Friday, January 31, 2014

Poem 1300. Vanishing Boat

                                                     Vanishing Boat
On that moment and on that time when I feel everything is perfect and so nice then I feel
Suddenly from my mind that I am bored of that thing in life how interesting thought of mind
Which just don't want to rest on one point like that paper boat which I set in rainwater as a kid
I feel that boat becomes my mind which will help me on many point of imagination and which
Can make me jump with joy in life because when I start going from every point of my life
Because those boats are something so unique part of our mind as those boats are something
Which comes in nature as days went ahead on every point but then when that boat vanish
Suddenly I felt so alone and hopeless in my life this is what my mind sometimes it takes ahead
Me on every point but then suddenly when my mind went  ahead I went in my life I feel like
That boat which will vanish from my life and from my heart on every try because I just feel
One thing this boat that it goes from one place to another without such affords which just
That power like some bird that fly when I was kid I use to feel only if I can have power
Or some place to run after it and at least to give it some try but then I feel from my heart
That there is no place to run and there is no chance to let that boat can seen until finally it
Manage to reach that mountain which is perfect for our try as I went ahead on every point
I just feel one thing from my mind and it is always worth to try that only if I can how much sad
That boat went I can have power to understand things which is to explain me all those thoughts
Which are important and always worth many tries when I see that boat out in that water and
See how nice that rain falls from every point I just feel one thought from our thinking that
This rain can manage to destroy my boat same happen with my mind when it start running
On every try I just feel one thing from every point that we need to understand that those boats
Which are important for our world are something that just manage to wander on every point
Inside this world I just feel one thought from my thinking and mind that those boat are telling
Truth of my mind because when my mind wander I just never guess where it went even if
Like that boat it is made for me but still it runs far away as days went ahead on every time
I just feel one thought about this mind that it went away there where I just can't walk with
My feet and it enjoy those things which can't be touched but at same time that rain which
Manage to take my mind is something like those thoughts which are perfect to take ahead
But can damage to my mind and just like that boat I never know where it went I just never
Able to guess where did my mind went ahead but in case of that boat once it vanish away
It don't bring back or come to me again but in case of my mind it always return back on
Each and every day when it will return back it will bring all those things which it take from
That journey again and again so on every thought and on every moment I just feel one thing
That my mind is so unique and so perfect but I feel it just until it began to bring some problems
Because after some time it starts bring with it a lot of problems those problems which enter
After sometimes are something just creating trouble for us in our life as that boat of mind
Went to plenty of places which are not pleasant for our thinking and on every ways as days
Went ahead on every thought and point those boat which floats in water don't come back
With dirt and rubbish in our life because those paper boats can go ahead on every point that
I just feel one thing in life those paper boats can get damaged by rain on every point we need
To understand power of that rain from time to time but when that rain fall on those boats
I just feel one thing from my mind that those boats will get damaged on every point due to
That wind and other things in life but since it never return to us we just feel one thing from
Our mind that we don't need that boat to float on any moment of life in that water I can see
All those tides which will manage to take us away on every moment of our life I feel that
Those boats which goes ahead with wind on every time are those things which never return
So it is fine even if they went far away in our future and life I just feel one thought from
My mind that those boats which float never return so it is okay even if they float to
Which ever place they prefer and like but in case of my mind I don't want it to float on wrong
Places and wrong spots in life because it is once again going to return to my brain and life
But still like that boat it will manage to float to far away places and manage to hurt my thoughts
And manage to create more problems for my brain and for my thinking power of my mind.

Poem 1299. My hidden knowledge

                                             My hidden knowledge
When we just start walking inside our world we just feel one thing from our mind and from
Our thinking in this world that whole world will walk ahead with us and learn everything we
Have read and learn we are so busy in getting knowledge that we never understood when
People who are walking with us are left behind in this world when we walk on some way
And it will give us knowledge regarding this world and this life because on every moment
In our life we just feel one thing from our mind that on every spot in our life that these people
Are understanding things in life because when we learn things we feel on every point that
In our life we need to understand things that we read or learn in life but other people that
Where walking far away in life just feel one thing from our thinking and from our mind that
On every moment inside our life we just feel one thought that we are on wrong point in life
When we walk as we think in our life we just feel one thought from our mind that on each
And every point in our life I just feel that I must walk on every road and can't get same
Education as we walk on every time when I began to walk I just feel that thrill in my thinking
And in my mind I feel on every second I need to understand those knowledge which look
So perfect in my mind that on every moment I absorb that books in life after all on every
Second in our life but then as I walk on every moment since those knowledge which I get
From time to time in our life I just feel that when I reach to some place I don't sense that
Knowledge in our mind because new things which I learn are something just understood
By me inside my life because on every moment I just have those thoughts in my mind because
On every moment I just have that knowledge but sadly I just feel that other knowledge
Are something important for our heart but then I feel something important in our thought
And in our life as we went ahead on every point we just feel that it will enter slowly in
Other people's thought and life even without telling them about it in life every day when
I walk I just feel that when I learn those things in life they become so much attach to
My thinking and thought that I feel we all have those thinking which are part of our life
I feel that I never had other thought I just have same thought again and again in our life
I just feel on every moment I need to understand those knowledge which are part of life
But I never felt that it have changed me and world is same on each and every point since
I have to understand those thoughts as part of our life but still they are not with me until
I don't got that knowledge and until it become part of our life because on every moment
I need to understand that we have accepted those thoughts but other people don't accept
Those thoughts as part of our life we just feel them and other people are not with us on
Those walks or those thoughts in life I just feel one thing from our mind that on every
Moment we will become something unique before them in life because they don't get that
Knowledge as part of life because they will never understand those thoughts which are
Hidden on every moment of our life as we went ahead on every point I just think one
Thought from my mind that those people who are perfect for us become wrong when
We don't get knowledge of that time we just feel one thing from our brain that we need
To have that rule which will just help us on every day of life I just feel only if those
People walk on same way on which I walk in life but it is not possible because each person
Have different type of future and different type of lifestyle I just feel so alone when I try
To convince them truth in life but then after some moment I feel that I don't have any one
Because truth is with me on entire road of life as I walk every day on every point I just
Feel one thought from my mind that I don't want to express my knowledge because
No one can understand it in life as I walk on every way I just feel one thing that I need
Some peace of my mind and I can get it only when I concentrate on those thoughts
Which are hidden inside my life I know I got knowledge but I just can't go ahead and
Share it every time and that is because you can never share knowledge until some one
Want that knowledge inside life so on every point I just have that thought from inside
That I have to keep that knowledge stored inside my mind because no one need it
And I have to understand it in life because when I tell it people are just going to ignore me
Until they get hurt enough to understand that they are on wrong part of future and life.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Poem 1298. Best position

                                                      Best  position
When days went ahead with night we just feel one thing for us that we all need the best but
Only thing we don't understand  which thing will be  best for us we just feel one want
And we feel it for best but sometimes those wants are not at all best as days went ahead on
Each and every point we need to understand things in our life that when we get best in our life
We can always go ahead as we like but sometimes when we have some rights we feel just
On some moments things goes wrong way inside life we never have one thought from our
Thinking and from our mind that those things which we consider to be best are not at all right
Because when we feel that feeling from inside we just feel one thing that we are standing
On totally wrong point because we have wanted best but that best is not good for our life
Because many people says after number one next number is zero inside life so it's better to
Stand always second position in life I just don't have any thing against number one but still
I feel one thing from my mind that we expect too much from number one and when it don't
Happen we just drop that person on ground without much time so after being number one
We don't get any success in our life because sometimes we don't able to be that super human
Which they wanted to become inside life as days went ahead on every point we just feel
One thought from our mind that we want best but best is not easy to get but keeping it
Seem most hardest task in life because every one want to be number one inside life as we walk
And as we talk we make some mistake in life and for number one every mistake becomes
One big type of crime so being best and number one is really nice but sometimes I feel being
On some other number is also not that bad for our life because just think carefully and then
You can understand in life that no one can stood on number one for each and every day of
Our future and of our life as we went ahead in life on each and every point and then we just
Feel one thought from our mind that when we want best did it really mean number one in life
Because it is one position which can't be permanent in our future and in our life as we start
To say that we can't just always stood on number one in life every day we need to understand
That we must have to love all other numbers in life because when we all start to go that way
In our life we just feel that some numbers are perfect and nice not just number one but I feel
From my thought some other numbers are also nice when perfect person stood on number one in life
But when people just run after this number then crisis start in our life because we all just feel
That we need to understand if every one start to fight for just one number then there will be
No success in our life because many times we are force to work in team inside our life and
Many times we feel that we need to understand that we all can't be leader in our life but then
Some times it happen that we get one leader and we just don't like then I just feel that we have
To quit just want of one number we have to understand there are other numbers which are
Best and perfect for our world because on every moment inside our world we need to understand
Just one thought from our world that when we start walking on one part of this world
We can have always best position but it will not always be first since we start from one
Thought inside our world I just have those thoughts which are truly want to be happy in their
Thinking and their world then they need to understand that our future is not dependent on
Only one thing that is number one when we walk in life we need to understand those thoughts
Which are part of our world we need to think again and again about this world because
When our work take so much time inside our world we have to cherish it but still we can't
Able get sometimes first number but that don't mean that we should not struggle but if our leader
Is so perfect in our eyes we can keep other number but I just have one question many times
In heart about this thing in world that how can some people just accept sometimes second position
Even before totally wrong person when you know from your heart that person is so wrong for
World but still some times people just take second position in world but then when I think about
That concept from my heart I just understood their world maybe they are too scared to claim
What they deserve in world so there are two situations inside this world sometimes even
People don't respect their worthy leader because they want position and sometimes people just
Respect wrong person because they scared of that one when you see those things we just
Can't understand difference in those two positions because it will take hard work to understand
Their thoughts inside and about world but sometimes we can clearly see that they are just
Scared of their own failures so they bow before any leader I just feel that it is not right because
In that case you may try for number one because being scared of leader will not help your world.

