Friday, January 24, 2014

Poem 1287. Vacation

From one side of life to another side I just feel one thought from my mind that when did my
Vacation start for my mind but some people just think vacation means just outing I wish people
Can understand different concepts of it in life for me it is reading of book and for some one
It could be stretching as much as that person like each person have one hobby inside our life
But some people just feel that vacation means something doing useful in life but some people
Like to read books then they say it must autobiography about life reading horror,suspense or
Comedy and romance don't give you any knowledge in life so even when they choose hobby
They decides which books to read in life only thing which left to do is give us list of books
And they even do it in life and some people think we must exercise on those times of life so
In my hands they say it must be autobiography and those who love stretching are rewarded with
Trekking inside life so those who want to enjoy their vacation are treated as dust by these
People inside life these people just told us what will be great for our future and our entire life
So instead of relaxing we are force to do stunts even on vacations of our life I just feel one
Thought from my mind that those vacation are not that great thing for life because when
I want to read some thing I prefer it to be of my choice what other people tell me have so
Much knowledge that it is destroy my peace of mind even without hurting me from inside
Because when I took that book which is chosen by others and I don't take it by choice
I feel as if I am working and vacation began to lose charm of it in life as we go ahead on
Every moment of our life I just feel that I need to understand those thoughts of mind which
Will make our life so happy from each and every side as days went ahead on every moment
I just feel one thing from my mind that those book or those trekking we are doing should
Not be forced on us but it should happen with our choice because slowly as days went ahead
On each and every point we just feel one thought from our thinking and our mind that
We are not free on even vacation then what is use of one word vacation inside life I think
People must understand vacations means enjoying time even if someone starts to read book
If you started categorizing them in life what good will happen in case of this inside our life
We just feel one thought from every day of our mind we feel that every book can be nice
Inside our life after all those all books are full of knowledge but they just change in area of subject
So we must understand each one have some knowledge in your life just after seeing some
Books you can't say some are good and some are bad for our life I know we need more
Knowledge but knowledge is something not nice for life after all those knowledge have
Some factors which are important for our life I feel that knowledge is something not that
Perfect and nice when it began to be supplied on only particular parts of my life as days
Went ahead on every time we all just feel one thought from our mind that our thinking will
Be stopped enjoying every thing when we are discouraged in life some people love to trek
Even if we hate still we need to understand they have their own life even if we don't like
We have to understand vacations are those time when people act as they like only until
They don't break rules or destroy something it is okay to go ahead as we prefer and like
So in our life on every point we use to think just one thought that such things are not
Permitted in life are those things which manage to hurt or destroying every thing else is
Perfect and okay in life because people just feel one thought from their mind that we can't
Win anything unless we can have some vacation as we prefer and like in our life because
When our life went ahead on every point we just feel one thought from our mind that
Each person have different way of enjoying life so we must give them at least some minutes
And at least some days of life to live as they wish because it is their time those who love
Trekking can trek for miles as they like and those who love sleeping can sleep for hours
After hours inside life those people who just love reading can read what they like and
Trust me everything have some profit inside those who manage to sleep can even get
More strength of working some time and those who read books can get different knowledge
In life and even if those people don't get anything and just enjoy lazily then still we must
Allow it in life just one thought that is it's their vacation so we must not control their time.

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