Monday, January 6, 2014

Poem 1255. . Unanswered mail

                                                   Unanswered mail
Those letter which I read inside life are something not nice and not perfect for our life
As days went ahead from time to time I just feel that there are many letters which went
Unanswered inside life once upon a time for people those are letters they are now emails
For us inside life but on every moment in life I just feel one thought from my mind that
How many letter which went away unanswered inside life I just still remembered when
I was small child I wrote once one letter to famous star because I wanted his photo to
Show it to my friends in life I was never big fan of any one but still I feel that I am always
Want at least one photo which will be perfect for my thought and my mind so that I can
Show my mind that my favourite actor was so humble and nice I don't want to show off
I just have one thought in mind that what my friend told me that those actors are not humble
Is wrong from every angle inside life because when I spend so much time while watching
That actors movie in life I know it's just for three hours but they seem like some universe
To my childish mind so I feel one thing from my mind that this actor should answer me
And tell every one that big stars are humble and nice I want to change view of world
So I just think from one point that inside our life on every sight we just need to adjust
Many things which look so perfect for our future and for our mind as we walk inside
Our life we just feel that if we can change our view then whole world will change by that
Thought and by that sight as days went ahead on every point I just kept waiting for that
Letter and when that one didn't come days after days inside my life and then every one
Convinced me that this celebrity is not that much nice inside life this one didn't care
For me because I am nothing but just small fan inside life after that I hated that one and
I feel maybe I have chosen wrong celebrity in life that actor is such big snob that he just
Don't care at all on any point so then I chose another actress which every one told me
So nice inside life and then I send her letter with one hope that she will give me at least
Some photo and I will be happy inside my life as days went ahead I found out that life
Is not that easy on any point because even that actress don't send me anything and then
I just feel that I hate all celebrities because none of them can send me any answer in life
Those celebrities which I see are some people who are not paying attention to me in life
As days went ahead I found out that it is common on every point of our future and our life
We all feel that inside our life on many times and on many points we just have one feeling
That important people don't pay attention to us inside life but then when I suddenly look at
My email one day I found many letters are there which required my attention because they are
From people who are important for me in my life but still while doing my daily work I just
Forgot to answer them in life when I see this I just feel one thought from my mind that
I am doing it all wrong inside my life because when my letters went unanswered I feel that
Other person is insulting me from my thought and heart because as days went ahead
From each and every point inside our life on every part we just feel one thought in life
That those person don't care for us and for our heart but as days went ahead from every
Thought I just feel one thing from my mind I feel that those thoughts are so wrong inside
My mind and my life on every point I have feel that even when I don't have time to read
All my letters when I care so much for them how much time did that celebrity must had
How fast run is our life that we can hardly manage to relax and breath peacefully on just
Few moment which will make us happy on many thoughts and parts as our life went ahead
We just have one thought from our mind and heart we feel that we are so busy but when
Someone don't answer our letter we never feel that we feel that person is snob or totally
Some thing wrong for mind and thought in heart as days went ahead we just think that
We are ignored or insulted by that person inside life so when we start from some point
We just feel one thing inside life we feel that those people don't have right but don't we
Made that mistake inside our life on each and every point I just feel one thing from mind
I feel that we must need to understand problems of other people inside life just like those
People whom I answer late understand my problems and keep friendship intact inside life.

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