Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Poem 1872. Angle of dream

                                                              Angle of dream
Those angle on which we store dreams will have some sort  of angle where we just store our dream
But sometimes life means just not winning it means enjoying our dream but sometimes while moving
Ahead in life so then I feel one dream on every angle of life I feel one thought from inside that those
Dream which will look so great inside life then that dream will create many effect inside life but
Then that dream will look so impossible we just die for it in life on days as well as our thinking
In life so then those dream will have many sections of life which create that amazing effect on
Our life because that dream will create so many impact to our life but then in that dream we have
Those colors which will shine on every point I have one thinking from inside that dream will have
That feel which will create so effect inside life but then that dream will give some type of shine
On every angle of dream there are many effect on our life in that dream we seen so many type
Of effect in our life dream will create so many types of every thing on every point when then
That dream will have some results inside those dream creating many sides of our life so then
Those dream are leading to that area which will have some effect on our life in that dream we
See many nice effect on every point dream will have look so great on every point those dream
Will have leading so many things in life but one thing we never thought that may be when that
Dream will become alive we just have one thought that this dream will not help us that much in
Our future and life that dream will fruits of sweetness but we feel they are important only when
We see them as something great in life but when we get them we just start thinking about other
Things too much in life and those things seem to lose importance on some points our life will
Turn into something hard and we forget that we are following that dream in life when we get
That dream which will have many good factors of our life we just manage to move ahead on
Every point we feel one thought from inside that dream will have many thoughts on many angles
Of our life we never understand one thought from inside we feel that dream will look so alive
After all those dreams which will look so great doesn't seem to have that much time to enjoy
That happiness we have that dream in life so then those dream will look so great on every point
Those dreams will have that things but we just can't able to judge them on any point of our life
But then dream look so great on every point when we watch that dream carefully in life but
Then when we start from one point that dream which will have that spark seem to have lost
That spark on every point that dream which we store in our life seem like some thing which
Lose light when we get them in life after all that dream look so great on every point when those
Dream show us that light will lead to something so great on every point I feel one thing from inside
Our life those dreams will look so great on every point so I feel one thing from inside but then
I feel that dream will look so great on every point that dream will lead us on top of world on
Every point of life I feel one thought from inside when dream will have happiness on every point
When on horizon we see many colors which shows us dream that are creating so many types
Of impact on our life I have one thinking from inside that dream no longer look something
On which we can spend our time when we can't win that dream on every point but then those
Dreams will confuse our thinking on many point if we stop on some moment in life and think
That what we are doing in life because on every point when some dream are achieved then that
Dream look so great on every point because that dream will show that wonderful light to our
Future and life after that dream will have many types of colors on every angle of life so then
That dream which will create many angles in life those colors will lead to that point of life but
Then there are many dreams which will lead to alive on every point after all that dream will then
Lead to every angle of life but then that dream will have many things are included inside life so
Then in that dream we see many things on every point but then this dream lead to that angle
Of life I just feel one thought from inside that in this dream we want happiness but when we get we just
Don't have any time for enjoying  we just start some new thought I just feel one thing from
Inside that we must learn to enjoy that dream on every point because on some points we just
Get dream in life and we need to enjoy them on that spot because we will not get our dream
On just each and every day of life and god wishes us to cherish it to move ahead inside life.

Poem 1871. Existed inside life

                                                           Existed inside life
Some times things come in so different way in life so then we see dream which will lead to us on
Every point in life so those things which we dream from inside those dreams which we set on one
Point that when dream will have many angles then we feel one thought from our mind that these
Dream will look so nice and good sections on every angle of life but sometimes dreams will turn
True in such strange way in life we hope for some thing for us and our enemy will get it in life
But then comes one question we wanted that thing to exist in our life should we glad to get that
Thing or should we feel that our enemy get it in life after all those dream will have some special
Effect on our mind I feel one thing that dream will have some concept on every point since that
Dream will have some nice sort thoughts on every point after all those things which will we wish
But don't know if truly existed in life if our enemy find it should we glad that it will be existed
On every day of life so that existence which will have some impact on our life but then when we
See those things which look so good on every point after all somethings are existed but we have
Never seen them in life if our enemy shows that things then things are truly existed inside life so
Then dream will have some reaction in life but then dream will lead to that area which will have
Some effect on our mind so then dream which will have many types of thoughts inside our life
But we never prove it's existence in life so then when dream will show many angle of our life
When enemy will see good angle on every point of life those enemies will look so great on each
And every angle of life but then dream will become true when things will turn into some thing
So good and right then in that dream we feel one thing from inside that existence on every part
Inside life so then I feel existence which I have never seen in life that perfect thing will not come
To me but enter in enemies inside life after all those things which will existed on every point in life
I feel one thought from inside then existence will have some effect on our life but then this existence
Which will have some effect in life that those things which are existed on every point shows us
Their existence may be we need to think of it with respect in life on every angle we feel just one
Thought from inside that now our enemy got that thing will just prove one thing it is existed in life
So some day we might able to get it in life on every point it seem so easy to understand it's existence
On every point we feel one thought that in this world god have created it in life so if at this moment
We can't see it then we can see it after some time because when thing is existed then one day we can
Always able to get it in life how you think of something will decide what is your future on every
Moment and point when we start to study something then we understand one thought on each and
Every point because things are moving ahead on each step when we see that thing before us even
If we see that thing just because enemy got it in life we need to have understand one thought from
Inside our mind that existence is one hope which we see in our life when we move ahead on just
Every moment and point we feel one thought from our mind that existence will improve our
Chances of getting things in life on every point it tell us that we can get things in life we just
Never understand what we feel from inside but one thing is so sure for our mind that in dream
Things which we see are just our imagination on every point but then imagination will show many
Sort of things in life that existence which is needed to be proved on first point but then I feel just
One thing from inside that existence is that need which will be first step to get things in our life
I feel that things are existed in good way inside life only when we get them with our own efforts
In our life so then when we move ahead on every point because good things are existed on every
Area of life but then even if enemy got it first that doesn't mean we need to feel depress in life but
We can see it in good way that if that thing is existed we can get it on some point but one thing is
So true on every point that those things which are existed in good way in life because then we feel
One thing on every point that existence will says one thing is surely wonderful thing in life and on
Every point it seem that we are lost because existence will look so great on every point and it will
Look great when we hope one day we will get it in life and that hope which will great on every
Angle of life shows that existence will be so precious inside life but then when existence will be
Something which will look so good on every point may it be with enemy then we want some thing
Which will be so important in life but existence will be so important inside our life and our mind
But after existence only we can get things inside our life on each and every point of our future, life.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Poem 1870. Feeling in life

                                                              Feeling in life
Every feeling which will be included in life will have just one thought from inside those thinking
Which will create impact on mind will be that feeling which I will try on every point but some
Thought and feeling just never enter in life they will stay away in one corner that feeling will have
Just one impact from inside they will tell us that we never understand world without them in life
But still some feeling seem so better when they are far away from life I need to move ahead just
Slowly on every point with one feeling that I need some thing interesting in life that should include
Hard work not just feeling which enter at random on some time when we start to move ahead then
We must not let feeling just move us we need to move ahead with thinking and mind I just need
One thought on every angle of life that I can move ahead with positive point but hard work is more
Precious and important in my life other feeling will just vanish after some time we never understand
Importance of hard work on every time it seem that hard work is that act which will have impact
On our world at every point I need to move ahead with my one thought that hard work needed in life
But some times feeling will become it's best companion on that point but some times feeling will
Just become wrong companion of mind they manage to keep us away from getting our goal of life
Feeling become just one obstacle in our life because feeling will manage to create such effect on
Our thinking and mind that feeling will lead to that place where we want to move step by step in
Our future and life feelings are that thought which take us ahead on every point they will just prove
One thing on every angle of life that we want to move ahead with feeling but that will not happen
Unless we work with hard work in life but when feeling are so strong and so powerful that they just
Manage to harm our work they become one hardest type of truth which is so hard to accept inside life
Our feelings are that thought which take us ahead on every point we just never understand that those
Feelings are not making us winner of our life they are just becoming something which will confuse
Our thinking on each target of our life on every point we feel one thought that our feeling must not
Just able to confuse our thought of mind when our feeling began to rule on each day of our life
We just keep running after them and never manage to make every thing perfect and right in life
Our need on every moment is not about just feeling but about keeping those feeling in positive way
In our life those thoughts which touch us on every point seem like full of those feeling which will
Look so great on every moment and point feeling which will give happiness to this world on every
Moment and life but that feeling which will manage our future and just creating worst sort of effect
On every point of our world and lead it to such confuse point where we can't see any goodness on
Any moment or point but those feeling will lead to that confused thought of our mind which will
Lead to that angle where feelings will take us totally wrong point on that point where we can see
Many parts of world at each angle of life those feeling that create some impact on our mind suppose
To be best for our future on every time those feelings will look so good on every angle of our life
When they are some thing which will take us on every point but then when those wrong feeling
Will enter in our life we need to move ahead with full speed but with just feel of right morals in
Our future and life since those feeling which will take us ahead are something so great on every
Moment and point since those feeling will just manage to hurt us from inside due to their wrong
Intention on every point feelings will always have to side on which side should we keep them is
Just one thought which we need on every point it may happen on some point of our life that we
All need one thing from inside that thought which will show us we can move ahead with one
Good angle of life feeling will rule our world on every thought of our mind we need to just keep
Control on our feelings on every point of life since feeling are that thought which will manage
To capture our thinking and our mind but one thing is so sure in life that feeling will stay in same
Way and angle for our life because they are just leading to that angle or that point where life will
Not be that much easy on any angle of our life it will just manage to confuse us on every point
We could have seen so many positive angles of life when feeling are having just one positive
Angle of life we just feel one thought from every angle of our life those feeling will no longer
Remain life saver on any point they just become something that will take me ahead on every point
Inside our life but it will happen only when we keep that feeling on positive side of our life and
On every point we just keep our feeling on that angle where every thing will look as if it can be
Done if we work hard that is one feeling needed to capture our thoughts as well as our mind on
Every angle and point since it is just one power from inside our mind on every point of our life.