Poem 1297. Enjoying my life

                                                     Enjoying my life
I always feel one thing from my mind that I have always enjoyed those things which enter
In my life by my willingness and by my choice but when things enter against my choice
Why don't I learn to accept them in life one day I decided to do that way in life I decided that
I will just watch as things goes in life I will see everything and act according to those things
Inside my life I can move as I wish but not react when something wrong happen inside life
I accept it as truth of my future and my life because on every moment we just feel one
Thought from our mind that how stressed  I was when I thought things should happen as
I like in life and I feel with my heart that thing should go as per destiny decide or as per other
People's choice how perfect I feel on every point those things which use to upset me
Suddenly seem something that don't matter in our life as our life went ahead how happy I feel
From my brain and from my mind suddenly I feel I am as light as air inside my life on
Every moment and on every point I just feel that suddenly thing become nice for my life
Because I am no longer scared or cared for future and things in life I no more have those
Feeling which use to upset me in life because I have decided that I should not become
Judge inside life because judging people seem like as job which is not that pleasant in life
So then I feel that I must understand those people in my life who just feel one thing that
We are doing wrong things in life because when I don't got a job of judging why should
Become something judge and do that job in life because if I made some mistake then I suffer
And any way people are not going to pay much attention to me in life because they just
Don't want another judge because we have so much people judge us inside life and even
When it is not needed still they just do their job so perfectly and happily inside every day of life
As our life went ahead on each point I just feel one thought from my brain and mind that
On every moment we don't need to understand those people inside life we just feel one thing
That we are standing on wrong spot in our life I know in this life things are not just fine
Until I stop to become judge because after that in few moment I start asking for justice in life
Because when I pass some judgement slowly I feel every one should follow it in life but
When that don't happen I have began to feel that I must ask for justice and find one judge
Who will give it to us in life as days went ahead on every point we just feel one thought
From our mind that no one have any right to judge us in life we never have that thought
Of becoming judge on that point in life we just feel one thing from our mind that our thinking
Will turn us so upset that we just don't able to enjoy moments in life so one day I have
Decided that I become audience of this show instead of becoming caste with lines because
Those caste manage to hurt on each and every day all parts of my mind I just never feel
That any thing is important than that judgement in my life and so I take entry on that stage
In which I never needed to enter on first place in my life we hardly get chance to stay away
From problems inside our life then why should we just prefer to jump in problems when
It is not required at all in life so one day I just thought I will support any caste and just
Sit and watch all that show of life because somewhere in heart I felt surely I don't need
To jump on any part of life we can live peacefully just as we like and we can act as we feel
And wish from every side on that day I just learn to live happily in my life because I am
No longer part of that drama I will just watch and cry or smile on every point I just feel
One thing I need sometimes to understand that we should not get involved in any drama
Of our life we must not just trust any of the caste in life because they are just playing part
None of them is so perfect and nice in life they all seem to think that we all just need
One thing from our life that we must not jump to help someone when it is not needed in life
Sometimes we need to understand that we are not suppose to go inside that play because
We are not involved in any part that play in life I feel sometimes I get attracted to that drama
Of our future and our life on every moment we just feel one thought from mind that on
Every day we all feel one thing from our mind that we are not enjoying due to that stress
Our life and our future on any time we just feel one thing from our mind that we are not
So involved in any thoughts of our mind because on every point we just have give ourselves
Some breath inside life so now on I feel that I wish just watch that drama for sometime
Until some one force me to talk I will not going to talk because I am enjoying my life.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Poem 1296. By our thinking

                                                     By our thinking
How interestingly just after some time we began to understand that logic in our life which
Was never understood by us on any day of our life which was something so impossible in
Our future and in our life when someone first told me same logic in life I felt that it was all
Wrong from every side in life I just feel that it is not right because I can't ignore people if
They talk that way in life I feel that I must improve my mistake and answer them properly
In life I felt that on many points I am going on wrong way and that's  why I can't answer
Them inside life as days went ahead on every thought in life I just have one thought from
My mind that all logic are something which seem not to convince those person in life but
Still I feel that I must have made some mistake in life I have studied lot of books which
Tell us that we should keep quiet before injustice in life so I tried to talk but then I feel
My logic just backfire on me many times because they don't answer my questions in life
They just keep repeating those things which are not good for our life then for long time
I try to keep telling those things which are clear for my eyes but it seems as if they are
Not interested in logic of life they just keep on muttering same things in life even when
I ask them can I explain they say no need in life now can you tell how can person say
That they have knowledge when they hardly heard other person in life when we start just
With one motive of fight in brain our logic goes to that chamber where it will sleep with
So much peace and quiet so when I try to tell them even with peaceful mind after some time
My anger enters and their logic never enter on any point when someone is just stuck
Then we must ignore that person in life that was one thing taught to me but still I just keep
Forgetting it on every day of my future and my life as I start walking ahead on many logic
And on many points I just feel one thought that my thinking is not taking me ahead on
That perfect point because that logic which was taught to me in beginning of my life
Have suddenly seem to left all thoughts of my mind instead of that I just feel one thing
From my mind that I am so angry to whole world that I can burn it in this moment and
On this point so instead of judging those logic which look so perfect to our thinking and
Perfect our eyes I just feel one thought that will help to stand with those person who don't
 Trust logic to their mind and their sky that is thought of my anger and my want to destroy
So on every moment in this world and on every try we just feel one logic from mind that
We need to understand those thoughts that manage that person to destroy we need to
Understand that anger is one thing which manage to keep those people's logic so inside their
Mind and thought that they just never understand that they can win in life as they want it to
Happen they started to create that strong circle of their anger that logic hardly enter in their
Thought and mind or their world and sky but I just feel one thing that I just need to follow
That advice which is given to me by some instead of getting their way maybe I need to
Use advice which tell me that I need to ignore those people who are creating problem in
My world and sky I just have one thought in my world that I have to keep my mind away
From that side so then after so much struggle I came to first advice in life then I feel
Just thought from my mind I feel that I should have followed first advice in life which
Will tell me that I should have ignore those people in life so finally after walking so much
Why did I understand that thought so late in my life why don't I understood only at beginning
That advice but my heart tell me one thing in clear voice I need to understand things with
Those experience not without them in life as I get them from every time they teach me
What is wrong and what is right then I can understand it even without much advice because
I need those things after I see them with my eyes because just by hearing those advice I feel
That I can't understand truth of life I feel that I can wake this way just by advice when
I walk just on those ways in life I find out that I can't change things in life if I just goes
On advice then I will that I don't need things in life because I just feel that other ways are
Better in life so it is better to take full experience and then only follow that thought or
That advice because then only we will follow it by our thinking and by our heart inside our life.

