Friday, May 22, 2015

Poem 2117. Pleasant sort of look

                                                      Pleasant sort of look
How pleasant sort of look enter in our life it will give freshness to our mind for that sort of look we
Have just one need from inside those sort of pleasant things which will give freshness to us will look
So much great on every point of life when lovely feel of happiness will enter in life when those sort
Feel which show world in new style will enter in our world on every point since that feel will tell us
Just one thought from inside pleasant sort of feel is need of our life when we move ahead on every
Point I just need that freshness from my mind when our mind will wake up pleasant thoughts from
Inside we need to understand that life is not that much worst only if we tried to make it happy on
Every point those pleasant feel are something for which we have desire from inside those sort of
Feel will show us our life in pleasant style but it’s up to us when we start to look for pleasant feel
Just which we need from mind we can see it in mountain and every tree on each point when we
Look around we just have one feel from mind that every part of nature will looking so much interesting
On just every moment of life that pleasant sort of look can be seen at every step of life when
We move ahead we just see every part nature that look which will be so nice even in simple thing
Which will show us new feel from inside every natural thing will have some result on mind we need
To understand nature on every point I just see every thing in nature as best help in life when we
Move ahead on every point we need to understand pleasant sort of look will be interesting for our
Thinking and life we get it from every thing as per our choice when we move ahead at every step
We feel one thought from inside those look which touch us will have that perfect feel in life since
At every part nature we see look lovely  on every point those sort of things which will appeal us on
Just every point which tell us every thing is interesting in life we need to change our ways of looking
That is need of every point when we look in positive way things will look so great to our life when
We start to move ahead we have just one thinking from our mind that those pleasant sort of look
Which is part of our nature will contents many sort of things which are simple still nice when life
Will start showing many complication on every point life will seem so hard but just when we look
Out of our window it will look great at every point when our life will show us many points then just
Every thing will look so much great at every thinking of life those things which are part of our nature
Just never look that much right we have to understand that complications are part of our life but
Then those sort of feel which will show us many sort of point from our mind nature will look so
Much great at every point of our mind those thoughts which are touching our mind will show us
What we decide our eyes will show us just world but our mind will give it meaning on every point
When world will look great we have to think one thing from inside that understanding nature will
Look great but only for limited point we have to understand those thoughts which will show us
Just sort of thinking for our world at every point those thoughts will show our mind that thinking
Which will be understood from eyes when we decide with our mind we can began to love every
Part of that look which will look great just due to our mind because those feel which will touch us
On every point those concepts which will show us those sort of thinking from our mind which will
Show us look in nature which will touch our mind even those simple sort of things will look so much
Different part of nature which have so many feel that are creating effect on our life when we feel
Mind will have effect due to our thinking on every point we need to find every thing in just one
Positive way in our life when our life will turn in positive way at every point in nature every thing
Will have so much effect in life we have to think about them in good way in life we can see trees
Just as we like we can see trees as basic of mind when in nature we can see many things on just
Every point nature will have simple things which will have different meaning from inside I just have
One feeling from inside those sort of things which are necessary in life can be taken even from
Just simple trees in life they can start your mind in good way on every point we have just one sort
Of thinking inside those sort of natural things which are located in life but then when we have to
Understand our mind those simple sort of natural things will touch our life those trees are always
With us standing outside we can see good things in those trees on every point but some things just
Never happen in life that is we attach our happiness to simple things in life we just keep attach to
Such big things which will have so much wrong impact on life try to relate happiness to simple thing
And you will achieve it easily in life on every point we will see that happiness due to nature on each point.

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