Poem 1869. Honesty differs

                                                         Honesty differs
How funny are some concepts of life which will seem so great and perfect on every point we just
Need to understand one thought inside that one concept honesty seem to differ on every point some
People say honesty is acting as you say in life but if you say some one in anger that you will kill
That person do you feel killing that one will be so wise honesty is one thought which we need in
Our life but such honesty which take us on wrong point sometimes seem like crime so honesty will
Differ from every point on every angle I feel just need of that honesty but it should be in proper way
Of our future and life when we move ahead on every point we feel that we need to be honest on each
Angle and on each point that need of honesty which will lead to that area of life where we can see
Many types of things on every point they will look so great on our life we feel one thought from
Inside that pure thinking of honesty will help us but we need to understand it on every angle and
On every point we just feel one thing from inside that those thoughts of honesty will just manage
To touch us in life but when honesty will differ we feel so strange from inside we feel that honesty
Is not that much required on any point of life we just never understand how to be honest on some
Moment and point people will have just one feeling from inside that honest is one thought which
Will same and right but it seem to differ on many concepts and point how shocking it seem when
That honesty change in life and honesty seem like something so different on every angle of our life
Honesty is that thought which we need on every point but it should be always in right way of our
Future and life honesty is that thinking which will give our world so different shine and honesty
Is that thought which will help us on many point but since honesty is not same in every one's angle
It seem so different on every angle of life so we just feel one thing that honesty is that thought on
Every point which will look so great to world in our life we want to move ahead on every point I just
Never understand that honesty is that pure part of my mind which shows me that wonderful thought
From inside that this world can be beautiful on every angle of life I just never understand what I feel
From my mind but I want honesty but if it differ from one person to another then how can I find
Proper honesty in life I know that water vanishes and turns into cloud but I never thought that honesty
Will vanish like that on some point but then another truth will also happen on some point of life
That like that cloud which once again form of rain turns into water and enter in our life may be
Honesty will do same game with us in life but we just can't forget that lightening if that thing manage
To happen on some point I just feel one thought from inside that honesty is one perfect thought for
Our thinking and mind we just feel that honesty is that side of life which will show us many colors
That take us ahead on every point we just never understand that honesty will look good on some
Moment and some point I just feel one pure thought from inside that honesty will have just one
Thinking from inside that it will give our life that positive tide on every point when I will move
Ahead I just feel one thought from inside that rain will not come alone with it comes that lightening
Which can burn many points of our life so when honesty comes that way it manage to destroy
Many parts of our life we are looking so much great when honesty will manage to create some
Sort of impact on every point I want my honesty to be that truth but how can I manage to keep
This honesty intact on every point of life when honesty will take us ahead I want it to be some
Thought which will give our life that honesty will have some shine on every point of life so those
Honest thought will have some impact on our mind we feel just one thing that honesty is that
Thinking or thought for our mind we have just one thinking that honesty will be that quality
Which will give our life shining honesty will have that appeal for thought which will give our
World and thinking that shine but when honesty will not remain that way on every time since
Honesty will give our life strange kind of shine on every point because that quality which will
Have good effect on our mind honesty will be perfect on every angle of life if we keep that feel
Of honesty in straight way of life we just feel one thing that honesty is that need of heart which
We have on every point because it will take us to that heaven which we need inside mind but
I just never understand why can't honesty be simple in our life but it seem to be confusing on
Each and every point honesty is that thought or that need or that shine which we need to move
Ahead in right way of life but we can't understand honesty then why should we need that honesty
In our life but still on every point we need honesty in life may be to understand it we need to
Spend our one entire life still it is most important thing on every moment and point in our life.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Poem 1868. Together

On that point when I heard that voice I just feel one thing I am no longer alone in life those voices
Are my helpers who come from every point and place never matter much when we start to move ahead
With one wish that is to survive in life together to get new and bright purpose of our life when we
Start to move ahead with one thinking from inside that we will that new sunrise for our life suddenly
All other things no longer matter that much in life we are
 standing on that point where life just feel
As if easy task not because it is easy but just because we are together inside life when we start to
Just move ahead on every point that honesty of our soul tell us we can manage to survive and that
Will be some thing just enough for our life when we move ahead then those thoughts will show us
That part of life which we want to see on every point I will just never understand what I feel from
My thinking and my mind that when I just began to feel that I am once again alone in life I know it
Can be wrong but one thought is so sure in life that on some moments we just began to feel that just
One thing is truth that we are all alone on every point those thoughts which will use to show us those
Bright and perfect light suddenly become one thinking that they are false in life we need to keep that
Togetherness perfect and alive but instead of keeping it alive we just manage to get hurt by it on just
Every moment and point when thoughts which will make us successful entry  in our life we just feel
One thinking that we are not together but we are all alone in one darkest night after all it's just up to
Our thinking and heart that we just manage to decide that what is perfect for our thinking and what
Is so right on that darkest thought or point we just have to keep guessing on every day of our life
That when we will move ahead inside our life that togetherness which we need is our one feeling
From inside our mind on every point we move ahead so easily in life we just never understand that
Togetherness is that feeling on every point which we need on every angle and on every thought of
Our thinking in life we need to feel just one thing that we need to hear that voice that tell us we are
Never alone when we are right I know that when we are right we are less in number but it should
Not take away one truth from our life that we must move ahead on every point just with one thought
That we need to move slowly ahead in our life with one light that is truth which we need from inside
We never understand what we feel from inside but I just hear those voices which tell me again and
Again just one thing from inside that they are with me and they are not that much weak in life if I let
Them move ahead with bravery then they are so good on every point I just have one feeling from
My mind that one voice which tell me that I am alone should not get bigger than other voices on
Any point because that voice will just manage to capture all my thinking on every point and that
Voice will show me just sadness of my life on every point it feel as if that voice is not that much
Truth of my life those moments which I did inside my life just seem like something which will
Take me behind when I keep faith on togetherness then only one day I will realize that when we
Just manage to move ahead we have kept faith on togetherness in life may be we are less in number
But when we are just one soul from inside then every thing will look so perfect and right for our
Future as well as our life we never want to go to that spot or that point where our life become just
Burden to us from our mind when we feel we are all alone we are just killing that spirit from inside
Which tell us that we can make new friends on some moment or on some point of life we just never
Once manage to think what will happen to us on those points when all those dreams which we use
To have in our mind become nothing but just empty hope which we always kept alive in our mind
We need to think just one thing that out soul is so important part of our life which always tell us
Just one thing we can win only when we keep our hard work and efforts alive we are never alone
Until we don't convince our heart that we are alone on each point we need to move ahead slowly
With just one thought that we need in life that sunshine which will tell us that dark night is not that
Bad for our life because sometimes it will sun and sometimes it will be stars and moon in our life
On every moment I just feel one thing that for togetherness we just need one faith that there will be
Some people on our side when we move ahead just one thought come from inside then on every
Point I feel one thought that togetherness in our thinking and it is up to us how much we feel that
Togetherness is thought from inside because we can always get few people on our side and then
How much we cherish them and show the world what we are from inside it is just up to that on
Every moment we need to show our world we need to move ahead on every point with just one
Thought that togetherness is our one thinking from our thoughts and from our mind on every point.

