Monday, January 27, 2014

Poem 1292. Other person's mind

                                              Other person's mind
I just feel if only I can tell you what I have inside my mind will it make you happy or sad
On sometimes in life because when we walk on some road we have many ways in life and
On each way we feel that we are on wrong spot because when we tell someone that truth
Which is so perfect in our life as we go ahead on every time I just feel one thing in my life
When I tell my true feeling they will please you only you will like them in life and every
One of us is just thinking about their feeling no one really care what other thinks in life
And I don't think it happen because we are selfish but it happen because we hardly understand
What other people think in their mind we just observe person and then we decide that
What we really want inside our life as days went ahead on every point we just feel one
Thought from our mind we feel that we are on totally wrong thought inside our life but
Still on every point I feel that those feelings are something wrong for our future and our
Thinking as well as our life as we start walking on some point in our life we just feel
One thought from our mind that when we start thinking about other people we just play
That guess game which we like and every sentence change in different way on every
Thought and on every moment of our life because when we went ahead on every point
We just need to understand one thing in life that on those moment when we walk we are
Just guessing and claiming things in life so I just don''t know what you really think in life
Your truth is different than what truth I have seen in life your hope is different than our
Thoughts and our hopes inside life as we walk ahead on every time we just feel one thought
That we need to understand those moment and those thinking in our life as I think about
Those things which happen on every day of our life we need to understand those feelings
Which are part of future and hidden inside our mind when I just want to walks in my life
I can express my feelings but it seem hardly possible that you can understand them in life
Because some times we cry in happiness and claim our heart so full of happiness that
We want to cry in life and sometimes we start laughing like mad person when sorrows
Hit in bad way  inside our heart and mind we just started laughing on such points in life
As our days went ahead on every point I just feel one thought from my mind which tell me
On every day and on every way in every time we need to understand our thinking because
It is part of our life but still if cry on happiness and laugh in sorrows how can we suppose
To understand those thoughts and mind we just feel one thing from our mind that we don't
Need to understand that thinking which is in other mind because it is an impossible task
For human thoughts and for human mind as we walk on some moment and on some points
We need to have our thinking which will make us perfect and alive in life so when I express
Something I feel it is just to please my heart and my mind even when I say I am doing
Something for other person I think it is just for my mind because when we do something
It will be just by our thoughts and by our mind on every point I have one feeling from
Inside of my mind it was just one thought that I am helping others in life so while helping
Even other I am doing it to please my mind and I don't think we all do it because we just
Think of ourselves in fact I think we even try sometimes to guess other people's mind but
It don't mean that we can have things as we like we just can't able to guess what other want
So we just do things as we like even when we want good for others still we do wrong thing
In our life because we just don't know what is best we do as we thought in life but I just
Feel one thing from mind if we all are doing thing just for ourselves in life then why did
We like to insult ourselves on any thought or on any point we just never understand that
We are not doing any thing for some one else in life we are doing everything just according
To our thinking and thoughts and we are doing it for our mind since as we went ahead in life
We just want to feel we are so great inside our life so on every moment of our life we just
Think one thing from our mind that on every moment we need to live just as we wish in life
Because we can never understand what other are thinking on sometime and when finally
We able to understand it we feel that we are on wrong point of our future and our life.

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