Monday, January 27, 2014

Poem 1291. To become king and queen

                                           To become king and queen
How nice will be that song when we stop thinking about future from our heart and how
Right and perfect it will look when we will think how pleasant is our present and how wonderful
Was past we can think about those times in a nice way then our future will become some
Thing which is so perfect and so best because as we start in life to walk we will understand
Just good things from past because they are those things which are perfect for our future
And for our thoughts so in our life we must understand that song which can help us on
Every part because when we went ahead on some moment we feel need to understand
Our present and not just some part of our past how much may we wish from heart to
Become king or queen from mind and rule whole world and every part but still we need to
Understands one thing from our mind that for happiness we really don't need a king or
A queen inside life we can be happy with what we got on every time if we learn to live
As we wish in our life we just feel one thought from our mind that our happiness will be
Our that part which touch our heart and soul on every time we just feel that our happy
Days are depend on things which happen in our life we feel that this happiness will take us
Ahead on many points in life as we went ahead on every thought we just think about richness
Of money in mind we just never think about that smile and that logic we need our life because
On every moment in our life we just feel one thought that we are king and queen if we act
In that way which will be perfect for our life as we think on every moment in life that
Our thoughts about becoming rich and famous depend on how much we think about future
In our life because that future will make us famous if we think on every point about it in life
As we start thinking about our future on every time we just feel one thought from our mind
That this future which is taking us ahead on every point we have to make it perfect but
Do you really think worrying  it will help us on every point because when we went
Ahead on every spot of life we just feel one thought from our mind we feel that those
Thinking about richness will not happen because we are not thinking properly in life but
I just feel one thing we are not becoming rich because poverty become problem of our mind
We just think too much about it on days and night when we start something new we feel
That we are on wrong point so we just never dare to take risk because we have already
Heard list of those people who failed in life and winner seem so short in number when
We think about it in that way of life so when we think about future many time we just feel
We are going to fail if we take a risk in our life so how can we go ahead if we just don't
Think about present and don't think about that opportunity but think about that future
Which will help us in life as days went ahead on every point we just feel one thought from
Our mind that when our life goes ahead on some point we just don't understand that
Our present and future is dependent on our progress of life we just think that if we act
Carefully then we can win in our life but sometimes I feel we act too carefully and just
Manage to destroy every day of our life as our life when ahead on every point I just feel
One thought from my mind that those pleasant thoughts which will make us happy are
Not that perfect in life because sometimes we just don't take risk and it will keep us on
One point in life our mind just run around one thought that we want to be rich like king
And queen in our life but mostly it don't happen in our life we need lot of efforts in life
To get from bottom top with honesty is not something just happen in one generation
Normally in life so when we hope for that I feel poverty becomes just future of our mind
We just look around and see those people who manage to do it in blink of eyes so I just
Feel one thought from my mind that in life on every point we need to understand that
This thinking is wrong in our life we can never win in our life without much efforts and
That truth of life how did some people manage to get it that is totally different point I just
Feel why should we think about them after all we are just common person in our life
So on every moment in our life I just feel one thought from my mind we need to think
When we will improve you will first reach to little bit better class not that we can become
King and queen in life I just never understand those thoughts which are perfect for our
Thinking as human being in our life that we can go ahead by step by step and if we go ahead
Then we can manage to go by two steps but we can't expect to reach the top in such little time
And if you trust just few steps ahead you can get all nice thing no need to become royalty in life.

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