Poem 1867. Good things happening

                                                        Good things happening
When I start something from my thought and heart just one thing hurt me that is that anger in my
Thoughts and heart that tell me I need justice but somewhere on that peaceful horizon on my heart
I heard my teacher telling me again and again that it is not justice but just revenge for what happen
On every moment and on every part sometimes I feel I can ignore those thoughts from my heart
Since nothing big can happen on every part if I decide to ignore that revenge from my heart but then
Once again my heart ask me one question on every part that can I ignore it on any part since it will
Happen again and again if I can't stop that thought because when wrong things are stopped they can
Fully ignore but when enemy will win how can we ignore that enemy on any part but then once again
I heard same words from heart that this is just one thought that misguide me on every part after all
Why I just feel injustice will get repeated why don't we need to think again on every part I feel just
One thought on every part then I feel just one thought that when we move ahead we need to just
Have remember on every area of heart but good feeling will be some pure for our heart when we
Feel one thought from our heart that good thought will have reaction some times good will look so
Nice on every part that good will look so great on every point of heart we just feel one thing that
Good thought will look so much great on every part because it can also able to move ahead on every
Moment on every part why sad things will get repeated I feel may be goodness will get repeated on
Each and every part those good thinking which will touch us will look so much great on every thought
And on every part I just feel that sad thinking will not get repeated on any part of heart when I hope
For good suddenly every thing will look so much great on every part but when I start to think of that
Wrong angle I just feel I am in worst mess of my heart we need to move in just positive way and
Just in positive part where we can see world in good light on every part we use to think just one
Thought from our heart that good thinking will never help us that much on any part but then when
We move ahead we just feel one thought from our heart that good things will never enter our life
On any part we need to just move away and quit that thought from heart we need to move ahead
With just one thing from our heart but then our thinking will look so great on every point so then
I feel one thought from my heart that goodness is something which we needed on every angle of
Our thinking and our heart so then good thinking will look so great on every angle and our heart
On each and every part we feel one thought that we need something positive from our thinking
At every part but then when we start to move ahead on every angle of heart that we need to awake
That angle which is hidden in heart with our positive thought on every part our need of good thinking
Is true need of our heart we need to feel just one thing from inside that good things will repeat not
Always bad repeats in life but when good thing will repeat we just consider it as part of our life
We just don't feel it is something so great on every point when we understand bad is repeated in life
That's why may be we just keep remembering it in life on every moment and on every point we just
Never understand one thought from inside that we need to move ahead on every point with good
Inside our life when good things will be repeated we just feel one thought from our mind that
Those moves which are full of goodness happen as if regular thing in life we just never understand
Our thoughts from inside that good things are regular gift of life so we just never feel as if they
Are some special on any point of life those thinking which tell us goodness is that part of life
Which will have limited effect on our mind seem like some thing which look so bad on every
Moment and point we just move with good on every point so when something bad happen we just
Remember it in life and when it get repeated we just began to feel bad things are going to be
Get repeated on every point those bad things which are getting repeated are hurting us on every
Moment and point I just feel one thing that revenge is may be not necessary if I give life some
Time to show justice inside life on every point we just feel one thing that we are suppose to give
Justice but it is given by destiny which is always happen again on every point of life after all those
Good deed will happen impact from my mind but then s ad deed will just have some effect on
Our thinking and mind I just feel one thing from inside that revenge is not may be needed on
Any moment and any point after all good as well as bad deed will have some effect on our thinking
On every point because that bad things will have some effect on our mind I feel one thing from
Inside that bad things will have some effect on our mind but they are repeated on many point in
Our future and our life I feel good things will repeated more on many time but then bad things
Will have worst kind of impact on our mind because good things leading to worst impact on
Every moment and every point bad things will not get that much repeated inside our life but then
We just remember bad things on every point so we just keep feeling that bad things will happen
In our life on every point so that is just our imagination of our mind good will happen more to us
Inside our life if we trust on every point just bad thoughts of mind when good will happen more
In our life so just trust that good thoughts and then you will see better things inside our future
And inside your world every thing will look greatest to you on every point of your thinking and world.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Poem 1866. Help and kindness

                                                           Help and kindness
Sometimes it feel as if some one helped us but then another question enter in my world why just
Someone come and help me in world but then I have need to understand that help in our world but
Then that help will lead to prove side of world then positive thought will touch my thinking and
Will have impact on our world help is that need which will show good side of this world on every
Point we feel one thought from our world help give us that idea of world which will look so much great
On every point in world help will lead to that area of world but then help is needful on every point
Inside our world that help will lead to good angle on every part of our world I feel just one thing
That help is that thought which will have some reaction in world after all help will be that thing which
Will be needed on every point word help is that concept which will have impact on our world but
Then help will have some positive effect on our mind on every point in world after all that thought
Which will help our world look good only when it will have some good effect on our world so then
I feel one thought from inside this world help will be needed inside our world on every angle we
Need to move ahead step by step inside world when help will lead to good angle of world so then
Help have some sort of good effect on world but then when I feel one thought on every point in world
Because help is that thought which will lead to that spot for which we need to move ahead in such
Way that it will show white and nice type of shine of world after all then I feel help will look so
Kind until on every point in world help is not that much good which will look so great on every
Angle of our world help will be that thought which will seem like something pure for our thought
Inside our world those thought which will needed to help us on every point inside our world so then
Help will that feeling which will look so much great and give light to our world then that world will
Look so much great when help enters once upon time I was not use to think too much when I get that
Help inside my world that help will lead to positive thought on every point of this world but still on
Every point I feel just one thing from my world that help is not just something which we should get
And then forget in this world when we get some help we need to understand need of that helper after all
World is not made just to be selfish and ask for help in this world we need to return in some force
That help in world but sometimes help just don't ask for anything in return they just want your nice
And good future in your world so then I feel one thought from my world that help is that help which
Means lot to our world because when some one just wish good for you then that is one point when
We are moving ahead in our world when we don't ask then we are giving kindness and then we get
Just kindness in return that is one deal mostly loved by god in world but some people just never
Understand that kindness is best deal of this world they feel one thing people will need some thing
Which is that thing tangible like gold in our world but many times in our world we need just one
Thing that is kindness of world we no more need just things but just those things which will have
Needed to have some positive side of this world we never understand what we feel from our mind
In our world some good things which are feeling which will have some good effect on our world
Those feeling which are leading to kindness to those thoughts of world that are having some sort of
Bad side effect in our world we feel that positive thought on our thinking inside our world but
Then those thinking which we needed feeling of kindness in world but then I feel one thought in
Our future and world but then kindness will have some effect which will good and bring softness
Inside our world because those softness will have that good impact on our world but then this
Thought will look so great on every point in this world help is that thought which will look so
Much great on this world kindness is that feel which will touch our thinking inside our world
Because kindness will look so great to me than other things in world because other things will
Vanish after some point but kindness is that feeling which will look so nice on every point so
That sort of softness which will look so great and pure in our life but then when we move ahead
On every point I feel that there are things which are leading to that area of life that good things
Which will have some impact on our mind because that kind thought will look so much great on
Every angle of life kindness is that soft feeling which will touch us in life but kindness
Will have some effect on our mind that kindness will have some effect on our mind so then
When feeling is softness that will touch us on every point of life those feeling which will look
So great on every point but then I have just one thought from our mind kindness will look so
Much great on every point but then kindness will look so great on every point but then that thought
Of kindness and help on every point so feelings will have light things in life so then help will
Have some effect on our life pure and perfect inside life but then kindness will be some thing
Of that type which will have some effect inside our future and our life on every point kindness
Is that soft feeling which will look so great on every point I just want to treasure it inside my mind
All other things will not matter that much in life when kindness manage to come in our life.

