Friday, January 31, 2014

Poem 1300. Vanishing Boat

                                                     Vanishing Boat
On that moment and on that time when I feel everything is perfect and so nice then I feel
Suddenly from my mind that I am bored of that thing in life how interesting thought of mind
Which just don't want to rest on one point like that paper boat which I set in rainwater as a kid
I feel that boat becomes my mind which will help me on many point of imagination and which
Can make me jump with joy in life because when I start going from every point of my life
Because those boats are something so unique part of our mind as those boats are something
Which comes in nature as days went ahead on every point but then when that boat vanish
Suddenly I felt so alone and hopeless in my life this is what my mind sometimes it takes ahead
Me on every point but then suddenly when my mind went  ahead I went in my life I feel like
That boat which will vanish from my life and from my heart on every try because I just feel
One thing this boat that it goes from one place to another without such affords which just
That power like some bird that fly when I was kid I use to feel only if I can have power
Or some place to run after it and at least to give it some try but then I feel from my heart
That there is no place to run and there is no chance to let that boat can seen until finally it
Manage to reach that mountain which is perfect for our try as I went ahead on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind and it is always worth to try that only if I can how much sad
That boat went I can have power to understand things which is to explain me all those thoughts
Which are important and always worth many tries when I see that boat out in that water and
See how nice that rain falls from every point I just feel one thought from our thinking that
This rain can manage to destroy my boat same happen with my mind when it start running
On every try I just feel one thing from every point that we need to understand that those boats
Which are important for our world are something that just manage to wander on every point
Inside this world I just feel one thought from my thinking and mind that those boat are telling
Truth of my mind because when my mind wander I just never guess where it went even if
Like that boat it is made for me but still it runs far away as days went ahead on every time
I just feel one thought about this mind that it went away there where I just can't walk with
My feet and it enjoy those things which can't be touched but at same time that rain which
Manage to take my mind is something like those thoughts which are perfect to take ahead
But can damage to my mind and just like that boat I never know where it went I just never
Able to guess where did my mind went ahead but in case of that boat once it vanish away
It don't bring back or come to me again but in case of my mind it always return back on
Each and every day when it will return back it will bring all those things which it take from
That journey again and again so on every thought and on every moment I just feel one thing
That my mind is so unique and so perfect but I feel it just until it began to bring some problems
Because after some time it starts bring with it a lot of problems those problems which enter
After sometimes are something just creating trouble for us in our life as that boat of mind
Went to plenty of places which are not pleasant for our thinking and on every ways as days
Went ahead on every thought and point those boat which floats in water don't come back
With dirt and rubbish in our life because those paper boats can go ahead on every point that
I just feel one thing in life those paper boats can get damaged by rain on every point we need
To understand power of that rain from time to time but when that rain fall on those boats
I just feel one thing from my mind that those boats will get damaged on every point due to
That wind and other things in life but since it never return to us we just feel one thing from
Our mind that we don't need that boat to float on any moment of life in that water I can see
All those tides which will manage to take us away on every moment of our life I feel that
Those boats which goes ahead with wind on every time are those things which never return
So it is fine even if they went far away in our future and life I just feel one thought from
My mind that those boats which float never return so it is okay even if they float to
Which ever place they prefer and like but in case of my mind I don't want it to float on wrong
Places and wrong spots in life because it is once again going to return to my brain and life
But still like that boat it will manage to float to far away places and manage to hurt my thoughts
And manage to create more problems for my brain and for my thinking power of my mind.

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