Poem 1295. Learning to fight

                                                     Learning to fight
One day I see some one who have done totally wrong thing I feel that person can do me lot of harm
I was so scared inside my life that on every moment I just feel one thing something is not nice
I am so upset about something in life because I feel that person can harm me and manage to
Harm my right so I just can't able to sleep peacefully on days and nights when I have just one
Thought and feeling that something is wrong in this air and in this people who are claiming
That they are so perfect and they are so right and inside their life on every point they just need
To understand those thoughts of mind but when days went ahead I just understood one thing
In life they can't harm me because I am far away from them and I am in that circle which is
Easily protected me from worst in my life but then as days went ahead on every point in life
I just feel one thing from my life that maybe I am something not important for our future
And for our life on that point maybe people just don't want to understand my thoughts in life
They just don't want to fight for right so maybe I should forget and keep quiet and be happy
Inside my life but then I see once again those cries which tell me that still people are not
Getting right how can it will be true for our life that we make people cry is it really right but
Then once again one thought come inside my mind I can't just began to fight every time
Because I am that bird who just learn flying so in sky maybe I see many wrong things but still
It is not proper time I must learn to fly now as a bird need to learn in life just joining with those
Fights means that I am destroying all that future of my flying I know it is sad to see some one
Crying in life and I know it is bad to feel that this person don't have that much right in life
But still I know that on this date my task is not to begin a fight it is my duty just to learn
How did I suppose to fly in life until now I use to think whenever I see injustice I must not
Ignore it and began my fight but then my friends taught me I am doing it all wrong in life
Because I am just beginner of this race and I need to learn properly how did I suppose to walk
In my future and in my life on every moment I just feel that I don't know style of walking
Properly in life as days went ahead on every moment and every point I feel that if I want
To tell people what they should do in life then once again I will become something which
Those people are in life so maybe we should just say something and ignore or maybe we should
Fully ignore them in life as days went ahead on every point we just have one thought from
Our mind that we will never walk as we wish in life because we just keep telling other about
Life and then miss our own rhythm of life because I don't feel that I have that skill to become
Student and teacher at same time I feel I am student in this life so maybe I should just concentrate
On those flying inside life which will help me on every moment of life as I try to fly I learn
That I want to see my power to touch heart in life I want to see those thoughts to help me
In every way of flying when I start walking on one way I just feel one thought from my mind
That my every thought will take me ahead as I wish inside my life but then I must need to
Understand proper ways of that flying so I don't have time to waste of fight but that don't mean
I don't care for those tears and those who are crying but it means that just I am not ready for
That big fight when we jump in some fight we must first understand how much we learn
From our life and when we jump in them to early due to situation we are force to lose sometimes
So I feel maybe when good one lose no need to shock in life maybe they are just learning
When they are force to fight we must give them some days and some time in life and then
They can learn to fly properly in life I just never understand but why did god have to give
Those situation in life in which are force to jump in some fight but then I feel that it was not
My challenge it was just for walking me inside life maybe god want to show me that truth
Which was hidden from me in entire life sometimes when people say something we just don't
Understand it inside life we feel that we can't adjust with it because our future don't look clear
Inside life when we fly in sky we just feel one thought from our mind that we are looking
At some things which are just teaching us some wrong ways on life but I just feel one thought
From my heart and from my mind how can I live happily inside my life when I know that
I just can't able to do that fight because my training just don't seem enough to please me
Inside my future and inside my life but then I thought maybe it is not now in life slowly
When I do more hard work maybe I will learn to do fights which will wake up me in life.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Poem 1294. Lot of time

                                                         Lot of time
I just have one thought in mind when I have clear answer why should I need to go ahead
And start justifying because on every spot and on every point I need to understand just one
Thought and one mind that is my whole mind but many times I feel so busy in other things
In life that I just  don't need to understand my mind as days went ahead from time to time
I just feel one thing from mind that I can't have so much time to think about myself in life
Because I am too busy in achieving things in life and I just feel that I am not getting them
In my life because our life never goes just we want on many points so I  get busy on so
Many times that I just feel one thing from my mind that just don't have time to think in life
As days went ahead I just have feeling from mind that on every moment and on every time
I need to work as much as I can in my life so in that all time I hardly got time to understand
Those feeling and thought of mine I just have one question sometimes in my mind how can
People manage to waste on their thoughts so much time that they increase their thinking
On wrong point and began to insult people on many points inside life they just keep doing it
On many times and just never understand one thought from mind that on every point
They just feel one thing from mind that those insults are something seem like act of wasted
Time don't you feel sometimes some people just have in their hands lots of time so they just
Waste it on wrong points in life I just feel from heart only if they help some person and
Do some business in that extra time but then I feel may capital is their problem in life
Maybe they don't got it to business so they are upset in life and when we seem busy then
They suddenly get upset with us on many times but I just wish these people can understand
That we can't just spare all time because we have search for work which we want to do
In our future and in our life as we start walking on some road we just can't stop in middle
Even if we wish from our mind because busy schedule means lots of work inside life
As we start going ahead on every moment of life we just feel one thought from mind that
We can't convince those people not to insult other person inside life because they just have
In their hands too much time I wish sometimes if only we have some spare land in life
Then we could suggest them gardening is a lot better than insulting in life because when
You raise a garden you can control air pollution and give greenery in life but when you
Insult someone it will just increase pollution in life because when you say something then
I will say something in life and then we create noise pollution and I feel enough is around us
On every point as our life went ahead on each point we just feel one thought from our mind
Why are these people just have that spare time why can't they become busy so we thought
Maybe they need work in life but that thought prove fully wrong inside our life because
When we give work to those people they just abuse us for giving it in life then we understood
Why they are not busy because they don't want to do any work in their life as our days
Went ahead we hear just screaming them and insulting on each and every field and point
Then we can understand what is real meaning of empty time when people are busy even
If that thing don't give them much money in life still they are busy because money is just
One reward other things have different rewards in life some have nice physic and some
Have fame as reward in life so they also run for them some just do things for pleasure in life
But those who don't do many things seem have so much time that they manage to come
Again and again then manage to irritate us inside our life because as days went ahead on
Each and every point I feel these people just manage to irritate us on every point I just
Feel one thought from my life if only they use for proper purpose their time or at least
They could rest in life I just feel on every moment and on every time if only they will
Stop insulting other it is so useful for life that on every point I have one feeling in my life
That maybe I should just learn to ignore them in life after all they got lot of time and
I am busy so I must understand in life those people who got lot of time can do such things
It is our work which may suffer in life because we are the one who are doing our work
And they are the one who got lot of time to use as they prefer and like inside their life.

Poem 1293. Our team

                                                      Our team
From that sky in our life I just feel that pretty sort of sunshine I feel from our heart and
On every day of in life so then I have lovely nice look so beautiful in eyes I have that those
Lights on every point some time I feel from them I can take that lovely sunshine which
Touch my soul and my mind even when it is too bright when I have nice company I feel that
I easily take that sunshine it depend on with whom I am walking in my life or may be I am
Alone even then it all look fine because in my mind I can keep happy things of life because
No one is really alone inside this life when I walk under that sky if one thing  comes in my mind
How beautiful will be that universe which I can't watch with my eyes I even think of those
Planets which are away from our sight on every point we just feel one thing from our mind
That we can never win in life on every point as days went ahead on every thought and point
I just feel one thing in our mind those sunshine which look perfect can enter inside our life
But I can never able to see those stars or planets which are behind that sunshine how much
I want to see them and how much I envy those people who can go in sky and enjoy that life
But then I feel just one thing from my mind things are easy to say but become hard when
We start walking inside life I can dream for star but when I read those book who tell me
How much hard they work to get that things in life I just feel that they are great and they
Are must respected in life I just thought one thing when I dream about it in life that I can
Be ready to die for that thing in life but I just feel one thing from heart that dying is something
Not that hard in life hardest task is living with it and trying to survive why when we want
Something big we just first think are we ready to get it even when we know we need to die
For that thing I don't think we need to die for some thing but mostly we need to survive
For things in life because when something happen in our life people want us to help them
Not in dying but in surviving inside life so then I just have one thought from our mind but
Then on every point we just feel one thing from our mind that we can't survive in these things
Then we are ready to die for it in life but I just feel one thing that we should not think about
Dying because when we want to do something it is about surviving in worst condition of life
Death is something which happen tragically while surviving no one really want anyone to see
Dying inside life when we want something from heart we must think how can we do that thing
And how can we manage surviving because that is hardest task than dying because sometimes
Our physic and sometimes our mind set things in such wrong way that we need to understand
Some concept in our mind as we start walking from one point to another point we need to
Have just one thought from our mind that we can walk as we prefer and we can talk as we like
But when we want to survive sometimes we need to adjust with something which are not
That good for our life when I have one thought from my mind that when I look at sky then
I just feel one thinking from my mind that I can dream about sky but I can survive that fight
So when we think of something then we must think can we survive it in life never just say that
We can't do that and we can't do this in life even if you have great morals in life surviving
Means working with different types of person in life we just can't say that we will not work
With some people because they are not what we like in life survival mean changing them in life
Some people says it is rule of nature that even if one rotten fruit is kept inside basket other
Fruits are rotten in no time but I just feel that we are not fruits we are human being who have
Given brain and body by god so we must need to understand that we have some ways of
Surviving inside life as we walk in life we just can't stay away from every wrong thing in life
Because those things will enter inside our life we have to adjust them to improve them in life
I feel that we have to understand it in life they say doctor cut away some part from body
When it began to poison our body in life but I feel that we are not those doctor who can judge
Those parts in life god is that doctor so let destiny decide or we just do wrong thing in life
Because sometimes infections are small and things can be cured when even they look worst
In our life let destiny do it why should we decide to that thing in life and just manage to damage
Ourselves beyond repair in life so always keep one thing in mind we must learn to survive
And it doesn't matter who stood with us if we are sure that our morals are perfect in our life
Because then even if that one destroy our team we can understand that our team was never that
Much strong from inside so we just need to create one new strong team inside our future and life.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Poem 1292. Other person's mind