Poem 1865. Ruler of heart

                                                              Ruler of heart
When I see something which I never once think I can do it but then I look at my horizon and
Told my heart I do it but not for me for those eyes who are looking at me with one hope that I can
Become some thing which will give spirit to their life because they feel I have something inside
But inside my heart I feel just one thing I am scared to do each and every thing but then when
I looked those eyes I just feel one thing I need to survive I never want past to be repeated and
I never want to be die same way as people before me die I want to be that successor that
Survive those tide not want to become one who get drown on that crucial time may my rival
Have more potential this time but some where in heart revenge of past is there still alive when
I become successor I never receive my crown nor any paper which decide that I will be that
Successor but my potential told me that it is my time that I must take my seat and start on this
Moment and point those emotions which are use to confuse my mind in past seem to tell me
That winning will come later first comes question of surviving those who don't surrender can
Manage to survive on any point those who held us to drown are never have power which god
Have given us to fight I never care what others feel on that time when I know that I am standing
On right side because my history told me on every point that those who keep hoping people will
Do justice to them hardly get justice in life they just keep confusing our mind by telling us just
Many theories that how we couldn't survive but we must not trust others on every point specially
When they tell you that you just can't survive because they are not creator and they never have
One right that is writing our destiny on any point they tell us every moment your heart is your enemy
And you are doing blunder in life by trusting it on every moment and point this heart which just
Beat for you on every time may be fooled on some issues but it is trust worthy on many times so
Never let it take you to that point that on which you feel from your own heart that it is useless in life
You feel one thought from mind that your heart is your true need never let it feel that it is just useless
Thing in life it is need of every moment on every point when it tell you that you are cheated in life
Never let it convince you that you are failed in life because being fooled is common fact of life and
It will happen with every one on many point but we just never want to accept it in life and it will
Just create problems for us at every point we feel one thought from our mind that when at every
Step we hope for good life it is based on our heart which makes mistakes on many time just for
That heart we remain alive not because it beat for us but because it beat for some people in life
Those people are looking at us with hope from inside that we will take them ahead to that point
Where they can survive but some people never understand that thought from mind while some
People just believe it that they want to win in life and I have learn one thing we can never manage
To satisfy those people on any moment and point because they are never those people who have
From us hope of friendship on every time I just have one feel from my mind that I need more
Friends not just partners in benefit in life when we start some walk we must walk for good in
Our life we never understand one thought from inside that those walk which are made by our
Mind should not based on just proving world how great we are in life greatness is not some thing
Which earn by working hard to win in life it will comes only if people decide and greatness is
Not that much need of time kindness is true need on every point we need to move ahead with
Just kindness and must understand from mind people will not appreciate our kindness on any
Moment and point at each step we feel how lucky we are to get kindness in life but one thing
Is so true on every point kindness will disastrous if you don't understand that it would be shown
To truthful people in life at every step you may feel that kindness is wrong thought if you just
Have thirst of success in mind or if you live with those people who shows you success is as important
As breath on every time but just remember one thing even failure can survive with limited
Friend and smiles but ruthless one can never give that pleasant smile because when you act
Ruthless god will take away from you what you want most in life that is innocence and pure
Thought of simple and kind mind we need to understand one thing on every point life is just
Game of understanding what is wrong and right never assume in few steps whole game of life
Because slowly it will move to that point where we will began to feel you have lost in life
But you have lost nothing until you have precious life and you have your precious smile after
All smile and life are two important things in life because when we born we learn to cry easily
But when we see our dear one first thing we did was smile but then next step was complaining
That happen to us all even when we are child in different voices while crying we complain
To every one at every time but one thing is sure we must not make those complain a cause
Of our disaster on this point we have survive so long so we need to understand what we need
More in life is our smile we can survive from storm which people in our past can't manage to do
At those time we don't need crown to rule this world because ruler of heart never wear crown on
Any point they are just forced to wear them because that is need of that time on each point.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Adventure story 169. Perfect medicine

