Friday, January 10, 2014

Poem 1264. Wings of my life

                                                Wings of my life
When I see those winds which move as they wish I just feel that in life I am going ahead in
Same way just as I wish when I see that freedom inside those winds I just feel one thing
That I need to have something nice as human being when wind moves ahead on each and
Every point I just feel one thing inside my life that when life went ahead I am moving ahead
With that speed on each and every point I just feel one thing from my thoughts and from
My mind I just feel one thing from inside of my mind that I am no longer stuck on just
One point because I have decided to move with that speed which I like instead of thinking
About other people's thought I just feel one thing from my mind that on every moment and
On every point I need to take that wind in wings of my mind to move ahead in life those
Wings which I have inside my mind are hidden for many days even without knowledge
Of them to my mind when I start moving ahead on each time I just feel one thought from
My mind that on every day when I went ahead in life I just feel that I can't go ahead on
Many points because those wings of my thoughts are part of my life and they just stay
With me on each condition and point I just feel one thing from my mind that I don't want
To include those wings inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that when I want
To go ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that I have that power of that wind inside
When I start moving ahead I just feel one thing from my mind that many times when things
Goes wrong way inside life I just feel that I can move with that wind inside my life because
When I stop thinking about those thoughts which use to stop me from trying I just find out
That I have those wings which are always part of my life when I start moving ahead on
Every moment and on every point I just feel one thing from my mind I feel that in life and
On every point I need to understand those wings which are I like are not kept inside my
World and my mind I just keep thinking about those wings which have that strength to
Win many things inside my life I just kept feeling that my thoughts are as strong as those
Air and that wind on every point of my life I just keep thinking that I need to have that
Future which is perfect for my mind but at same time I feel that I don't want to stop
Because those wings have given me that touch of wind which manage to give me that
Strength and that power on every moment I just feel one thought from my power that
When those wings took me up in sky I feel I can touch many things which give me that
Strength and power so when I move my wings and take that wind inside them to get
That strength and power I just feel one thing that inside my life I need that strong sense
Of wind as well as it's power I just feel one thing from my thoughts as well as my power
On every moment I just feel one thing that when I want to go ahead may be I just don't
Want to stop when I feel that power but sometimes stopping is also needed like birds
Because even we may claim that we are like wind but still we don't have that power
Our wings will get tired after some time inside our world and then we feel all those problems
And troubles inside world we want to stop on some points which are important for our
World and our future I just feel that those wings which posses so much power are so
Perfect and nice for our world I just feel one thing inside our world that I need to rest
And let those wings relax that are rules of world on every moment I just feel one thing
About this world that may be we feel like that wind but we still have to know that we are
Not wind inside this world we don't have that much strength inside our world on every
Thought and on every moment we just feel one thing from our thinking in our world
We feel that we are standing on wrong fronts inside our world I just have one feeling from
My mind and from my world that on every moment I just know one thing from my thoughts
And from my world that even if we claim we have super strength and power but still
We are nothing but human on every occasion and on every thought of this world I just
Feel one thing from my mind and from every point inside my world I just have one feeling
From my thinking and from my world that after some time I feel those things which we feel
Inside our mind are nothing but just thinking of our world and mind but we are just human
So we always need rest from time to time I just feel one thing from my future and from
My mind that on every point I need power inside my wing but I also need rest on some time
If I want go ahead I must understand that I am just human so I need myself to give some
Thoughts and some times inside my life and then only I can win inside my future and my life.

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