Friday, January 3, 2014

Poem 1252. Half done charity

                                                Half done charity
One thing I hate most inside life it was to be stuck in some work which is not good
And pleasant for my mind because sometimes I did some work which I dislike and those
Work are not that which I love to do in life those work are something which look perfectly
Wrong inside our future on many times since that work is not that pleasant for our life
But we are doing it just because we are forced by some people inside our life we feel
On many moment we did to that work inside our life just because some people forced
Us by asking favour or our duty force us to do it inside life we can never change those
Thoughts which force us to that work inside life because those thoughts will help us
On many points inside our life and they will tell us truth of our future and our life because
As our life go ahead we will feel that we are on totally wrong side inside our life as our
Life went ahead from point to point we will just feel that our thinking is turning in wrong
Way because which work we started as a small favour turn out to be so big for our entire
Future and it seem to capture many parts of our life as we look at those days we just feel
One thought from our mind we feel that we are just doing one thing which we never like
Inside our future and our life as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing
That we should not have started helping someone in life we have never thought even for
One day inside our life that our one act gratitude will occupy out entire life but this thing
Happens sometimes in life that just small favour began to take hold of our life because
When we promise someone that we will do some work inside our life we will feel that
We are on totally wrong point and just doing some thing which we hated inside our life
But as our life went ahead from point to point we just feel one thing that our life never
Goes just as wish inside life so from every point inside our life we just feel that those
Favours which we do are taking everything from our future and our mind as time went
Ahead from time to time we just feel one thing inside our life we feel that we are doing
Something which we don't like but many times I feel that I am lucky to be one who at least
Do work which I like I saw many people started doing thing inside life as favour and
Then slowly stuck in them as favour in life and some are so dominated by other person
That their thinking just stop on that point and then they began to feel that work is something
Perfect for their future and their life how interesting is that thought inside life which tell us
On many points that we can't go ahead from time to time as we wish inside our future
And inside life because when we do favour we can't limit it to just days and just to
Some time it will be extended for as many days as needed inside life we can't just claim
That we are acting fair inside our life until we can't get things just as we prefer and
Just as we like inside our life because life mostly don't let us to do our work as we like
It will just put problem before us when we start finishing our work inside life as days
Went ahead from time to time we just feel one thought from our mind those favours
Which we plan are not that nice for our future and for our life those favours are something
Which hurt us on every occasion and on each and every point we just can't do favour
Which will be limited inside life but still many times we feel that we can back out from
Our favour whenever we wish inside our life but favour is our one responsibility which
We do on daily basis inside our life when we start to do some favour we should never
Stop it in between because it is totally wrong in life it will be like taking some one in
One big lake in raft and then in between leaving that person without raft inside life
When you help some one you must understand you are doing it after understanding every thing
In your life never think that you can stop that favour because charity can be stopped
On many moment in life I know that charity don't have rules but that don't mean you can
Just leave some one on half built road with hopes inside life I know that this will mean
Charity is hard task of life of course it is hard but don't that person who do it get in return
So much admiration which other people hardly get in life so never once is life think that
Charity can be done just as you wish or like because if you do it in that way then while doing
That favour you are not creating friends or admirer you are creating worst enemies inside life.

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