                                                              Perfect medicine
That scene would look so much good. Rohit was watching it from window. He was concentrating on it. He was looking at those lights.Now a day it had become Rohit's favorite habit from inside. He was watching scene. In it he always remembered that days when he used to stay at home with his Mom. But now a days he just stayed alone in house.He wanted to be with his Mom.But he knew that he couldn't say it.After all he was not small boy.He was manager of big company where he did many deals daily with international client. It was not as if he was staying with Mom on every day.He was always used to go abroad for tours. He was not that much staying with her. He just couldn't say that he was staying with his Mom all time. Actually his sister used to spend whole time with Mom and he used to do work.In fact every time his sister Ritika used to complain that he hardly gave any time to his Mom.He still remembered last incidence with  Ritika regarding Mom.He was going out again to do some work.When he was about to go out,door bell rang.He opened door. Ritika was standing outside.He was so upset.He knew that Ritika was going to tell him that he had to take care for his Mom.But he didn't want that responsibility.He knew that it was his duty to take care of his sick Mom.He just hated it.He was working so hard every time and he didn't have that much time.But his sister also had family responsibilities. Ritika had her family.She took Mom with her when he had to go abroad but now she wanted him to take back Mom.He just had to avoid for some time.Slowly he was increasing time. He had took work which must be done in abroad.He tried to avoid it. Ritika "You are going out again.""Yes.I need to go.""Why your office is sending you out again and again? Don't they know you have sick Mom at home? Why are they acting so inhuman?"Ritika was screaming with anger. Rohit knew that just office was not blamed for it.He never insisted personally for such a thing.But he never dared to admit this to his sister."Come on Ritika.They are paying for all expenses.They are the one who are spending so much money on Mom.My office gives me salary which is used on Mom.So I don't have right to complain.They have right to claim all that work from me."Suddenly Ritika became silent. Rohit knew that money was Ritika's weak point. She never wanted reduction in his salary.In fact she just wanted all bills of their Mom to be paid by him.Ritika"You are right.You have to adjust.I can understand.But at least sometimes you shall have to come and meet Mom.""Sure.I will."After saying this he went to UK and he spent long time there.He phoned many times to Ritika and even sent her money.He sent more money that required because he didn't want Ritika to complain.But finally one day he received call that his Mom had died.Then he came back.When he saw his Mom's body,for first time he felt as if he lost some part of himself,He felt as if he wanted to turn clock backward and did something for her.But it was not possible,It was too late.
      It was just few days after Rohit's Mom's death he was looking out of window.He just began to develop habit of looking out of window. He was watching outside. Now a days he was not even send to abroad since his project was over.They wanted him to do his job here only. Now Rohit was staying there.He was feeling alone somewhere inside heart.He just didn't understand that why did it was happening. But he was remembering him on every moment. He wanted to see his mother again.He was remembering every moment of childhood.He was looking out of window with strange hope that his Mom would came out of Riksha.Then she would rang door bell.She would bring that chocolates small one cute looking on every point. These cute looking chocolates would look still nice to him. He was no longer interested in those costly foreign chocolates. Until now he was not interested in those cheap chocolates.He wanted luxurious sort of chocolate. There was nice and wonderful smell because he just loved them. But today he felt carving for those cheap and tasteless chocolates.It was all so strange. He was wandering in market. He had so many imported chocolate in house.But he didn't want them.He felt that he might be not interested those chocolate due to regular eating. Then as soon as he went near shop of his childhood. He suddenly felt that he wanted to find those chocolates so when inside that shop. He started to search for them but that shop was changed so much.It was having just all costly and imported sort of chocolates. He wanted something different. He wanted those chocolates but he couldn't get them. He knew that he might be wanting that chocolates and that's why he was remembering his Mom.He couldn't just start remembering her so much suddenly.But then he remembered one thing which was told him by someone. That when someone died then for some days people felt strange way.He must go to office and involved himself in work.He decided that it was perfect thing. He started searching for his files then he saw many files which were needed his attention.He started working and he suddenly felt strange sort of relief. He was so much engaged in his work. He just forgot every thing around him.His world was just concluded inside those files.It was such relief for him. He started doing every work studiously.He never sensed that he forgotten to make dinner or he was not eating until.His maid came in house.Maid" Dada you have not eaten lunch yet?""Ohh, I just forgot."Then she looked at kitchen and got shocked.Maid"My god.You have not even made lunch."Rohit was so confused, "I just forgot.""Then order something and eat.I need to wash your plates and clothes..Have you gone to bathe?" Rohit was so confused that he just didn't remember for few moments.But maid saw his clothes on right place to wash.Maid" Now I will go to another house to do my work and then return in one hour.Be ready by then."He nodded and started ordering on phone. He did every thing just in time.But he just didn't understood that how could he just sat without even eating lunch.He had never acted that way.But something was totally wrong in his mind.He felt that this would slowly vanished.
      Rohit ordered food from hotel. He was lucky because that food came within 10 minutes. He smiled happily. He was so hungry.He ate food like a man who was hungry for days.He just didn't understand that why he didn't eat food for so much time.He was never got so much involved in his work. He was so busy in understanding work at every point. He was clearing work on every point. That work was so hard to understood on every point. He was doing work for many days. He wanted to do work but he never felt so much need of that work. But then he started feeling one thought from inside. That his work was some thing felt as if most refreshing thing on every point. He was trying so hard to complete it. But then slowly his work was just turning out to be his only source of happiness.But he knew that after eating food.He had to sleep relaxation was also important on every time. He just wished from inside that he had to complete his work. But when he finished his lunch, he forced himself to go and sleep. But he just kept watching fan. In his mind he was still drafting that letter. He was so involved in it. That just in few minutes he once again sat on computer automatically. He started working hard again but he was feeling so nice while working. He decided that he no longer cared for vacation. He just wanted to work.He knew that he loved doing project but he loved them with such intensity, When his maid came,he was not even willing to open door.Even maid looked shocked "Dada you are still working? I thought that you must be sleeping now.""I am not sleepy.I was quite relaxed.""But Dada you need some sleep.""I can't sleep at day time."That maid looked at him with concern. But then she sensed that she couldn't do any thing so she gave up. She went back to work. He just kept working for long time. He just seemed to lost sense of time.Then he suddenly felt that he was hungry. He looked at wall clock.He was shocked that it was 10 P.M. He was working for whole day.He just never sensed that he had not eaten any thing.He just didn't understand that how did he survive whole day with just lunch.He felt that he might be too much involved. He went to bed and set his alarm on watch. He woke up with noise of alarm.He saw clock.He woke up on proper time. He started making breakfast for himself.He noticed newspaper. He was about to read it. But then as he was about to pick it up. He felt that it was better if he read his file.He wanted to please his Boss with best work. He started reading file carefully on every point. He started once again working on file.He just forgotten breakfast.Then when finally his attention went to wall clock,he was already late. He just had to take sandwich with him while driving.After all he was too late, he just couldn't eat breakfast.He just took it in one bag and ran. He went towards road where his companies was supposed to pick him.He went inside with sandwich. He knew where was his seat. At beginning he ate that sandwich. Then he started once again looking in files. Those files seemed to turn out his passion. He was so busy in reading that he just didn't sense when their bus reached on that spot where his friend Alex entered and sat near him.
     Alex sat near Rohit. He felt that something was so strange. Now a days Rohit  was acting in such a strange way. He was just involved in work. Alex knew that work was his passion but Rohit  was never used to in such mad way. Then even that thought about friend looked like crime to Alex so he just ignored it.At every point Rohit acted this way. He felt that Rohit was hurting him on some point of mind that he started feeling this way. Alex never accepted that his friend had some mental problem. It didn't seem fair to think this way. After all he was his best friend.Alex had to support his friend.It was not fair that he should back stab his friend.Alex knew that every one was starting to say that Rohit was strange on every point,It seemed so strange that Rohit didn't speak with any one just kept doing work.It was so strange that once Rohit who used to chat people as easily as walking.Now he found it so hard even to have some time to talk with some one. It was so hard to explain that on every angle of life. But Alex felt that Rohit was so stress.He could understood that Rohit had lost every thing. He wanted to just keep him position in career because it was his hope.Alex remembered that how did their boss used to force Rohit to go out when Rohit's Mom was sick.Rohit never got time to share with Mom.Some had sympathy from heart while some people just didn't understand.Alex wanted his attention now so he tapped on Rohit's shoulder. Rohit looked at him with shock. Rohit " When did you come?""When you are busy in your work. I just didn't understand..Why are you so busy in work? I mean.I just saw you wasting your time so why did you need to do this extra work?" Rohit smiled."It is not that work which is not completed on time.I am doing extra project."Then Alex started looking at files.He was so shocked.It seemed as if Rohit was completing every staff''s extra work.Rohit was acting in such way that he had to complete all.Alex "But it is not your work.""But if boss know this.He would get upset on me.""Why on you?""Because he wanted profits and efficient work and efficiency in just my sector is not enough. He wanted every thing to be best.I just want him to be pleased. "Alex sensed that something was wrong. He just didn't understand that how did Rohit claim that he must do all work.It was so strange. Once again Alex felt that something was totally wrong. Alex "Come on. Just leave that file and talk with me for few moment."Rohit nodded and said "I will talk with you in just few moments.Just let me complete this work." Alex nodded.He just hoped that Rohit would stop his work.But Rohit just kept saying that he would stop and chat whole time but he just kept doing this work. Whole time Alex kept just watching and Rohit was working hard on every point. Slowly even Alex started helping him with his work so until they reached to office.They did just one thing. It was work.Alex was so shocked.He also got carried away with Rohit in that tide. Alex never sensed that instead of relaxing Rohit. It kept working with Rohit.But by time he came to senses.They were at office and had to say good day. When Rohit said by and ran inside office,Alex felt one thing from heart something was wrong with his friend.He felt that friendship didn't mean always talking sweet sometimes friends needed to talk bitterly also.Alex was sure that his time for bitter discussion had came in life. He knew that it could break his friendship but he was ready to take risk of breaking friendship instead of seeing his friend got broken in life.
       Alex decided that he would look in this matter. Then he just kept trying to convince Rohit on every time that Rohit should stop work.But he could clearly saw that Rohit was not getting convinced. Alex was trying on every moment but it was not giving him that much success.Then one day he went to Rohit's home.He was shocked to see that Rohit's house was locked. He went to neighbor who just loved to gossip about Rohit.She told Alex that Rohit was not just coming out of his house,They had common maid who told them lot of stories. That maid was discussing many things. She told them that Rohit was not even ready to stop work for cooking. Rohit was just too much busy in his room.Maid had to go and tell him every time.Then he would order food.He ate them in few minutes and went back to work. That maid was telling that many days Rohit didn't even take bathe.Then he never came early to home.Alex was so shocked to hear,He decided that now he must had to sit and wait. Even that neighbor insisted that Alex must talk with Rohit. Neighbor" I have tried to tell his sister.But she said that she had done enough for her family.She had took care of her Mom all her own.She was no longer ready to do more work.She told me that she had her own family and she is right.She was spending so much hours on her Mom.But I feel Rohit need some help after his Mom's death. And you are best help for him. He never act normal.Just remain stuck in that room.I remember him since childhood. He was never like that Alex you must help him. I feel that it will going to slowly affect to his health." Alex nodded.That day he waited for long time and finally Rohit came. When Rohit saw,he gave different sort of smile. That tired one which was clearly that sad type smile. It was telling every one clearly that he was tired. But he just smiled and he invited them inside house. As soon as Alex and neighbor came inside Rohit sat with them but then in just few moments once again his laptop was out. He was typing on it. Alex sensed that he needed rest.Alex looked pointedly at neighbor who understood that Alex needed privacy.That neighbor made some excuse and went back to his home. When Alex was alone,he slowly forced Rohit to look at him,Alex "Rohit something is wrong. Don't you sense it."Rohit nodded and started crying.But his hands were still typing on laptop. Rohit just couldn't stop typing. Alex "Stop it Rohit."He forcibly took that laptop out of Rohit's hand. It was hard but finally Rohit gave up.Alex "Now this is enough. Tomorrow you are coming to psychiatrist with me."Rohit angrily "I am not mad."But once again he took hold of that laptop.Alex "Fine. I will keep this laptop away from you for five minutes.If you stayed there then you don't need psychiatrist."Rohit nodded.But Rohit just couldn't.Rohit"I just don't understand what is wrong with me?""Come with me to psychiatrist tomorrow.He would help." Next day they went to psychiatrist whom Rohit told every thing in details. Rohit"I just don't get it when I never miss my Mom that much why this is happening to me after her death?""Due to guilt.""What?""You just kept away from her because you are scared of sickness and now you feel guilty because she did every thing for her and you never help her. You did wrong thing and that guilt is hurting you,You are suffering Obesessive-Compulsive Disorder. In this person kept doing some thing again and again like obsession.In your case it is your work because you have used your work to keep away from your duty regarding your Mom. Can I suggest you some thing? ""Sure.""I will do your treatment but I feel that if you helped your sister regarding some work then you will feel better."Rohit nodded.At beginning he just went to psychiatrist but slowly one day he went to his sister where he found that she needed many types of help. But financial help was most important for her. He gave her some money.His sister kept promising that she would give it back.But Rohit was sure that she couldn't but still he said that she could take her own time.Since he knew that she had so much self respect so from that day he started going to her and sometimes he helped her with children.One day he helped her with grocery shopping. But greatest day was that when his sister returned his money, but he didn't took it.Then she gifted him a wrist watch which was best gift for him.Now he never felt that strange need of work because just looking at that watch calm his mind. It was most perfect medicine to him.
                                                                    The End 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Poem 1864. Sun of human world