                                              Other person's mind
I just feel if only I can tell you what I have inside my mind will it make you happy or sad
On sometimes in life because when we walk on some road we have many ways in life and
On each way we feel that we are on wrong spot because when we tell someone that truth
Which is so perfect in our life as we go ahead on every time I just feel one thing in my life
When I tell my true feeling they will please you only you will like them in life and every
One of us is just thinking about their feeling no one really care what other thinks in life
And I don't think it happen because we are selfish but it happen because we hardly understand
What other people think in their mind we just observe person and then we decide that
What we really want inside our life as days went ahead on every point we just feel one
Thought from our mind we feel that we are on totally wrong thought inside our life but
Still on every point I feel that those feelings are something wrong for our future and our
Thinking as well as our life as we start walking on some point in our life we just feel
One thought from our mind that when we start thinking about other people we just play
That guess game which we like and every sentence change in different way on every
Thought and on every moment of our life because when we went ahead on every point
We just need to understand one thing in life that on those moment when we walk we are
Just guessing and claiming things in life so I just don''t know what you really think in life
Your truth is different than what truth I have seen in life your hope is different than our
Thoughts and our hopes inside life as we walk ahead on every time we just feel one thought
That we need to understand those moment and those thinking in our life as I think about
Those things which happen on every day of our life we need to understand those feelings
Which are part of future and hidden inside our mind when I just want to walks in my life
I can express my feelings but it seem hardly possible that you can understand them in life
Because some times we cry in happiness and claim our heart so full of happiness that
We want to cry in life and sometimes we start laughing like mad person when sorrows
Hit in bad way  inside our heart and mind we just started laughing on such points in life
As our days went ahead on every point I just feel one thought from my mind which tell me
On every day and on every way in every time we need to understand our thinking because
It is part of our life but still if cry on happiness and laugh in sorrows how can we suppose
To understand those thoughts and mind we just feel one thing from our mind that we don't
Need to understand that thinking which is in other mind because it is an impossible task
For human thoughts and for human mind as we walk on some moment and on some points
We need to have our thinking which will make us perfect and alive in life so when I express
Something I feel it is just to please my heart and my mind even when I say I am doing
Something for other person I think it is just for my mind because when we do something
It will be just by our thoughts and by our mind on every point I have one feeling from
Inside of my mind it was just one thought that I am helping others in life so while helping
Even other I am doing it to please my mind and I don't think we all do it because we just
Think of ourselves in fact I think we even try sometimes to guess other people's mind but
It don't mean that we can have things as we like we just can't able to guess what other want
So we just do things as we like even when we want good for others still we do wrong thing
In our life because we just don't know what is best we do as we thought in life but I just
Feel one thing from mind if we all are doing thing just for ourselves in life then why did
We like to insult ourselves on any thought or on any point we just never understand that
We are not doing any thing for some one else in life we are doing everything just according
To our thinking and thoughts and we are doing it for our mind since as we went ahead in life
We just want to feel we are so great inside our life so on every moment of our life we just
Think one thing from our mind that on every moment we need to live just as we wish in life
Because we can never understand what other are thinking on sometime and when finally
We able to understand it we feel that we are on wrong point of our future and our life.

Poem 1291. To become king and queen

                                           To become king and queen
How nice will be that song when we stop thinking about future from our heart and how
Right and perfect it will look when we will think how pleasant is our present and how wonderful
Was past we can think about those times in a nice way then our future will become some
Thing which is so perfect and so best because as we start in life to walk we will understand
Just good things from past because they are those things which are perfect for our future
And for our thoughts so in our life we must understand that song which can help us on
Every part because when we went ahead on some moment we feel need to understand
Our present and not just some part of our past how much may we wish from heart to
Become king or queen from mind and rule whole world and every part but still we need to
Understands one thing from our mind that for happiness we really don't need a king or
A queen inside life we can be happy with what we got on every time if we learn to live
As we wish in our life we just feel one thought from our mind that our happiness will be
Our that part which touch our heart and soul on every time we just feel that our happy
Days are depend on things which happen in our life we feel that this happiness will take us
Ahead on many points in life as we went ahead on every thought we just think about richness
Of money in mind we just never think about that smile and that logic we need our life because
On every moment in our life we just feel one thought that we are king and queen if we act
In that way which will be perfect for our life as we think on every moment in life that
Our thoughts about becoming rich and famous depend on how much we think about future
In our life because that future will make us famous if we think on every point about it in life
As we start thinking about our future on every time we just feel one thought from our mind
That this future which is taking us ahead on every point we have to make it perfect but
Do you really think worrying  it will help us on every point because when we went
Ahead on every spot of life we just feel one thought from our mind we feel that those
Thinking about richness will not happen because we are not thinking properly in life but
I just feel one thing we are not becoming rich because poverty become problem of our mind
We just think too much about it on days and night when we start something new we feel
That we are on wrong point so we just never dare to take risk because we have already
Heard list of those people who failed in life and winner seem so short in number when
We think about it in that way of life so when we think about future many time we just feel
We are going to fail if we take a risk in our life so how can we go ahead if we just don't
Think about present and don't think about that opportunity but think about that future
Which will help us in life as days went ahead on every point we just feel one thought from
Our mind that when our life goes ahead on some point we just don't understand that
Our present and future is dependent on our progress of life we just think that if we act
Carefully then we can win in our life but sometimes I feel we act too carefully and just
Manage to destroy every day of our life as our life when ahead on every point I just feel
One thought from my mind that those pleasant thoughts which will make us happy are
Not that perfect in life because sometimes we just don't take risk and it will keep us on
One point in life our mind just run around one thought that we want to be rich like king
And queen in our life but mostly it don't happen in our life we need lot of efforts in life
To get from bottom top with honesty is not something just happen in one generation
Normally in life so when we hope for that I feel poverty becomes just future of our mind
We just look around and see those people who manage to do it in blink of eyes so I just
Feel one thought from my mind that in life on every point we need to understand that
This thinking is wrong in our life we can never win in our life without much efforts and
That truth of life how did some people manage to get it that is totally different point I just
Feel why should we think about them after all we are just common person in our life
So on every moment in our life I just feel one thought from my mind we need to think
When we will improve you will first reach to little bit better class not that we can become
King and queen in life I just never understand those thoughts which are perfect for our
Thinking as human being in our life that we can go ahead by step by step and if we go ahead
Then we can manage to go by two steps but we can't expect to reach the top in such little time
And if you trust just few steps ahead you can get all nice thing no need to become royalty in life.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Poem 1290. Let time tell

