Sunday, January 19, 2014

Poem 1277. Castle of playing cards

                                             Castle of playing cards
Sometimes I feel that life is like castle of playing cards on each and every time I feel that
Those cards should be built in such way that on every part I just feel that those cards are
Something so perfect and nice for my life when I keep patience from every side in mind
And built a castle inside our life those playing card which we arranged are not nice for life
But when we arrange them in proper way we feel that those castle look so perfect in life
On each playing cards there are some picture of life but sadly after arranging them in that
Way suddenly we need to see which pictures are hidden inside so when looking at them
And we manage to arrange them in life but when we look at those picture next card always
Manage to go in wrong way in our life because our concentration will not be that good
In my life on every moment I just feel inside my life that I can never built castle out of
Playing card on first place before watching those cards in life after all those cards
Are something new in life that on every picture in our life those cards are beautiful for
Those picture in our mind which are artistic for our mind which we can see on cards
Are something perfect for life but those cards are something look so beautiful and nice
Then those playing cards are nice and artistic in life but they are unique and wrong in life
But playing cards are pretty and nice we feel those picture are something seem like nice
Picture which are lovely and something are bad in life after all those pictures which are
Part of those life when we start making first castle in our life or when we start first time
Using resources of our life I just feel that I don't have much options in life so on those
Days I use those resources in life and like in playing card castle they become bottom in life
So then I feel that worst problem inside life I have to arrange every thing properly in life
Because that castle of playing cards don't look so perfect in our life when those cards
Goes at bottom they seem like something wrong is included at beginning of our life and
Then when we create our castle on it even if all playing cards are okay we have to search
For that wrong card which our eyes but mostly I feel one thing from my mind that those
All playing cards are not that perfect in our future and in our life those playing cards which
Look so nice are something so unique for life because on every moment I just feel that
Those playing cards are perfect but bad in that one card is sometimes known to me and
Sometimes unknown to me in life but I just feel one thing when I search that playing card
If it is at bottom it will surely destroy my castle of dreams and life but then how can I keep it
When I know it is wrong in life I just want hit myself for doing that mistake in life but
Sometimes it is mistake but sometimes we force to do that thing in life but when I found
That playing card at bottom I felt suspicion from heart so on every moment in our world
And on every point from our heart we all just feel that those playing cards are something
Not as special as we thought because when that playing card which look perfect comes
Before my thoughts and my eyes I feel that those cards are something not that perfect
For our sky as we all see those picture on these cards we just feel they are so nice and
Perfect for our eyes only if they are not on bottom then they will be perfect for eyes
But I just feel that I can't keep that wrong card with me because it doesn't please my eyes
But I just don't dare to take out that card because it will break that castle before my eyes
So I just kept it that way and start to built new castle in life I just don't know what did
You will do but it don't seem so fair in life when we built one castle of cards then
I just feel one thing from my mind that it should be made in such a way that we have to
Keep it perfect inside our thoughts and inside our life so on each and every moment
But on every point we just feel one thing in life that how can we break our whole castle
And make you just because one bad card is inside but just trust me my friends on one issue
That bad card will always manage to hurt us in life and on every moment and on every
Thought and point but then when that bad card return to bottom it will take us with it in life
Because bad things are never perfect for any hopes in life as days went ahead on many
Occasions and on many times we just need to understand in life that bad things will never
Take us ahead on any moment or on any point in our future and our life because things
Are not that good for our future and our life if we go in wrong way in our life even just
On bad card can manage to destroy whole castle so if you don't want to break it then
Just keep it on one point at least never try to increase that castle inside future or life.

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