                                                      Sun of human world
Can you tell for me to this world one thing that I want to be normal human being in life and
Just never want what they have wanted for me in life I want just my laughs and my happiness
In life I never want to win whole world and keep it under my thumb on any point I know you will
Ask me that why I am not telling them by myself this in life but problem is that I have just told
This to them all on many times but still they just never manage to understand thing on any point
They just want me to win on every point of life can you tell them that I never understand
What I want from inside on every point I feel just one thought from my mind that those moment
Which I spend it explaining in life are just wasted on every point because when I move ahead
And tried to tell them on every point they just felt that I am lying because I am scared to start that
Fight because it is so useless they are just never ready to listen on any point what they wish is just
Their ambition but they never accept it in life on every point they just feel one thought from inside
That I am trying to pretend because I don't get that thing in life they just never accept that it was
Never want of my mind on every point I feel just one need for inside that I need to explain those
People just one thing from inside that when I will move ahead I want things as per my likes but
When it never happen on every point people just keep telling me what I suppose to do to get that
Thing in life there are lot of people who can easily say in life that they don't want that thing then
Why they force that thing on my mind when I will decide to move ahead slowly on every point
I just have one thought from inside that you have one power which can convince them in
Their mind that my wants are so different than their in life but they just have one thought from
Inside they never understand ambition on any point since it doesn't demand things in life which
Will give power on every point so then I feel from my mind power and strength in life
I feel one thing from inside mind that I wanted peace and happiness in life so then I feel just
One thought from my mind that I want to move lightly with my dreams in life that power and
That strength which seem to create pressure on my wings so much in life when those selfish
Motives enter in life when some hard work enter in our life we just feel one thought from inside
That this hard work shall be okay when it is done by simple heart and mind when it is done with
Good heart I just feel one thought from inside that hard work will be perfect and good on every
Point inside life so then when we start to work again and again we can win in life that way seem
So better to me many times hard work is okay but selfish want seem too much for my wings in life
But people just never understand that thought from inside they just feel that I am too stupid to
Understand this life but if that selfish is truly our life then how can we move ahead with one
Thought from inside that we are free to move as we like because on that moment and on that
Point I feel just one thing from inside that I want to fly on every point with just one thinking from
My thoughts and my mind that I want to free from those selfish thinking of life it feel as if they
Are managing to burn my wings like harsh rays of sun on every point but sun at least have some
Sort of positive things when it is far away in life but selfishness is that harsh sun ray which just
Always burn us on every time that sun which will form with selfish motive never keep shining
For whole life but one thing is so sure that there is honest sun is also there in sky on some point
We need to fly for it in sky in search of it on every point that thought which tell us that it is not
There in sky is always wrong for us in life after all that sun which is true and honest one will not
Shine on every time it will just vanish after some time in life that night sun will have some effect
On our life that sun will lead to that night so honest sun will goes down always after some time
That is one truth of life honest sun will not shine on every time sometimes it just fall and that
Is sunset of life which happen with that honest sun every time so may be we need to see one thing
In life that if some one fail may be there is honesty inside but when some one doesn't fail in life
That does mean that one is not telling truth in life because every one fail and that is rule of life
But when honest one fail then whole world will see it fully and clearly in life we just feel one thing
That failing is that part of nature which always happen in life just honest people don't hide and
Dishonest manage to hide it on every time we just never understand when that sun will vanish
In our life I feel that vanishing is just problem for some time if we keep faith on that sun in life
Because it must be shining on some different angle of earth on that point only that sun which is
Human just never understand it in life but sun of nature never care while honest sun in our human
World just always cry on every time when it will set on some part where it wanted to shine in life.

Poem 1863. Using for gain

                                                               Using for gain
Why those dislike us become so must important that just for them we began to try I just never
Understand that why money become so important that those poor one who stood with us in just
Every crisis no longer remain worth to try we have excuse for that poor soul who always manage
To look at us with hope while rich one look at us with that proud look at every try as if we are
Nothing but just wrong thing to exist on that point why those who look at with hope so less to
Worth does power is just basic need of earth haven't you see those tears inside those eyes which
Stood by your side just with one hope that since others ignore you and they stay with you then
You will give them once a try don't you hear those cries which feel so much hurt when they stood
With you world use to call them fool on this earth other one never care what you are at every try
But you seem just think of them as some worthy and great one and run after them forgetting that
Sky which use to tell you again and again that those promises you made are suppose to stood
On that place those who reject you are neither part of promise nor worth to look but just think
Once again when you look at sky do you want to break that promise which may worth to try since
When you start this game it will not stay others will also see that your promises are not that
Worth anywhere just ask your heart does money make person that worthy that those who
Have it suppose to be there in your mind where others are capturing your thought at every moment
Just think again do you want just success or you want some truthful or honest friend I just can't
Promise you that poor one will help you to win but they will make that honest friend which are
Truly worth thinking but it's up to you which way you go my friend you can choose those rich
And famous and become their lifetime slave or you fly in sky which is worthy to try but it will
Give you neither power nor admirer who clap on your every try just you have decide which way you
Want to move your life do you feel that dislike one are those whom you want at your side since
If you do that on any moment then you will run towards them and then they stand by you not
Because they are with you but because you are with them on same moment you are losing your
Honest friend because even poor one have their thinking and self respect those who stood for you
On every moment I feel just deserve attention not just those lords whose worth is just  one thing
They manage to insult you again and again always stand with those who care for you and just
Try to please those who given pleasure to you I know we must be kind to every one and every where
But we not just become kind those who are disliking to you while those liking you are getting
Ignored again and again life is strange cart which have two wheels and two are our shoulders on
Every day we need to understand we can't manage to take cart for every one and every where so
We need to decide which one is good for us and which one is honest and we must serve that one first
But sometimes we just start to serve those who looks best but just best means those who
Have power inside them does honest one don't deserve our best but this mostly happen with us
Again and again we just forget things worth on every moment we just began to run who look
Just perfect those who stood by us get ignored every day we may feel they are our people but
I feel they deserve our more care those who dislike us hardly going to like us because we care
Since when we do something for them they just laugh behind back because they don't understood pain
For understanding importance sometimes some people deserve to suffer pain those who dislike
You so strongly never deserve your so much attention that you forgot those who for you do
Something worth every day when you want to do some thing kind you must do it first for
Your well wisher and friend because then it is your friendship not kindness and we want to
Collect in life different kind of friend and not those who just count our effort like work of some
Salve who never worth to them anything important on any day those who blame you just
Watch them carefully on each moment we can see clearly they are blaming us but they are
Doing just same some people just like blaming people in world they are not worth anything
At all in world how great they may look but they are just counting their gains they take your
Help and use it just to control other person so that they can manage to dominate just we need
To understand they are using you just as bait whatever you may decide it up to you because
You are one who are choosing your friends it's up to you should those be those people who use
You for gain or those whom you use to get gain and forgetting those from heart at this moment. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Poem 1862. Light feeling of happiness

