Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Poem 1258. Injustice

How interesting are some people inside life they just never fail to show us how many
Problems are inside life when other people seem to have just one thought inside mind
That they should show less problems and they even sometimes try to hide them inside
Their life these people just keep screaming about their problems inside life because they
Just feel one thing that their problems are something so true for their thinking and for
Their mind we just feel on every moment inside life that we must understand those people
Who are perfect inside life when our life goes in wrong way inside life we just feel one
Thing that we should not show it to all and we should just hide it inside our life because
As our days went ahead from point to point we never want to burden others with problems
Inside life we just feel one thought from our mind we feel that we are going in right way
When we don't put burden on others inside our life as our days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind we feel that those problems which enter inside life
Are those problems which will cured if we do it all peacefully inside our life as days went
Ahead on each and every point we just never feel one thought from our mind that when
We have that type of thinking other people may have other type of thinking inside their mind
We just judge the world with our views inside life so we feel on every moment inside life
That we can't help other people inside life until we start adjusting problems inside our life
So on every moment inside our life we just spend whole time avoiding those moments
Which shows us that we are on wrong point of life since we can never understand those
Thoughts of our mind which tell us that we must understand that we shouldn't be selfish
Inside our life while some people are made in such way inside life that they act in just one way
That is so perfect for their life they could just never understand those thoughts about life
They just spend every hours in just showing their problem inside life they just make big out of
Small problems inside life they just make them big on every day of our life as we want to
Solve our problems on every time we never think that other may want just to adjust in life
Because as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind that
Is our thoughts of our mind we feel since those people just claim so loudly about their
Problems inside life then their problems must be big one for their life we can never understand
Those things inside life that those people must be doing it just to get our attention and
Get importance inside life as days went ahead after some time we just see one thing from
Our eyes that their problem was not that big inside life and on every moment they just feel
Their problems are getting bigger but they are so small in reality of life as days went ahead
From time to time we just feel one thing inside life we feel they have real problems but
Those problems are not that much true inside life those problems are so small for our life
Those problems are just those things which enter when we need them inside life but
As our life went ahead from time to time I just feel one thought from my mind that we can't
Win until we manage to live inside our life we just feel one thought that we can always
Learn many things from our life those thoughts which are part of our life are those which
Look so perfect for human being and for their life as days went ahead from time to time
We just feel one thing from our mind that we have assume totally one wrong thing inside life
But as days went ahead from time to time we just feel one thing from our mind we feel
That those people are not really that must injured and hurt inside life as we went ahead
From inside our life we just feel one thing from every angle and from every point I just
Feel one thought inside my mind that can I able to do it inside life as days went ahead
From time to time inside our life so from every thought inside our life we just feel one thing
In our life I just feel one thought from my mind that those things which they have done
Are truth of life so we began to think that we can't understand those things inside life
We feel that every one is pretending problem so people who have real problem also began
To suffer inside our life as days went ahead and with them went ahead time and then one day
I feel that I have insulted even that person who was really having problem inside life because
When some people does drama we feel so prejudice that we all began to feel that we are
Just making mistake inside our future and inside our life on each and every day and on
Each and every time because our life never help us to judge which person is truly in problem
So I just feel one thing from heart that I did injustice inside my life on many occasions and time. 

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