Thursday, January 9, 2014

Poem 1261. Good use of time

                                                   Good use of time
From every day in life I just always found one thing which I like to learn in life those things
Which I learn are not that easy to learn inside life because when I learn them I just feel one
Thing from my mind that time is so short and learning is so hard for each and every day of life
When I start learning those things which are part of my life then those things will change
On many points inside life as life went ahead from each time I just feel one thing from mind
That those things I learn inside life are not those things which look so perfect on every day
Of our life as days went ahead from time to time I just feel one thought hidden inside mind
Only if god let those days become longer inside life then may be I will just learn things more
Easily in life but days can't increase and no one is going to increase our life so on every point
We need to learn how to live happily in nice life as days went ahead on every moment in life
I just feel those thoughts from mind that I need to learn in life on each and every time just
One thing that is my need of living happily my whole life as days went ahead from point to
Point I feel that those large days will look pleasant and nice but sadly that not happen in life
I am sure that if days will be increase we just create more problems inside life because on
Every moment inside life I just feel one thought from my mind that those days which look
Perfect will look all wrong in life because we will keep screaming against them if those days
Will become large inside life I just feel one problem inside life that this thing will turn in life
Totally wrong way from each and every point I just feel one thing that if we get larger time
Inside life I feel it will be just wasted from every moment of that extra time because those
Moments will be lost on every point I feel that in that time we just find causes to fight with
Each other on every moment in life as daytime will increase on every point I feel just one thing
That we are talking just many things which are not that important inside life those things
Which we talk are not even going to effect any side of life those moments which are something
Not good for thinking of life as days went ahead on every point I just feel many hours of life
Are wasted on every section of life those hours are something which look so important then
Become useless for our life we just feel one thought that hours will remain same even after
Some time inside life since on those extra hours I just find time to get tense for all those
Problems which have enter inside life and on those extra hours I feel that I can't enjoy my
Each day but I will just going to waste my thoughts on wrong and negative sections of life
On every day I feel that inside my life I can feel my day is enough for my life if only I don't
Spend my days while discussing wrong things in life because those days are something so
Wrong for our future if they are spend on discussing wrong concepts of life we just like
To discuss things which are suggested by world not those thing which are truly needed
In our life because those things seem so interesting that we never even feel that we have
Wasted time we feel just days are short when we forget to consider our wasted hours of life
So many times I think days are not short but I am not doing all valuable things inside them
That is one problem which enter inside my life on each and every day as days are something
Which look so perfect on every moment I feel that I must think how my time is getting waste
If it is getting wasted while enjoying life then it is in some part at least permitted but if it is
Getting wasted in crying about sorrows inside life then I think we must find some way to
Stop that waste because it will not something which is healthy for thinking and why should
We need to do that much waste after all every one was told in school that we should not
Waste anything anywhere instead of wasting time we are taught to use those things which
Get waste in some process so on every day and on every hour we just feel one thing in
Every form and way that I can't let my heart waste my time daily as I wish on every day
So maybe instead of asking for more hours we learn to use our every hour in perfect and
Nice way because inside my life on every point I just feel one thought from my mind that
Days are useful inside life if only we use them properly on every moment with positive
Thinking and thoughts inside life as positive thoughts enter inside life I feel that I can win
On many fronts of life only if we stop thinking about sorrows inside that time when
We can do many things easily which will remain so important and done in good way in life.

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