                                                    Light feeling of happiness
One thing is so sure inside our life that our happiness is depend on just one thing that is our state
Of our mind we can smile if we wish on every point but it never happen since we never wish it 
From our thinking on any point we just wish from our success and that is true problem of our life
Our wishes of just success manage to create so much problems in life we just never understand
That we are creating sorrows by just managing to keep away our happiness from our life those
Thoughts which will manage to create some effect on our mind seem like some thing which will
Just lead to that side where success become that truth of life that we feel we will be happy only
When we are successful in life our thoughts which will make us happy just manage to create so
Much problem in life that our success become one stream which will just manage to confuse our
Need of success on every point then our thinking will lead to some area of life where we want just
Success on every point I feel one thing that success is something which is so precious in life then
When success will be some thing that will have some impact on our mind I feel just one thing
From my mind that success is not just one key to happiness in life that pure feeling of happiness
Will have some effect on our mind I will just never understand what I feel from my mind but
One thing is so sure that success will not that key which will show us happiness as part of our
Future and life we move ahead slowly to that happiness on every point which will show us that
Perfect world where we can laugh on our failure in life but then I feel why I am searching that
World it is somewhere inside my mind on every point those failure will look so much great on
Each angle of life because failure is just one incidence if we learn to treat it in that way in life
On every moment I feel one thing that I need to move ahead with just one thought from inside
That I want to be happy even when I don't get things in life because things will not matter that
Much inside my life I want my thoughts to rule and capture my mind I want them to take me
Ahead and above every thing in life I want that small ray of hope to grow on every point I want
My heart to have that shine which will give me happiness on every point that beautiful ray which
Is stored inside my heart tell me that failures will not harm me that much in life what I really want
Is just one thought success on every point I will never understand when I forgot happiness is not
Something regarding just success in life and when did I just manage to create so much problem
For my world that I feel one thought from inside that capturing our thoughts will look so much
Great since it is just one feeling from my mind that when I want to be happy then I can be happy
Because that is one light which I have stored inside  mind that light which will give my life so
Much sun shine that on every moment I just feel one thing that we need to much better concepts
Of our future and life which will show us success as basic on every point when we move ahead
We just feel one thing from inside that success is that thought which will be needed but not just
Only need of life it will needed on some parts and not required like breath in life success is that
Need which will be required on limited points of life we never understand when success will
Become one thought which will give our life shine when we want to move ahead we feel that
Just getting success is not that necessary in life we need to understand that success is one thing
Which hurt us on every point but need to understand success is one thought which will show us
Happiness from inside we just feel one thing that we need happiness for it we feel one thought
On every point we feel one thinking from inside that happiness will be one thought which we
Need to create inside mind our thinking may show us some concepts and some lights on every
Moment we feel just one thought from our mind that happiness should be some thing as light
As flower on every time because happiness will that light thought which will touch us on every
Moment and point I just feel one thing from inside of mind that those happiness which we feel
From inside seem like something which we need on every point our happiness is that thought
Which deserve something light which will move ahead with wind on light movement on every
Angle of our life when we move ahead we feel one thing from inside that we are not moving
But just flying in our life those thoughts which will help us in life seem like some thing which
Will manage to hurt us on every point we feel just one thought from inside that happiness is
That thinking and that thought on every point which will take us ahead in our life I feel it will
Manage to give me that shine I feel just one thing I need in my life that kind of happiness and
Light which will make us happy but we need those thoughts from inside not from outside in life
We need just that thinking which will open for us perfect world that will not hurt us by just
Thinking about sorrows on every moment and on every point at each step of future and life.

Poem 1861. Supporter in life

                                                               Supporter in life
We need one thing we always need support in life on every moment we feel just support on every
Part of our life those supports which manage to take us ahead are always need on every point but
Then these support which we need in our life that support which we get on every angle of life but
Then support is that thinking which will have some effect on our mind we need to move ahead on
Every angle of life because support is that thinking which will lead to create some impact on our
Thoughts of mind we started to finding supports which are so much great on every point I just have
One thought from inside that those supports which we need in our mind are something which we
Feel required in life because once we get support it become one habit of mind we just never feel
That we can walk on our own ways inside life those moments which will show us many sort of
Support on every point we just feel one thought from inside that those support which will have
Some impact on our mind we feel that we just can't walk without support in life that walking will
Have some effect on our mind because when we walk then on every moment we need just one
Thing support like our breath on every time that breath which will have some impact to our mind
It become as necessary thing as breathing for our mind we will never understand on which point
We can see that thing which tell us right way of life so we just keep wondering on every point
How can  we find support on some point but then on some point I feel one thing from inside that
Those moment which we have wasted in searching for support could have helped us in life and
Instead of waiting for support we need to find some thing nice and we have to get things with our Own efforts then when we want to move ahead in life we need to do it with our tries just searching For support will not help us in life then those things which will help us on every point in our life
Helping us but they are making us weak on same point because helper is one who care for us in life
And that one will come ahead when we fall on every time that help and love is great every point
It will just manage to hurt us in life so then I feel one thought from my mind that when people love
Us and took our care they just never let us chance to face world sometimes I know I need help on
Some point but on some point I wish too much care make me weak before some people in life
Who never care for us come before us on some point we just feel one thing from inside so then
I feel one thing from inside that in world there are some people who just never care for us in life
They are our rival and ruthless enough in life who want to watch us falling and then want to just
Walk on us at that time I know it may be cruel but then we have to face even those people inside
Our life on every point we feel one thought from inside but then what I feel one thought from life
That some people are having that spirit in life that we will call it evil while other say it is just
Competitions in life so then I feel one thing from inside that we never like those competition in
Our life so those thoughts which will touch our mind that when we are living our safe life that
One day we will face that tide so may be support become our enemy on that time but never just
Go ahead and blame that one who support you in life so then I feel one thing from inside that
If we tell people those who support inside life are not to be blamed we need to learn to stop them
Nicely on time I know it is hard one since every one loves help in life but still we need to just
Understand help is not always get us what we want from inside it will remain so much confuse
Us on every point our thinking will differ on every point those things which will create some
Impact on our mind but one thing is sure we need supporter in life but when we have them then
We must use them in proper way of life because supporter are those people who are our friends
And helping us with good thoughts from inside those thoughts which touch us on every point
Will seem like something which will look so great on every point our thinking will not help us
That much in life when we start to move ahead with our thinking from inside we just feel that
Supporter are those people who move ahead with us to help us in life but we need to stop them
From helping us sometimes then only we will learn to move ahead in life with our mind so those
Thoughts which will have some impact from inside we feel one thing that we are just managing
To create problems on every point since those thinking which are so great on every point no more
Seem like that easy in life when things are suppose to be hard supporters on every thought in life
After all those things which are leading to that section in life but then some people feel just one
Thought from inside my mind that supporter are not our enemy but they are that treasure will
Look great in life but we must learn to use them in limit every time step by step if we use that
Treasure will look so great from inside supporter will help us on every point because those
Supporters are true helper but we need to use them slowly and carefully inside our future and life.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Poem 1860. Pain in walking

                                                        Pain in walking
When I walk slowly on those roads with care I just feel one thing on every moment that I need to
Move ahead and walk with so much care I need to understand each stone can hurt us on every point
On which we see in our life I need to move slowly with so much hope and care that when I walk
On every point I feel just one thing is there that those stones which cut my feet will be on that spot
And on that point some where I just want to walk without much hope and positive wish on any point
And moment I feel just that pain will touch my heart which will cut my mind on any points which
Are still existed on every moment those stones which are on those roads will manage to hurt us on
Every moment of life but question is that do I can manage to avoid those stones in life on every
Moment and point I just feel that those stones can cut me from inside when I walk roads which will
Give us pain on every point those sharp cuts are leading to many pains in life those walks which
I take in my life seem like some thing which I needed on every point but avoiding stones will just
Manage to hurt us in life but then stones are so sharp and with so much hard touch in life so then
When we walk on road on which stones are there on every point doesn't seem that much good for
Our future and life when I walk on road of life that stones will manage to have that sharp touch but
We need to move ahead step by step in life those stones which hurt us can't be avoided on every
Moment and point I just feel one thing from inside that stones are having so much sharp touch that
They never look that much good but we can't avoid every problem in life so we need to walk on
Those stones at every point those stones never look that much good in life they will have that look
Which scare us on every point but when I see that hope which stood on other side I just walk over
Those stones without feeling pain from inside in life we walk slowly on every point we need to
Just understand what we want from inside we just want that peace which we see on other side but
We never reach to it because those stones which are spread on that walk scare us so much that we
Just feel that those pains will be so hard that we just can't walk with peaceful mind we never manage
To understand our thoughts from inside slowly those sharp cut of stones will manage to hurt our
Body and mind we never understand that those stones on our walk will become something which
We can ignore in life when we look with happiness to that point where those stones will give us
So perfect sort of shine we never see that road without any stones until we keep just hoping from
Inside that this road will clear if we keep our hopes high on every moment and on every point in life
Those pains which show us that future which we need from inside will manage to create so much
Obstacles of life we can't walk ahead with slow and steadiness on any point we just feel one thing
That stones are those rocks which will have sharp touch in mind but when we want some thing then
On sometimes we just need to go ahead fast and forget our slow walk in life and that things which
Is appearing on other side will look so much better that we just feel one thing that we need to see
That shine which will appear on other side after all on that point where will we see that scene in
Our future and life those things which are on that side just never enter in our life because we have
One feeling from inside that we need to see that world which is on other side those sharp sort of pain
Which I feel from inside will vanish when I start to move towards that thing with one ambition in
My mind that I want it to become part of life that pure and perfect thinking in our life so those sort
Of ambition which tell us we need to move ahead in life to that thing which will look so much
Good and great on every point I just feel one thing no stone can hurt me in life when I see that
Thing as ambition from inside those things which will look so much great on every point will just
Manage to become part of our life on every angle it seem as if we need to move ahead with our
Positive thoughts from those sharps stones should not harm us in life they will remain on that
Point and we will move ahead on every point those thoughts which will take us ahead are not
Just managing to move ahead on every angle of life with just one thinking that we need to move
Ahead in life but then sharp stone will harm us in life in such way that we feel that stones are
Those things which will have some impact on our mind they cut us on every point with just one
Thought from inside that some roads will have stones which will manage to hurt us and every
Point in life when we see that dream on other side then that dream will have some effect on mind
Because that dream will capture my thoughts in such a way in life that we can no longer think
About other things but just about moving ahead with hope to get that thing from our thinking
And from our mind so we feel one thing from inside that when we seen something so good in life
Then pain in walking will began to have some effect in life so just look at your dream and then
Walk on that road in life even if you don't get that dream still perfect is that life since that life
Will have dream on every point because we will walk just for that dream and other things are just
Forgotten in life walking on rocks is not that painful when we have that special dream inside life.

