Friday, January 10, 2014

Poem 1263. To judge

                                                     To judge
Sometimes it feel in my life as if someone is judging me from each and every point
I just don't understand why that one is doing all this for simple friendship inside life because
It was not that much important from any point I feel that simple friendship don't mean
That much big thing in life as we went ahead from every point I feel that why should
Someone pay so much attention to my life when that one is just making friendship which
Is not at all important for any of us in life but as days went ahead I feel that this person
Is doing what I  shall be doing if I made friendship with someone who is some thing
Interesting for my mind don't make my guess inside life how strange I feel in life so
I just have one thought in mind that my friendship should be such that I have to adjust
On some points but my friend can't expect I should adjust on each and every point
In life on every moment we just have one feeling that we are adjusting in friendship but
Our friend hardly have that understanding so when we made some friend we thought it
In life and then we feel that we need to keep proper understanding in life as days went
Ahead from every point we just feel one thought from mind that we made that friend
Who was fully wrong for our life and that friend never understand our feelings at all
In life so we all make wrong friend inside life and then only we understood meaning of
True friendship in life as days went ahead and we grow up slowly and then we thought
In mind that we have made wrong friendship so we must find next friend carefully in life
At first we have thought that it just friendship of few minutes in life but when it happen
Then we can understand such friendship make change of mountains in our mind as days
Went ahead on every point I just feel one thought from mind that even if friendship is
Just for few minutes in life still it have power to make so much changes that it can effect
Our thinking from basic in life but even when we think this way in mind still sometimes
We feel that we can't waste our every day of life just in finding friend who will give
Our friendship meaning in life after all those friends are like that dew which vanish
After some time so why did we have to spend on them so much time if they are just
Small part of our life so as days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thought
From my mind I feel that those thinking which are part of our life why should have so much
Effects of just those small chat in our life but it seem that they are taking so much part
Of our future and our mind on every part in life we just feel that those small parts which
Are so perfect for our future and our life they are not that nice because those thinking
Which are so unique for our life when we felt that our friendship is something important
For our future and our life I began to feel that I don't want that friendship to become
Some part of our life because on every point on leaves there is dew shine which look
So perfect thoughts inside life when I look at those dew I feel that may be that friends
Are right just for few minutes that beauty manage to fresh our mind as days went ahead
On each and every point I feel that this beauty of morning seem to fresh my thought
And my mind slowly as days went ahead on many points I just feel one thought in mind
Because as days went ahead inside life I feel that dew will never look so perfect in life
Even if it is for few moment still we die to see it on every day of our life so I feel those
Friends which are with just for few minutes began to slowly matter more than friends
Of our long time because those long time friends also vanish when their motive cross
In life so why should we just think that we should think about long term friends in life
Maybe those friends who spend with us few minutes become more important in life
Because those friends are the one with whom we sometimes share those things of life
Which we never dare to share with long term friends in life because slowly our long term friends
Become to much involved in many parts of our life they began to know each person of
Our life so when we say something to them it began to have pictures inside life so when
They see that person they began judge lot of things in life and they many time they don't
Trust us they began to trust their sense in life so even our truth become nothing for our
Friends in life but those short time friends just trust us with logic which we gave in life
So that short term friendship is big thing of our life so judging us in that friendship suddenly
Began to look so perfect after all before trusting some one don't we judge that person in life.

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