                                                         Let time tell
My heart ask me one question every time should I use wrong way to get things right in life
I convince my heart again and again with peaceful mind that it is not right for my heart and
For my life because when I use wrong way to get things right future will not be that perfect
As I thought and like but on every moment I just feel one thought from my mind that I don't
Want to use wrong way to get things right but it seems so easy to say in life but as days went
Ahead and people began to bully you in your life suddenly you feel so scared on that time and
That sense of goodness manage to leave our mind I just feel one thing only if god help me then
I can stop on that spot and on that point from convincing my mind that what I need can be
Manage without increasing wrong concept in life but I just feel one thing from my mind that
When something happen no more our nice logic stay with our mind we just act on impulse
Which is wrong many times and then we say something which are wrong for our life as days
Went ahead on every point we just feel one thought from our mind that we are not getting
Things perfect as we like but that don't mean we can start creating wrong thought in mind
But maybe I will think all this only when I got time but on that impulse I just say something
And then things will change in proper way of our life as I think about going out in our life
I just feel one thing from my mind that how can I stop taking that way when my thinking
Began to believe wrong things in life as days went ahead on every point we just feel one thing
From our mind that those things which are wrong are not truly wrong in life and may be
After some days we will feel so in our mind that we are telling truth in our life so when we
Use those ways I just feel sometimes that some wrong things are true for our life as I went
Ahead on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that nothing is wrong in life until
I decide not to tell lies in my life sometimes I feel that only logic can help me to clear my mind
Only it will tell me some thoughts of my mind which tell me whole truth about our future
And about life I just feel my heart asking me one question that is what is wrong and what is right
That is something which I never understand in my life because just after some moment in my
Mind I suddenly began to feel that I am telling truth and I am not taking wrong ways in life
As I went ahead on every point I just feel one thought from my mind that why should I need
To think about those thoughts which are part of my life when I know they are true then
Why should I feel they are wrong in life some people told me that we should say bad things
About someone in life but if they are true then should we just keep our mouth shut and then
Bear those damages in life as we go ahead on every point in life we just feel one thought that
We are standing on wrong point of life is seems as if every thing is so confuse in our life that
On every moment we need to understand those thoughts which are part of our future and
Part of our life because our life never went so straight on every point it just confuse us on
Every moment and on every point so I just feel one thing from my mind that I should never
Understand those thought as truth or as lying in my life I just feel that when we lie again
And again to our mind we began to believe it or some times we just show truth as lie by
People in life as our life went ahead we feel just one thought of our mind we feel that we must
Understand truth of our life that sometimes we do wrong things but sometimes we do right
Things and still feel confuse in life because we don't want to insult anyone in life and I just
Feel on such moment we must need to stop on some point and we must hope that people
Will see truth on suitable time because if we began to tell truth to every one in our life then
Slowly that truth become something so harsh that we began to scream it in life I know it
Happen with me and happen with you sometimes but I just feel one thing from mind that
I don't need to remind that truth again and again in life as we walk in this life on that road
I just feel one thought from my mind that I can win in life but for it I don't want to scream
That way in life so may be I just keep my mouth shut and watch what is happening before me
On sometimes because sometimes when you tell something then it will be enough for each
And every time so once you tell it stop screaming it from top of your lung on every time
Because by this you will just irritate every one on every time some times we don't need to tell
That truth because god will tell that truth will help of time as god told it every time just because
You are truth screaming on other is not your right let them learn their lesson in their own way
At least sometimes give chance to life prove something instead of screaming on every time in life.

Poem 1289. Changing once again

                                                Changing once again
I always wish from my heart that sometimes I should get suggestion from beginning of my life
Because I was in middle of life suggestion enter in my life I just feel so sad because I have to change
Things according to that advice at first I use to think I have wasted my time because if I know it
From beginning maybe I could have done it more perfectly from start of my life but then when
I look at things I just feel one thing from my mind that I could have done better because if I have
Understood that thing in beginning I couldn't have learn so many thing between that time because
At beginning I am totally new for each and every thing about my life so on that moment I created
Those things which may not look so perfect that time but since I have to repair them now at
Least I have spend some time to look behind mostly when we finish something we just keep it
Behind and it is just fair part only because we have to went ahead in life so reading things from
Behind is not favorite thing of life but still it is so important since it improve all mistakes of life
As we went ahead on every spot of life it take us those thought which we have express before
And many times they seem wrong for our life because when we don't have experience in our life
We just feel one thing that we did that best on that moment or on that time and then after some
Time inside our life we realize that was not that best for our life as we went ahead on every point
We feel that we have to began again in life but there are no excuses in our life when we want
Things to become perfect in our life as we start walking on every point I just feel one thought
From my mind that my teacher told me repeat those things again and again in life until you get
Them so perfect and correct that you began to feel that you can't make them better in life and
When we get thing to that point no one can reject it in their life my teacher use to feel that
Many times we get rejected because we don't make things perfect in life but some people says
That this is not truth of life sometimes we get rejected because people have their favorites
In life I just don't know what is truth but still I feel one thing from my mind that my teacher
Know this world lot better than me so my teacher must be right when we do thing perfect then
We will get one day some one who will like but for getting them I need to learn to adjust in life
I feel that when I began to do it from start I make more nice changes inside it on every time
And due to that changes I feel my things will better inside life I feel no art is perfect until it is
Tried again and again in life and no one can become best in life when we go ahead on each
And every moment we need to understand those thoughts in life which take us ahead on
Every point and spot of life as I think about those things which I changed in life I feel that
Every thing is so perfect for my future and for my life because when my art began to get
Better maybe it will not reach to top but at least it will not remain on bottom after so many
Tries in life so I feel I must try every time to get that art to perfect on every moment of life
As days went ahead on every point I just feel that my art will began to grow as tree in life
But we need to cut some branches of trees if we want it to grow perfectly in our life and
On every moment we must understand those thoughts which will help us on every point
Which tell us we must began thing once again to do it better in life but some people just say
We must move ahead in life but I feel it is about going over our past and living on present
Not about improving things in life but just don't listen to every suggestion in life because
Some are just useless on every point of our life when I went ahead on many point I just
Think one thing in my life that my thinking will tell me when I need to improve and when
I don't need to improve in life if I think peacefully in life on every moment I just feel one thought
Which will manage to hurt me on many points that if I just keep repairing them when I will
Get perfect in life but then some one told me no one is perfect in life we just must try to
Get thing as much good as possible then forget about it in our life on every point we need
To understand that sunshine which will make us happy when we change that thing in life
When that sunshine will stop and we are no longer happy about it in life I feel that is the
Moment when we stop changes and keep them away from mind but not just treat it as
A small thing inside life because this thing is big on each and every point in our life so
When we decide to go ahead on every point we just feel one thing in life that may be we can
Make changes as many times as we like but once we feel it is perfect next thing we must do
Ignore what other say in life because we just can't stick on one point for whole life as
Some person will advice in our life so just change things to one limit then happily go ahead in life.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Adventure story 121. Move on