Poem 1859. Right hope in life

                                                             Right hope in life
When I will walk ahead with your hope in mind I know I am just playing with my mind but just
Tell me are you really there in life but my mind no longer ask that question because we are that
Lovely sort of dream which I just want to have in life those moments on which I like to move
On every point seem like some thing which I just never want to lose in life you are one hope which
I will keep alive until I die I want to imagine you on my side how interesting is keeping such a
Hope inside mind it just become that pearl that will give us perfect shine that hopes which will
Manage to help us on every point seem like something which will give us shine when we move
Ahead on every day of life I just want that hope to give seven color of life on every moment we
Feel one thought from inside that those colors which look so much great on our mind will no longer
Seem that much good in life those hope which I have in my mind seem like something which will
Look so much great on every point when I will walk with hope I just see that dream in which you
Are so true and alive on every point I feel that you are giving me that light but when I see every
Thing will my negative mind on every point so those hopes which will have some parts of life so
In life there are many colors which will have reaction in life when in life everyone have hope but then that
Light which will have shine that will lead to that angle of life when we see many sort of hopes
That will give shine to our life when we walk on every point so those hopes will lead to problems
In life after all sometimes just hope is not enough for our life we need to move ahead and act
According to hope from inside when we walk with hope we need it to be true on some point so
Sometimes false hope just comes and then goes away from our life those moments which will show
Our mind many thoughts of mind and please from inside I just feel one thought from inside so
That hope which cheer up my mind no longer seem like something so concrete in our life since
That hope which are creating so many reaction in mind when we move step by step on every
Angle and point when that hope will have many angles and effects in life when hopes are just
Creating so many impacts on our life we feel just one thought from inside that in that hope I feel
There are many angles which are not that much good for life because when hope is not true then
We need to stop it on some point but on that moment we need to think once again should we just
Need to destroy hope on every point but then hopes are just managing to looking so different in
Every angle of life but then some part of hopes should be worthy to store in life we just need to
Change that angle of life which tell us we need to understand that hope needed to be give up from
Our thoughts and life I just feel another thing on totally different side may be that hope needed
To be changed and turned into some practical side when this will happen our hopes will look so
Much better in life those hopes no longer hurt us that much in life they will just create problem
For us on every point hopes will have many things inside those hopes will just manage to harm
Our thinking and mind those hopes which will help us on every point will just lead to that point
Where we can see many sides of our life those hopes which are supposed to thrown in life so
That thoughts which we have as part of our life is inside that hope on every angle of life but that
Hope will look so much better on every point that hope which will have breath of life on every
Moment we feel that fresh air is like hope on every point that hope will hurt us on every angle
Of life will look so better on every point I feel one thought from inside that hopes will give that
Life so much better understanding in life we just keep hoping on every point that one day we
Will see things in positive way in life hope will look so much great to our mind so then this
Hope will look so much good when we turn into something that will have side effect in life
Hope will change on every point in life into something which we hope from inside because
Those hope are turning into something different inside life that hope will differ on every point
Because hope will turn into some new inside life since hope will look so much different when
We change into something good in life that hope which will have some sort of impact on our life
That hope will change into some thing so good for life so then hope will turn into some great
For our life that hope will change slowly our life because hope will have some reaction in life
I feel one thing from inside that hope will some nice impact on life but since good hope will
Turn into something so interesting in life when hope will turn into some thing good in life so
After all hopes will turn into good on every point when hopes will turn some positive in life
When hope will turn into some thing so nice for life so hope will turn into perfect thing in life.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Poem 1858. Written by heart

                                                                 Written by heart
When I wrote something and my heart advise me to erase it in life I just feel that it's best to
Just erase that thing on that point because when heart told us something questioning then it never
Seem right because if we don't do it then heart will irritate us on every point since our heart
Is our that best friend who know every thing about us from out to inside we need to understand
One thing that heart is just our best helper and guide never just ignore heart because it is one
Who will come with you in crisis of life that heart which beat in our body will never tell
You what it feel right may be it is wrong sometimes but still trusting it seem so nice because
Heart will give you that dream which will give you that pleasant thought on every point you just
Never understand how did that heart manage to capture every thought on every point when
We move ahead our thoughts began to turn in one chapter we write when those thoughts will
Look interesting I feel one thing that I want to write something which is perfect and nice for
Our future and life those thoughts which suppose to be written never look that much great
In normal life they just confuse us on every point by putting before us crisis one after another
Inside our life when I wrote something then with my heart which just move us to that cloud
Which we see in life sometimes imagination seem better specially when we know that it is just
Imagination of our mind but when it seem like truth then it will look different on every point
When we start writing something then we just feel need to writing those thoughts from inside
Just writing some sort of thing to please someone is never my style how can we lie to our own
Thoughts and heart when we know that it is not good or right we just have to act with that
Heart which is given to us as precious gift of life we just can't ignore it since that heart is that
Gift which should be treasured for entire life those moments which I do every day will take me
To that point where life will differ on every moment and it will create troubles for our future
And for our entire life those things which I wrote so clearly seem so nice because they are never
Confused in this world if half baked truths of our life then comes in life as some mirror and
Then show images of our life when I wrote something I want it to look perfect as per our
Thoughts and mind I just never want things to look something that I have never dreamed to
Look in life I want my thoughts to look much a way as per they are set in my mind if my
Thoughts began to look wrong on some paper how can I let them be that way in my life because
On that paper I should see myself as I want to see in my life when I wrote those feeling on paper
I want them to be more clear in life when I want to move ahead I just want it to be straight way
In life I want to write what I wish to write by heart not what I was told by just practical mind
Those thoughts which touch me told me that I want my heart to move that way in life so how
Can I write something which my heart never tell me even if that thing is profitable to write
After all my heart is that thing which look so good on every point when things just move ahead
I feel it is right to wrote what we feel from inside when we move ahead we just feel one thing
From our mind that those thoughts which are written on paper are nothing but just limited
Thoughts of our mind when we move ahead step by step we feel that catch from heart on
Each and every point our heart want to write every thing on paper and our heart want on
That moment to confess our mind we must give our heart that freedom on that point and
We must let out heart move ahead as per it's like because heart must get that freedom for
Which we cry from inside our heart want to speak freely but people hardly like to listen in life
Our heart want to learn the truth but people told us we can't repeat it in life so how can that
Truth which we found after so much searching can be hidden on any point after all truth of
Our heart is that precious gift for entire life we just never understand what we wrote on paper
Can one day become truth of our life but still we want to wrote it just because heart want to
Confess it on some point we have our plan for justice and we just wrote it with one hope that
One day we find that musketeer who for us fight that way in most charming style we just never
Hope they may turn into true but still on some point we just wish from our mind that one day
Some one will read those letters which we wrote from full faith and with full hope of sunshine
Because since childhood we are told one thing that hope is blessing not crime so it's best to
Write what you feel instead of hiding it inside on every moment and point we just have one
Thought from mind that when we wrote something one day some one will fight for us in life
But what we never feel is that we are always one of musketeer in life because when some one
Comes to help you always remember one thing in life you are also fighter in that fight and
You just can't sit peacefully in that corner of your life to watch that entire fight because when
You call some one then you are that person's friend and you are that person's perfect guide
So never just sit in corner and trust your heart then with that musketeer join that fight on that point.

Poem. 7220. Door of light create

                             Door of light create  Door of light create new word to thinking of mind which open new appeal to knowledge towa...