Friday, January 17, 2014

Poem 1276. Majority wins

                                                    Majority wins
It felt so nice when someone understand my song it felt as if food is touch by salt because
Whenever we say something from heart I always feel that understanding of other person
Always seem to come so late for our heart don't you feel same way inside your life that
Many times you explain but people just don't understand what is in another person's mind and
Even if they heard it still they hardly accept it because in this world people just like to have
Their views but understanding others point seem so out of question in life because when
We put our view they start with criticism they hardly explain us what really matter to this
Thinking and to this world as days went ahead on each and every time we just feel that
Our views are something not respectable much in life then slowly we stop giving our views
And just keep them in mind because no one like to get insulted or remain without support
In life because when we say something against crowd many times that crowd stood against us
And hurt our feeling many times but I just feel one thing do you really think obeying that
Crowd will help you in life I feel that those god whom we worship with our full faith and
With full heart where stood against crowd when they are living as human being in their life
So just following those crowd don't seem wise for our future and for our life on every moment
We just feel one thing that this crowd is something so precious in our life as days went ahead
On every moment of our life we just feel that we can't go against the crowd we need to
Adjust with it in life but then slowly my mind began ask me on every point did I need to
Go with that crowd on every time because when I read history and mythology on many times
I just feel one thing from my mind that majority wins maybe true rule of life but no one ever
Mentioned in life that majority is wise they say since so many people come together it will be
Perfect strength to live in life but that don't mean that we can't win in our future and in our life
Because sometime majority will stood on one side for some days or for some years in life
But then slowly their eyes will open and that is rule of our life so when people claim one thing
In life for some time and when they learn the truth in life they will change position even before
We manage to blink our eyes so always remember one thing in life that we must not let
Our thinking get affected from those thoughts which enter in our sky because on every moment
We just feel one thing on every try that why should we need to respect majority if they are
Not sure about thing which are in their sky sometimes when majority says flying thing is a duck
Do you really believe in your sky flying creature is not swan just a normal duck because
You know very well in life that duck can't fly that high in sky but majority will get confused
When some people are wise enough to give it proper push and try but if you stay with truth
One day you will win and even if you don't win I think that is better then every day of our
Conscious crying and suffering because from every moment in heart we just feel one thing
From heart that we can move with majority but are we  even ready to die with those
Majority without thinking what we feel and what we see from our eyes I just feel one thing
Let that majority wish but I will stood with that person who bear most suffering I just never
Feel that success is something so important in sky that for getting it we can kill our human
Heart and our feeling even with our giving try I know failing will surely going to hurt me
But I have failed in many things before but I never failed in my own eyes and in my dignity
If someone insults that I don't care what people may feel I just understand one thing that
I want justice for that person who suffered those troubles when some person gets hurt
There is lot of tears in our eyes just because that one was working for us but if some one
Who was not working for us die do we ignore it fully from our life on each and every try
I just never understand all those things because we all will just feel one thought that we need
To understand benefits in life I feel that we need to understand people's thoughts and
People's suffering so on every moment in sky I just want to say what I want to say in life
Even if people don't agree with me I just feel that I am on wrong track on each and every
Point and so once I have tried their thoughts and their thinking but  I just feel that I am on
Wrong point because I have just managed on that time to change my thoughts and my thinking.

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