                                                           Move on
Kishori was getting ready for her classes when she heard that arguments.Kishori was so tired of these arguments.She always felt so scared when she heard them.She was scared that someone would heard them.She didn't want anyone to hear them.It was so she started shutting each and every window.It had become hard task but she did it every time.She just never wanted anyone to know about her parent's fights.But she could sense it that they were getting worse.She had to go down and calm them.She ran downstairs when she saw that her father was about to hit her mother who had started fighting back.It seemed like some wrestling match.She never saw anything like that so she screamed on them.Then suddenly her father went to his room when he returned back.He was with bag.He just went out of room without saying anything.Kishori"Mom you have to adjust.""No.We can't.I feel that it is better if we stay away from each other.""No Mom.Never think of divorce.Kids from my school would taunt me.I can't take it.""But sweetheart we can't live together.You have to understand...""No Mom.You and Papa have to manage.I just can't accept it."Then Kishori looked at watch.She was late.She knew that her parents would manage everything until now same thing had happened.She had to go to class so she ran.She never thought any other way out of this mess.She wanted them to patch up and she didn't want to think other way because it was so horrible in her eyes.Her parents couldn't divorce.Much things only happened in stories and she was sure that it was not going to happen in her life.She just went out to catch her bus and she just came in time so she smiled at her luck.Inside her heart she felt that this was good omen so nothing bad would happen in her life.Kishori was perfectly normal in that day until she reached home and her Mom told her that her father was not going to come back.Kishori screamed"Mom will you stop this nonsense.First that is totally wrong who told you that.I just don't believe it.Dad will return in few days.""I don't think so.He went to abroad.""Then he would return after some months."Kishori ignored her Mom.But slowly days started going ahead.Her father didn't phone them for lot of days.On that time her school introduced a function in which Kishori was supposed to give bouquet to special guests.It was decided by their class teacher because every one liked Kishori.She never argued with any one so she looked best.Kishori accepted it happily.But in her heart she knew that special guest was strict so every one wanted to shift that burden so it was given to Kishori.She was happy to do it.
          That day when she was getting ready for that ceremony,her father called.Her Dad"Kishori how are you?""Fine.But Dad where are you?I am waiting for you since so many days and you are not coming.""Listen sweetheart I am not going to come.Your Mom and I have decided that this was enough.We are going to get divorced."Kishori was so shocked.She had heard such things but she had never expected it."Dad you can't do it to me?I need both of you.Just think what will other kids say about me.You are my father.You have to understand that at this age you can't start new life.I mean it is hard to find new companion...""It doesn't matter what happen to me after that I just can't live with your Mom and you know that very well.It is impossible.""But Dad..""You have to accept it.."He was explaining ahead but Kishori just banged his phone and ran to her Mom.She hoped that Mom would do something.Mom"I just have to agree.He didn't want to spend life with me and I can't force him sweetheart.""But you can convince him.You have to try harder.""I have tried my best but it seem impossible.""Mom nothing is impossible in world.You told me that when I was small and too scare to run in that running race.I won it Mom and so will you.Try harder."Her Mom smiled"Kishori you are not little girl now.You are grown up.You have to understand that sometimes you can't change the thing.This is that case.Your father and I can't manage to stay together so it is better to stay separate and give respect to each other.""But Mom.."Kishori kept screaming and her Mom ran to washroom.Kishori could hear it that her Mom was crying.Kishori went back to her room and started crying while hiding her face in pillows of her bed which were bought by her father from some tour.They were used to enjoy their time in that room.Her Mom and Dad used to sit on each of her side and used to read story to her that were their happy days together before her parents started to fight or it was possible that they were fighting even on that time but they could able to manage to hide it from their daughter but now it was impossible to hide so Kishori had to face it all.She was so scared to face it before whole school but she had to do it that was her destiny and she had to accept it.Whenever she liked it or not no longer seemed to be matter to any one much.Her father left them and took his decision.Now they had to suffer the results.Last thing they had to do together.
         From that day Kishori felt that something was wrong and missing from her life.She felt so lost that she didn't know that what did she suppose to do.That day when Kishori entered in school her best friend Nina came running towards her.Nina"Kishori can you give me your book in class?I have forgotten mine."Kishori felt so scared.She didn't feel sure that she had her book.She didn't want to upset Nina.She was her best friend.Kishori"I will search."Then she started searching for that book.She was so confused.Her hands were shaking.She just did able to hold her bag properly.It just fell out of her hand.When Nina took it,Nina"What happen?".Kishori"What if I forgotten that book?""Ohh!!Then we both will get punished."Kishori suddenly felt so scared.She felt as if all world around her was moving when Nina screamed happily"You got that book.Come on let's go to class or our teacher would get angry."They both ran but Kishori ran more fast and sat on her seat.Nina sat near her.Nina sensed that something was wrong.Nina was noticing for many day that Kishori was looking something different but she avoided asking about it until now.She knew that Kishori didn't like to be questioned about personal matters.But now a days she heard one rumor from her friends that Kishori's  Parents were taking divorce.She wanted to ask Kishori if they were true.But she didn't dare because Kishori was looking so disturbed.Then their class teacher came inside.Their class teacher was nice woman but now a days Kishori had become huge fan of her.Kishori's face glowed with happiness when she saw that Madam enter.Kishori"She had come.She was so great.You know she had entered many degrees and she had married to a rich man.She come to teach just as a hobby."Nina nodded."She had two children and she took care of all things."Nina nodded again.Nina was irritated by this blind admiration because she knew that next thing was Kishori started admiring their teacher's dressing style.Nina knew that next day Kishori try to dress just like her.Kishori was so convinced that if she dressed like that teacher.Her life would be perfect like her.Kishori wanted just perfect and nice life.Kishori had decided in her heart that she would follow her footstep.When that teacher asked for book,Kishori ran to give it without thinking that they got just one book.
         Nina was so shocked.She felt that how could Kishori act in such stupid way.Nina had noticed that Kishori was doing every thing now to please some people.Like yesterday when their that rich friend asked to Kishori about her pin and told her that she wanted to try it.Kishori gave it to her.But when that rich girl said that it was cheap.Kishori started crying because she felt that now everyone call her cheap.When that rich girl was just saying that this shopkeeper cheated Kishori.Nina was so confused.Now this she was running to gave their only book.Teacher looked at Kishori with admiration but when Kishori turned back.She saw her friend Nina was looking at accusation.Then Nina took out some other book and they both pretended that they were reading.That whole lesson was wasted due to Kishori's stupidity.Finally when it was over.Nina looked at Kishori with anger.But Kishori was crying .Kishori started shaking like leaf"I made will ...quit my ..friendship."Nina was shocked.Nina"Nonsense."Kishori smiled then their teacher called Kishori.Kishori wanted to go ahead but she noticed that she was sweating and shaking.When she came near teacher.That teacher asked her about her health.Kishori wanted to say that she was fine.But she didn't able to say a word.Finally that teacher just went away.As soon as that teacher went away,Kishori began to speak.Kishori was so upset.She was sure that her teacher was angry.But her lips were so sealed by fear.Nina"Are you okay?""I am so sorry.I am doing everything wrong."Then Kishori started crying loudly whole class was watching her in shock.After that Kishori went in temple.From childhood her mother used to take her to temple.She had strong faith in god.She was even used to do fast on each Monday.Every day she used to go to temple.Nina was not that strong believer of god but still she used to give her friend company so they both were going in temple.Nina knew that after going inside Kishori would keep chanting and taking round around gods as per her fixed number.Nina didn't knew numbers.But she knew that they were fixed when they would be over.They would chat happily until school time would come.Nina loved it so she was sitting there when she noticed their teacher.Teacher turned to Nina.Teacher"Do you believe in god?That you are sitting here."Nina was confused but then suddenly Kishori came there.This time she spoke but her voice was shaking and she was sweating"Yes Madam I always worship."Their teacher started laughing on them.Teacher"Did god fulfill your wish?"Nina noticed there was terrible pain in Kishori's face.Nina knew that she was thinking about her parent's separation.Kishori's wish was not fulfilled.Then that teacher started convincing them that trusting god was stupidity.She told them that she had came here just because she wanted to return their book.
       Nina saw it clearly that Kishori was hurt from inside of her heart.After that day on daily basis they started going straight to school.Kishori was very upset.Kishori was looking so confused.She just started looking out of window.One day Nina asked "What are you doing?""I am talking to my new father of my dream world.""What?""He will not quit me."Nina was so shocked.Nina"Kishori are you sick?"Kishori just continue staring out of that window.Nina could sensed that some thing was not right.That day she went with Kishori to her home.She saw that Kishori's Mom was not at home.She had to leave Kishori alone.As soon as Nina left,Kishori saw that there was her new friend.She began to chat with her for hours.She knew that it was wrong but she needed it.At beginning it was limited but slowly Kishori even began to hear voices.Suddenly one day she felt that someone was calling her from bathroom.She ran there.She even fall on floor while doing it.She was hurt but when she reached there.She saw that no one was there.Finally it began to turn into too much.She sensed that it was not going away.She didn't trust god.She didn't had any one to ask so she finally turned to Nina and told her everything.Nina was small but she had enough brain to know that this was not right.Nina"Maybe we shall go to my Mom?""But what did she do?""She talked to your Mom."" will just make my Mom angry.""So you want to keep hearing those voices and keep talking to those people."Kishori nodded head negatively so they went to Nina's Mom who visited Kishori's Mom and broke this news slowly to her.Kishori's Mom started crying but Nina's Mom consoled her.Nina's Mom"Don't worry.Psychiatrist will help her.""But..""No buts.Many children have problems when their parents get divorced.They don't able to handle it."Then Kishori's Mom took her to psychiatrist.Kishori's Mom"Do you think that it was my mistake.I should not have divorce.""Now don't start your mental problem.You can't able to adjust with your husband so it bound to make problem and according to your description you had tried enough.She had to accept it.She was developing anxiety and fear due to your separation and for coping with her.She was trying to defense everywhere who can give her security but instead of getting it.She was increasing problem by creating wrong hopes.Like she was trying to keep every one around her so she would not feel scared.But she had to accept reality and she would do it with my help."Then for some days that psychiatrist called Kishori.After long treatment she finally accepted her parent's divorce.Kishori even began to chat with them without hoping or thinking of their patch up.She learned one thing on young age that was meaning of move on.
                                                          The End

