Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Poem 1293. Our team

                                                      Our team
From that sky in our life I just feel that pretty sort of sunshine I feel from our heart and
On every day of in life so then I have lovely nice look so beautiful in eyes I have that those
Lights on every point some time I feel from them I can take that lovely sunshine which
Touch my soul and my mind even when it is too bright when I have nice company I feel that
I easily take that sunshine it depend on with whom I am walking in my life or may be I am
Alone even then it all look fine because in my mind I can keep happy things of life because
No one is really alone inside this life when I walk under that sky if one thing  comes in my mind
How beautiful will be that universe which I can't watch with my eyes I even think of those
Planets which are away from our sight on every point we just feel one thing from our mind
That we can never win in life on every point as days went ahead on every thought and point
I just feel one thing in our mind those sunshine which look perfect can enter inside our life
But I can never able to see those stars or planets which are behind that sunshine how much
I want to see them and how much I envy those people who can go in sky and enjoy that life
But then I feel just one thing from my mind things are easy to say but become hard when
We start walking inside life I can dream for star but when I read those book who tell me
How much hard they work to get that things in life I just feel that they are great and they
Are must respected in life I just thought one thing when I dream about it in life that I can
Be ready to die for that thing in life but I just feel one thing from heart that dying is something
Not that hard in life hardest task is living with it and trying to survive why when we want
Something big we just first think are we ready to get it even when we know we need to die
For that thing I don't think we need to die for some thing but mostly we need to survive
For things in life because when something happen in our life people want us to help them
Not in dying but in surviving inside life so then I just have one thought from our mind but
Then on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that we can't survive in these things
Then we are ready to die for it in life but I just feel one thing that we should not think about
Dying because when we want to do something it is about surviving in worst condition of life
Death is something which happen tragically while surviving no one really want anyone to see
Dying inside life when we want something from heart we must think how can we do that thing
And how can we manage surviving because that is hardest task than dying because sometimes
Our physic and sometimes our mind set things in such wrong way that we need to understand
Some concept in our mind as we start walking from one point to another point we need to
Have just one thought from our mind that we can walk as we prefer and we can talk as we like
But when we want to survive sometimes we need to adjust with something which are not
That good for our life when I have one thought from my mind that when I look at sky then
I just feel one thinking from my mind that I can dream about sky but I can survive that fight
So when we think of something then we must think can we survive it in life never just say that
We can't do that and we can't do this in life even if you have great morals in life surviving
Means working with different types of person in life we just can't say that we will not work
With some people because they are not what we like in life survival mean changing them in life
Some people says it is rule of nature that even if one rotten fruit is kept inside basket other
Fruits are rotten in no time but I just feel that we are not fruits we are human being who have
Given brain and body by god so we must need to understand that we have some ways of
Surviving inside life as we walk in life we just can't stay away from every wrong thing in life
Because those things will enter inside our life we have to adjust them to improve them in life
I feel that we have to understand it in life they say doctor cut away some part from body
When it began to poison our body in life but I feel that we are not those doctor who can judge
Those parts in life god is that doctor so let destiny decide or we just do wrong thing in life
Because sometimes infections are small and things can be cured when even they look worst
In our life let destiny do it why should we decide to that thing in life and just manage to damage
Ourselves beyond repair in life so always keep one thing in mind we must learn to survive
And it doesn't matter who stood with us if we are sure that our morals are perfect in our life
Because then even if that one destroy our team we can understand that our team was never that
Much strong from inside so we just need to create one new strong team inside our future and life.

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