       Dreams with open eyes
Trees are surrounding me on every point that weather look so pleasant when they have so good they
Touch in life sometimes it feel that whole life should be spend under that tree and I should just
Eat fruits from it for entire life but somewhere in heart I know it is not possible on any point those
Trees which surround me on every point are not the one who belong to me but are one which just
Belong to those birds who stay on them for their life but then I just feel may be I will ask those
Birds to become friends of me for entire life and may be they will agree and sit on my shoulder
Like I see them in those fairy books sitting peaceful and smiling with happy mind I just feel one
Thing from inside that only I want to become live that way my life some times I just dream with
My open eyes that I want to that small Thumbelina and enjoy my life on just small leaf by turning
It into some thing so perfect and nice I just want some times to stop my thoughts from searching
For logic in my life I want them to become something which will be so perfect and nice on each
Moment and point in those trees I see those fairies which I desire to see when I am child sometimes
I just wish I can enjoy my life so small and limited is our life why always waste it in getting so
Much tense on each point this life need always some pleasant sort of side sometimes we just manage
To imagine many concepts in life each one will show us beauty of our mind we just never manage
To understand what we feel from inside but one thought is sure that we want to enjoy our life
I just feel that even with my mind that sometimes I want to dream without logic in my life because
Sometimes I feel what I am really from inside nothing but a soul which belong to small child that
Child have just one wish it is to enjoy life that child never have bigger thirst than lovely food and
Good clothes for life but in life we feel just one thing from inside that we want to move ahead
With each step of life but those thoughts of power and greed told us dream are wrong for our life
But sometimes I just feel that reality can make me winner but what winner will be without my
Thoughts and dream in life I want to be Alice in wonderland on every point how much I love to
Become Cinderella sometimes but prince is not must be in end because Jasmine will also fine if I get
What I need is just those joys so any thing which make me laugh and enjoy seem perfect in my life
But when they just list princess it feel so sad for my mind why person need to become a prince or
Princess to enjoy life we can become what ever we want if we decide sometimes I feel may be
Prince also want to become beggar in his dream to enjoy life just like we want to be prince or just
Princess on every time those royal things are never need of dreams on any point we can enjoy
Our dreams in simple way if we try them in that way in life until we don't face poverty like that
Matchstick girl why we need to cry on every moment we can enjoy this world as we wish and
As per our likes in life I just never want to stop my heart from dreaming on any point I want some
Time to fly in that sky which tell me just breathing fresh air is something I need to do inside my
Future and my life I just want to run around as I wish from my mind on every moment I just feel
That I must not limit myself on any point those thoughts which touch me tell me on every angle
Of my life that life is so easy when I let myself dream sometimes with open eyes some says that
It's wrong to dream but Newton done same thing in his life when apple fall on him do you feel
That he worked every thing with just practical mind some times dreamer seems wrong but still
We must keep dreamer with us on some times I am that dreamer who dream every thing which
Include touching sky may not I able to do that but in my mind I can at least manage to fly and
I feel it is better that hurting people to get that money which you permit to travel in that aeroplane
Which just manage to take you in that sky but never let you touch that sky after all just sitting
In plane show nothing to you with eyes just your dreams can put things in that empty sky just
Mind without dream seem like a dessert without water to my eyes I just can't imagine life that
Way in which we can't see new touch by our eyes on every try I just feel so upset when
I just think one thought about my each try on every point where I move ahead I just see that
My dreams can manage to touch on every point on each and every try I just feel one thing from
My thoughts and on my heart's every cry that I want to fly in my life as high as I want with only
My mind's try my dream can't hurt me until I keep only that is wrong thought which we create
When fail on some try every one have failed once or twice no one have turned their dreams
Into truth without giving tries we need to understand one thing that sometimes we need to dream
With our open mind and with our open eyes then only one day we can see that beauty of sky
Some may feel it is one false hope but I will love that hope and I will cherish it until I die.

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