Friday, January 24, 2014

Poem 1288. One of them

                                                       One of them
Let's cross that bridge of my life which tell me again and again in my life that I was on
Correct side of life let's cross that bridge which will take me away from my sunshine but
Not because I was just force to do it in life but because I want to learn new things in life
Let's cross that bridge which will take us in those forest which will have animals that wild
But that with scare and sorrow but with hope of good future in our mind let's cross that
Bridge which will give us true sunshine in our life and let's not feel those sorrows which
We first felt when we cross that bridge in life as days went ahead on every point I just
Feel one thought from my mind that I am crossing that bridge because I feel that I need
To find new things in life let's see that perfect and bright sunshine before going ahead
On that side which will have night many times in life we have to cross that bridge and
Had to keep happiness behind because it will harm our future on every time in our life
I feel from my heart and from my mind that while crossing bridge is something so nice
And important for life it leads us to positive thoughts of our mind I just feel that this bridge
Is so perfect for our life that on every moment and on every time we need to understand
One thing in life that this bridge will take to darkness but still if we want to retain our
Step in life because when we reach to other side of bridge we can learn many things in life
And for keeping happiness intact only when we able to get new things inside our life so
On many points in our life when we cross that bridge we feel that our air will clear in life
I just never understand that bridge which will cross to other side why have to kept in such
A way that on one side is my happiness home and adventure and that dark forest on other side
But this is our life and we need to cross that bridge on every time because I just can't imagine
My life in just my bed while sleeping from days and nights our home can be perfect and nice
Place for our life but every one can't just sit there since slowly those tides which come from
Water can capture our home and put in water for entire life if we don't cross that bridge
And don't go to other side to see what is problem which is creating those tides when those
Tides touch our ground in worst way on every time I just feel one thing only if it is peaceful
For our future and our mind to go in those dark mountain which are something so mysterious
For our life I feel just one thought from mind that those mysterious mountain which are
Truly not part of my life are something so perfect to visit when my home is in problem in life
I know there is darkness on that mountain and they are unknown to my thinking and my mind
But then when we want to go ahead we are force to do those things in life as days went ahead
I feel sometimes from my mind why I am making so many efforts when my own home don't
Seem to care much about them in life but then my soul ask me one question am I alone on
That point but when I see around me I can see many of people are crossing with me and
Trying to do same thing in life so they are no more just people to me they are those friends
Who are important to me even than that home which I have left behind I just feel one thing
From my mind that my thoughts are just limited to some people who like to criticize my mind
When it will come question of home I just never think of those who really care for those
Nice thoughts but they just don't understand how important it is to think what they want in those
They just stick to one point which was convince to them they just feel that crossing bridge
Is not required because they believe their angel and their god will come and help them and
They just believe in someone who is stood with them and they feel that this person will bring
Them that shine which is needed suddenly in their eyes god becomes that person in every way
But inside our life time will always tell that when there will be problem we need to go ahead
And cross those bridge to understand that problem no one will help us if we just stood on
Same side and on same way god will help only those who sometimes help themselves but
If those people don't understand does it mean that they don't deserve our help every thing in life
Seem to turn in wrong way on each day because they don't understand that we need to go
Ahead on each and every moment I just have to cross that bridge with my unknown friends
In my life because even if some of my people don't understand it still help them is duty of
My life not because of just my morals but because I am one of them for my entire life.

Poem 1287. Vacation

From one side of life to another side I just feel one thought from my mind that when did my
Vacation start for my mind but some people just think vacation means just outing I wish people
Can understand different concepts of it in life for me it is reading of book and for some one
It could be stretching as much as that person like each person have one hobby inside our life
But some people just feel that vacation means something doing useful in life but some people
Like to read books then they say it must autobiography about life reading horror,suspense or
Comedy and romance don't give you any knowledge in life so even when they choose hobby
They decides which books to read in life only thing which left to do is give us list of books
And they even do it in life and some people think we must exercise on those times of life so
In my hands they say it must be autobiography and those who love stretching are rewarded with
Trekking inside life so those who want to enjoy their vacation are treated as dust by these
People inside life these people just told us what will be great for our future and our entire life
So instead of relaxing we are force to do stunts even on vacations of our life I just feel one
Thought from my mind that those vacation are not that great thing for life because when
I want to read some thing I prefer it to be of my choice what other people tell me have so
Much knowledge that it is destroy my peace of mind even without hurting me from inside
Because when I took that book which is chosen by others and I don't take it by choice
I feel as if I am working and vacation began to lose charm of it in life as we go ahead on
Every moment of our life I just feel that I need to understand those thoughts of mind which
Will make our life so happy from each and every side as days went ahead on every moment
I just feel one thing from my mind that those book or those trekking we are doing should
Not be forced on us but it should happen with our choice because slowly as days went ahead
On each and every point we just feel one thought from our thinking and our mind that
We are not free on even vacation then what is use of one word vacation inside life I think
People must understand vacations means enjoying time even if someone starts to read book
If you started categorizing them in life what good will happen in case of this inside our life
We just feel one thought from every day of our mind we feel that every book can be nice
Inside our life after all those all books are full of knowledge but they just change in area of subject
So we must understand each one have some knowledge in your life just after seeing some
Books you can't say some are good and some are bad for our life I know we need more
Knowledge but knowledge is something not nice for life after all those knowledge have
Some factors which are important for our life I feel that knowledge is something not that
Perfect and nice when it began to be supplied on only particular parts of my life as days
Went ahead on every time we all just feel one thought from our mind that our thinking will
Be stopped enjoying every thing when we are discouraged in life some people love to trek
Even if we hate still we need to understand they have their own life even if we don't like
We have to understand vacations are those time when people act as they like only until
They don't break rules or destroy something it is okay to go ahead as we prefer and like
So in our life on every point we use to think just one thought that such things are not
Permitted in life are those things which manage to hurt or destroying every thing else is
Perfect and okay in life because people just feel one thought from their mind that we can't
Win anything unless we can have some vacation as we prefer and like in our life because
When our life went ahead on every point we just feel one thought from our mind that
Each person have different way of enjoying life so we must give them at least some minutes
And at least some days of life to live as they wish because it is their time those who love
Trekking can trek for miles as they like and those who love sleeping can sleep for hours
After hours inside life those people who just love reading can read what they like and
Trust me everything have some profit inside those who manage to sleep can even get
More strength of working some time and those who read books can get different knowledge
In life and even if those people don't get anything and just enjoy lazily then still we must
Allow it in life just one thought that is it's their vacation so we must not control their time.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Poem 1286. Lightning in darkness

