Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Poem 1296. By our thinking

                                                     By our thinking
How interestingly just after some time we began to understand that logic in our life which
Was never understood by us on any day of our life which was something so impossible in
Our future and in our life when someone first told me same logic in life I felt that it was all
Wrong from every side in life I just feel that it is not right because I can't ignore people if
They talk that way in life I feel that I must improve my mistake and answer them properly
In life I felt that on many points I am going on wrong way and that's  why I can't answer
Them inside life as days went ahead on every thought in life I just have one thought from
My mind that all logic are something which seem not to convince those person in life but
Still I feel that I must have made some mistake in life I have studied lot of books which
Tell us that we should keep quiet before injustice in life so I tried to talk but then I feel
My logic just backfire on me many times because they don't answer my questions in life
They just keep repeating those things which are not good for our life then for long time
I try to keep telling those things which are clear for my eyes but it seems as if they are
Not interested in logic of life they just keep on muttering same things in life even when
I ask them can I explain they say no need in life now can you tell how can person say
That they have knowledge when they hardly heard other person in life when we start just
With one motive of fight in brain our logic goes to that chamber where it will sleep with
So much peace and quiet so when I try to tell them even with peaceful mind after some time
My anger enters and their logic never enter on any point when someone is just stuck
Then we must ignore that person in life that was one thing taught to me but still I just keep
Forgetting it on every day of my future and my life as I start walking ahead on many logic
And on many points I just feel one thought that my thinking is not taking me ahead on
That perfect point because that logic which was taught to me in beginning of my life
Have suddenly seem to left all thoughts of my mind instead of that I just feel one thing
From my mind that I am so angry to whole world that I can burn it in this moment and
On this point so instead of judging those logic which look so perfect to our thinking and
Perfect our eyes I just feel one thought that will help to stand with those person who don't
 Trust logic to their mind and their sky that is thought of my anger and my want to destroy
So on every moment in this world and on every try we just feel one logic from mind that
We need to understand those thoughts that manage that person to destroy we need to
Understand that anger is one thing which manage to keep those people's logic so inside their
Mind and thought that they just never understand that they can win in life as they want it to
Happen they started to create that strong circle of their anger that logic hardly enter in their
Thought and mind or their world and sky but I just feel one thing that I just need to follow
That advice which is given to me by some instead of getting their way maybe I need to
Use advice which tell me that I need to ignore those people who are creating problem in
My world and sky I just have one thought in my world that I have to keep my mind away
From that side so then after so much struggle I came to first advice in life then I feel
Just thought from my mind I feel that I should have followed first advice in life which
Will tell me that I should have ignore those people in life so finally after walking so much
Why did I understand that thought so late in my life why don't I understood only at beginning
That advice but my heart tell me one thing in clear voice I need to understand things with
Those experience not without them in life as I get them from every time they teach me
What is wrong and what is right then I can understand it even without much advice because
I need those things after I see them with my eyes because just by hearing those advice I feel
That I can't understand truth of life I feel that I can wake this way just by advice when
I walk just on those ways in life I find out that I can't change things in life if I just goes
On advice then I will that I don't need things in life because I just feel that other ways are
Better in life so it is better to take full experience and then only follow that thought or
That advice because then only we will follow it by our thinking and by our heart inside our life.

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