                                             Lightning in darkness
How much we miss that sky which is not clouded in life but when we think that one thing
Our problems are part of life and our sky never look better when if we look carefully then
We can even like those clouds I know problem but still they are some part of problem
In our future and in our life but then when I think of rain as positive thing of life I just feel
One thing from life that on every point without dark clouds rains is not that possible in life
But then sometimes when I look at black clouds I feel they also have some thrill inside and
They also look so interesting on our days and on our night when we just look at those clouds
Which have that darkness inside we just feel one thought from our mind that this darkness
Is something so interesting for our mind that on every moment we just feel that we need to
Understand that this thrill will take us ahead on every point I feel that in sky which have that
Darkness in our mind which wake us up on those thoughts which are important for our life
When I look at those clouds we feel there is thrill inside it on every point because as we went
Ahead in our life we feel just one thing that we have just ignore those problems because
They will manage to hurt us in life but if we see them as some game or as roller coaster
Of our future and of life we can easily see that thrill which will make us happy on each point
As days went ahead on every point I just feel one thought from my mind that those days
Which are good for future and for our life they are nothing wrong but just some thoughts
Which are so perfect for our mind but we can't live perfectly every day we need to understand
That we need to live in different way on some parts of our life we will just feel one thing
From our mind that those thoughts which are perfect are not something so unique for mind
Because as we went ahead I feel that in those clouds there is that darkness in which there
Is hidden shining of those clouds I know some hate that lightening but sometimes I feel
Strange thrill when I see it inside my sky I know it is risky but still it is something so
Unique for thoughts and for mind same way problems are part of our life they are something
Scary but still they are unique part of our life as we went ahead on every time I just feel
One thought from my mind that how can I go ahead on any part of life when my all thoughts
And stuck in strange way in my everyday life as I went ahead on every point I feel that
Shining is that problem which is not good because I am not having control on it in any point
But just by looking it I feel so scared in life only if I think about it peacefully in life because
As days went ahead on every point we just feel one thought from our mind if that lightening
Fall on us what will happen to us in life but when once I saw that lightening I just feel
One thought that I want to watch that beauty without thinking twice because that beauty is
An important part of our life because I know that I will die one day without much help from
Any angle and any side when I just began to walk in my life I just have one thought from
My thinking and from my mind because on every point I just feel one thing from my life
That my thoughts are not taking me on just different side in life because on every moment
We just feel one thought from our mind that these thinking which take us to problems
Are those thoughts which tell us that lightening can harm us on many times in life because
Just by going one way in thinking we are scaring ourselves in life as we go ahead we have
To think on every angle of life and it is not easy to understand those parts or those angles
In our life we like our those problems when they give thrill at beginning to life we feel
That they have so beautiful that it will help us on every day of life but as days went ahead
Slowly in our life we just feel that we are looking at some danger not pleasant thing in life
So then we get scared and I think that wrong point in life we have feel just conscious
About whole thing in life as our days went ahead on every point we feel just one need from
Our future and from our mind that on every point we feel that those darkness are just
Part of our life because on every moment we need to see that lightening as part of our life
We can learn to handle those problems but those problems can never look so perfect for
Our future and our life we just feel one thought from our mind that we need to understand
We must have to learn to understand those problem instead of getting scared or enjoying in life.

Poem 1285. One angel

                                                       One angel
A tree gives you shade that is a rule of life it never choose a person who stand under it
In life and even if that is saint or some murderer in life tree never make difference that is
Truth of our life but when tree act this way we call it so great in life but if some person
Act this way we insult that person with many names in life how interesting are those
Thoughts which began in our life because when I think about them I just feel one thing
In my life that on every day I just feel that those tree which enter in my life look so
Perfect to me on days and nights but when some person began to help wrong person
I become so angry in my life I just don't want but I seem to always keep double standard
In my life as our life went ahead on every moment of life I just feel one thought from
My mind that on every moment I need to understand those thoughts of our life that
On every moment we feel so perfect in our life when we scream on that person why
Did that person encouraging wrong things in life when like a good tree that person
Gave us fruits we feel so happy to have them in life when that person give us shade
On every moment we just feel how perfect it is in life on every moment we just run
To that shade when we felt our problems are going to enter in our life because on every
Moment and on every time we run to those shades I mean to those person for help in
Our future and our life because on every point in our life I feel that we have inside
Our life those person as crying shoulder every time we know those people are so good
And so soft from inside but still on every point in our life we never understand those
Thoughts which are so perfect for our future and our life I feel that this person is
Something so soft nature inside our life that when some one get hurt even little bit in life
We just feel one thought from our mind that these person are so helpful like angel in life
These person just take us ahead on every corner of our life as I see those person as so
Great that I admire that person because that person help me in life then I see that person
Helping other person in life and putting them before self and I admire that person more
And more in life as days went ahead on every point I feel that those days which are so
Perfect in our life but then I feel as days went ahead I feel that person is so perfect and
I am so lucky to have that person by my side I just feel that if that person will stay with me
Then I can survive easily in life if we can act together as team against evil in life I feel that
I need such nice angel to fight with devil on each and every time and I even began to plan
How I can defeat evil and bad with such nice person's help in life after all not selfish person
Is biggest and rarest gem of world and of any one's life so as days went ahead on every
Thoughts are on every point I just feel one thing from my mind that I need to get things
Properly inside my life but then as days went ahead I found that angel is not as wise as
I thought inside life that angel is just something who never help me in life because when
That angel saw someone in problem that angel run to help that person in life because as
Days went ahead on every point I feel just one thing from my mind that my angel don't
See difference in wrong and right person inside life so on every point I just feel one thing
In life that when that angel began to help everyone slowly that angel began to help those
People who are part of our life as days went ahead on every point we just feel one thought
From inside that when this angel is helping wrong people and creating problems in life so
Then on every moment I feel that those tree which are helpful for our life are something
Totally wrong on every point because as days went ahead on every point I just feel one thought
From my mind that I can't win on any part of my life I will just keep winning on every point
When I don't help wrong person in life but my angel seems to got one idea inside mind that
Help is something must be done to every one in life as days went ahead on many points
I just feel one thought from my mind that my angel is not that good and I scream on my
Angel from my top of lung that time but then when I thought about it peacefully I just
Find out one thing in my life that I know my angel is like tree then I must understand that
This angel will help every person in life so on every point I feel just that angel is perfect
But I just don't able to understand what is true meaning of one angel inside my mind and life.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Poem 1284. Good thoughts

                                                     Good thoughts
How funny it feel when I wait for much long time and then suddenly in life people tell me
I am doing all wrong in my life so I just feel that I am doing all wrong in life but then after
Some moment on every part of life I just have one feeling from my mind that on every
Occasion we need to start our fight which just lead us to many problems which are part
Of our future and of our life as I went ahead on every point I feel just one thought from
My mind that those futures which I see are not so good for our life but then I feel that
Every thought in my life maybe I am wrong but then I feel that I am not on right side in life
Because after some moment in my life I just feel that this is my life style on every moment
In life I want to walk that way just as I like on every moment I just feel one thought from
My mind that on every moment I want to go ahead in my life I feel that I need some other
Person on every moment in life as days went ahead from point to point I just feel one
Thought from my mind that my happiness is depend on how I act in my life my thoughts
Are something just part of my future and part of my life on every moment I just feel
One thing from my mind that I will walk on that way in life so then I feel one thing from
My mind that on every moment I need to adjust with my life so when I take it ahead
I must take it as I like if my way is wrong and if my way is right I just want it and think
If I don't harm it then what is wrong in that way inside our life because on every point
I just feel one thing from my every moment of life that I want to win in my future and
In my life I just have one thought from every moment of life that I can walk as I like since
I feel winning is important thing of my entire life because on every moment inside my life
I just feel one thought from my mind that when people tell me that I am wrong way they
Are mostly talking about money and profits of life and they mostly felt that they are those
People who have feeling inside mind as their life went ahead on every point we just feel
One thing from our mind we feel that when we don't get profit in our life we are nothing
Doing nothing but just useless thing in life but when I look at history I feel one thing from
My mind many people who don't run after money have achieved so many things in our life
I just feel one thing from my mind that those thoughts which we achieve are nothing but
Just useless thoughts in life but then I feel that my feeling only goes this way when I am
Depress in life on every moment I just feel one thing that we are not on right and perfect
Side of our life some just love money and some just like other things in life so then on
Every point I just think this way in our life that those thoughts which are perfect until
We think that thoughts about money in life because on every way we feel if we lose
Money then we will lose everything in our life we feel from every front that we are so
Helpless if money don't come in life some people just convince us that we don't understand
Importance of money on every time we have one feeling in our life that those who want
Money are right and if we are running after thoughts are useless part of life as we went
Ahead on every moment we just feel one thing in our life that we will win and lose on
Every moment of our life but still we can never win until we adjust in our life because
As our days went ahead on every moment of life I feel that I am on totally wrong thought
About future and about life they just have one thought that some person can achieve
Lot of things without money in life and when they take money suddenly same angel turn
Into worst devil for our life we never want people to keep faith in goodness of life but
We just want them to bow before those gods which we prefer as truth of life if we truly
Believe in goodness then tell me just one thing in my life that why did we think that
On each time we should get money on every side of our life and I just feel one thought
From my mind that on every day we need to adjust things in our life that we just feel
One thought that we are not right but we are wrong in our life because just running
After money don't give us success every time sometimes money give you that thirst
Which can't be fulfil by anything in life but those thoughts of goodness are true friends
Of our life just believe on my thinking that we are truthful to those thoughts which
Are good for our life then one day we can get money or we can live without it with smile
Some say it is easy to say when your stomach is full in your life but I just have one
Question who will speak of those good morals if those people have full stomach can't
Talk about them in life because person with empty stomach have more important works in life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...